The following recommendations for overcoming specific health problems contain in a condensed form some important or specific ingredients of a natural approach. However, it is essential to incorporate these specific recommendations into a holistic program for improving the wellbeing of the whole person.

Most modern diseases are caused by or associated with dysbiosis – pathogenic microbes, and especially Candida, dominating in the intestines due to antibiotics and similar drugs. These damage the intestinal wall, causing Leaky Gut Syndrome which then leads to allergies, weakening of the immune system, and pathogens invading other parts of the body. This then becomes the basis of most of our chronic diseases, including autoimmune diseases, cancer, and general health deterioration. In addition, the related condition pyroluria is reaching epidemic proportions; see the entry Pyroluria in this article. If Candida and pyroluria are not corrected then other therapies may not properly work. After Intestinal Sanitation, using the systemic antimicrobial therapy (Ultimate Cleanse), a cleansing program, Fasting and Cleansing, and a High-Quality Diet and Food Groups and Diets your disease or health problem may just disappear without any further therapies being required.

In addition to any supplements specifically mentioned for your problem, you may also need to take a vitamin B-complex, P5P (the active form of vitamin B6) and other vitamins and minerals, ascorbate/MSM, antioxidants, and other helpful nutrients, especially taurine and coconut oil. Be aware that oil-soluble vitamins and nutrients should be taken with a meal containing fats or oils or, even better, directly mixed with coconut oil. When “Microhydrin” is mentioned do not take “Microhydrin Plus” instead. Also experiment with other methods described at my website, such as reflexology, meridian, magnet or colour therapy, and guided imagery to improve diseased organs and assist healing. The more of an effort you make the better will be the result.


Focus on intestinal sanitation, pyroluria and systemic antimicrobial therapy; see the Ultimate Cleanse; also try Beck-type electronic zapper and magnetic pulser. Use a predominantly raw food diet with plenty of sprouted seeds, acidophilus ferments, root-vegetables raw as blended purees, and fresh, mainly green-leaf vegetable juices. Emotional and mind therapies. For supplements and other supportive measures see ‘Infections and Inflammations’ below.


Basic Cleanse followed by food allergy testing and a diet based on acidophilus ferments, raw root-vegetables as blended purees, and fresh, mainly green-leaf vegetable juices with added water for a temporary fluid intake of about 4 litres. Try homeopathic remedy made of the addictive substance, high-potency B-complex, glutamine, affirmations, guided imagery, outdoor activity, and group support, try emotionally bonding types of sexual activity such as Karezza. Detoxify using saunas or hot baths to induce sweating, see Hydrotherapy.


Focus on Intestinal Sanitation and controlling Candida, see the Ultimate Cleanse. Test individual foods and chemicals with an elimination diet after a 5-day water fast or Basic Cleanse. Possibly use a rotation diet and use the same food only once every five days; eat small meals and chew well. Use digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, vitamin B complex, high vitamin C, glutamine, and MSM. Alkalize the body with sodium bicarbonate. Avoid or minimize intake of sweet food, flour products and food additives. Make a homeopathic remedy from the offending allergens, also see Allergy Testing.

Alzheimer's disease and Dementia

Focus on intestinal sanitation, antimicrobial and anti-Candida therapy, pyroluria, raw food and liver cleansing. Gradually increase up to 5 tablespoons of coconut oil and 10 g of ascorbate and MSM, P5P in addition to B complex with high niacinamide, vitamins D3 (5000 IU) and E, borax/boron, iodine, magnesium, selenium and zinc, bromelain and hydrochloric acid with meals, alkalise. Use plenty of turmeric paste and fresh green/chlorophyll juice or blended puree, rub 50-70% DMSO on the skin, e.g. abdomen; clean blood vessels and remove waste proteins with nattokinase and serrapeptase as in Hypercoagulation. Avoid paracetamol and Problem Foods, remove aluminium and mercury, amalgam fillings and dead or root-canalled teeth.


Focus on intestinal sanitation, pyroluria and Candida. Use fresh green juices or purees, powder of cereal grasses and sprouted seeds, liver underdone or freeze-dried. Take hydrochloric acid with cooked proteins; minimize sweet food. Supplement all vitamins, B6 as P5P, also taurine and organic forms of iron (only for premenopausal women), copper, zinc, manganese, chromium, and selenium. Do a parasite cure with gum turpentine, borax, wormwood, cloves or tincture of walnut. Try red colour therapy; get mild sun exposure and outdoor activity. Treat any excessive menstrual bleeding and avoid long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs, especially aspirin. Take sodium bicarbonate before meals not only to alkalise but to get CO2 into the body to release oxygen from haemoglobin.


Focus on intestinal sanitation, pyroluria, and antimicrobial therapy.

DIET: Use the Basic Cleanse followed by allergy testing and a predominantly raw food diet. Use ground linseed, fish oils, coconut oil, olive oil, and plenty of grass juice and sprouted seeds. Take hydrochloric acid with protein meals, and sodium bicarbonate before breakfast. Avoid or minimize sweet, fatty food as well as wheat products, gluten, milk, cheese, commercial cooking oils, processed food, test food of the nightshade family (potato, tomato, capsicum, and eggplant).

SUPPLEMENTS: Take vitamin B6/P5P (especially with problems of the hands) and nicotinamide in addition to multivitamins, also magnesium, boron (at least 10mg/day, best as borax), zinc, and ascorbate/MSM; try topical copper salicylate solution for pain and inflammation, or, alternatively, copper colloids or copper bracelet. Also useful are digestive enzymes (bromelain) with protein meals, glucosamine, chondroitin and broth of fish heads. Nattokinase and Serrapeptase improve blood circulation and removal of protein wastes, see Hypercoagulation.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Rub 70% DMSO with magnesium chloride into affected joints and at another time warm peanut oil (do not take it orally). Try blistering agents, or hot magnesium chloride packs and baths, or a hot bath followed by sweating wrapped in blankets. Use blue light therapy over painful areas and orange light on stiff, calcified joints. Try magnet therapy, deep muscle massage; remove dead teeth and mercury amalgam fillings; Keep the urine alkaline. For details see Overcoming Arthritis.


The main causes are dysbiosis and infestation with Candida and pleomorphic microbes, therefore focus on intestinal sanitation and systemic antimicrobial therapy (Ultimate Cleanse). Initially avoid and later minimize sweet food, wheat, gluten and lactose as in milk products (except butter), also aspirin, vaccinations and processed food. Avoid sulphites which are used in many foods and medications as preservatives. Allergy testing is essential; use plenty of coconut oil and acidophilus ferment, also ground linseed, fish oils and extra virgin olive oil, avoid other commercial oils.

Use vitamin A in addition and not instead of beta-carotene; also vitamins D, E, C, P5P, B-complex, lysine, magnesium, manganese, MSM, selenium, and zinc are helpful. Try molybdenum with sulphite sensitivity, Take hydrochloric acid with protein meals if your fingernails are weak. Alkalise with sodium bicarbonate to keep your urine alkaline. Use foods high in antioxidants, ascorbate, bioflavonoids, and carotenoids, including green tea, grape seed extract, and purple foods.

Breathing exercises: inhale into the abdomen and exhale as slowly as possible, do this also routinely during sedentary activities. After normal exhalation continue to hold your breath for as long as possible (Buteyko Therapy), blow up balloons. Preferably live in a dry, warm climate or elevated position, avoid damp places as well as moulds and fungi in air and food. Use natural fibre mattresses or wrap foam mattresses in polythene sheeting with only a small opening at the bottom.

Some asthmatics claim to have been cured by regularly inhaling 3% hydrogen peroxide sprayed directly into the mouth from a spray bottle, while others had success with inhaling high concentrations of negative ions from a air ionizer or with spray-inhaling a 10% sodium ascorbate solution. Hydrogen peroxide probably is best against fungal infestations, and antioxidant spray with inflammations and oxidative damage. Try both but generally use antioxidants as the main approach.

Eliminate parasites with wormwood, cloves, black walnut tincture and electronic zapper. Vomiting therapy can help; try to cough up mucus after hot onion packs on the chest. Make children emotionally secure, emotional release therapy for adults. Use the Emotional Freedom Technique, see Mind Tools. For details see Overcoming Asthma.

Autism and Asperger Syndrome see Hyperactivity below.

Autoimmune Diseases

In autoimmune diseases the immune system attacks faulty body cells, probably due to infestation with microbes or their toxins. Common causes are intestinal dysbiosis with fungal overgrowth, dead teeth resulting in jawbone infections, and possibly vaccines. Autoimmune diseases include type1 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, lupus (S.L.E.), multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and thyroiditis.

The main therapies are intestinal sanitation, intensive microbial therapies, addressing pyroluria and using high ascorbate/MSM. Further, avoid gluten products (including beer) and substances to which you are allergic or sensitive, sweetened food, genetically modified or microwaved food and processed food in general. By far the best option is to adopt a diet of mainly raw food, see Food Groups and Diets. Use high amounts of antioxidants and all essential vitamins and minerals. See ‘Infections and Inflammations’ below, and also any entries for your specific autoimmune disease.

Back Problems

Use a low allergy diet; take vitamins C, D, E, and B complex, and high doses of boron, manganese, zinc, and magnesium. Reflexology is very effective, as are magnesium chloride or Epsom salt rubs or packs and topical 70% DMSO. For shrunken disks, stretch the spine and have it rubbed with Hypericum oil; get deep muscle massage or pressure applied at tight muscles; have a spinal adjustment. Hang upside down (inversion swing) for problems in the lower back. Try stretching exercises; sleep on a firm bed, and women should avoid wearing high heels. Improve the digestive system and any diseased organ, as back pain often results from problems in inner organs. Try magnet therapy and other recommendations in Arthritis and see Spinal Therapy & Massage. Maximise walking, minimise sitting, also sit, stand and walk straight as an exercise. Try the Chi Machine.

Broken Bones

Fresh vegetable juices, broth of fish heads, and bone meal can be helpful as well as vitamins C, D3 and K2, manganese, boron, zinc, magnesium, and comfrey root. Place the north-pointing pole of a magnet above the fracture (towards the trunk) and the south-pointing pole opposite and below the fracture (towards fingers or toes); also try a pulsating magnetic field at the site of the injury. Also see Osteoporosis below.


Cancer is a degeneration of body cells into fungal-type cells due to blockage of the oxidative energy metabolism in cancer cells. Therefore, cancer responds very well to antifungal therapy. Read Is Invasive Cancer a Hyphal Fungus?Managing the Immune System and Cancer Therapy- A New Direction. For treatment follow Overcoming Cancer. The 8 part program Overcoming Cancer on my website is no longer suitable for treatment. The following is an overview of a six step program:

1. Alkalize the Body: When the lymph fluid is alkaline tumour growth as well as inflammations and pain are inhibited. Therefore, use sufficient sodium bicarbonate to keep your urine most of the time above pH7 and best above 7.5. When the urine pH is maintained for 4 to 7 days above 8 tumours tend to shrink. In addition gradually increase sodium ascorbate and MSM to about 2 rounded teaspoons or 10 grams each spaced out during the day to kill microbes in tumours and improve their oxygen supply.

2. Eliminate Harmful Microbes: All cancers are associated with pleomorphic microbes that become more widespread and develop more malignant bacterial and fungal forms the further the cancer progresses. Some important supplements to strengthen the immune system are selenium, zinc, boron, magnesium, antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin D3. We eliminate microbial overgrowth by sanitizing the gastro-intestinal tract and use antimicrobials as in the Ultimate Cleanse.

3. Cleanse the Body: Very effective is a long cleanse of about 6 weeks on a small amount of fresh juices or purple grapes or blended raw vegetables. This frequently allows the body to digest not only the waste products accumulated inside cells but also any tumours with a minimum of unpleasant side-effects. If your energy is not sufficient for a long cleanse, have a string of shorter ones, and at other times use a raw food diet high in vitality and enzymes.

4. High-Quality Diet: Use plenty of fresh raw foods high in enzymes and easily digestible to improve vitality and restart energy production in blocked mitochondria. In addition use special foods and nutrients such as coconut oil which strengthen the immune system and inhibit tumour growth. Important nutrients are the minerals boron, iodine, magnesium, selenium, and zinc as well as vitamins A, C, D3, E and P5P. Also good are MSM and DMSO, carotenes such as astaxanthin, beetroot and berries with purple juices.

5. Mind improvement: Your expectations and emotions are the key to overcoming cancer. Do whatever is needed to feel good about yourself and the world. Release any emotional conflict shock, and persistent negative emotions, and then focus on positive ones. Recommended mind tools are relaxation, meditation and especially guided imagery. Develop a spiritual attitude to life.

6. Prevent Metastases: Metastases are promoted by stress, toxins, inflammation, and growth stimulants, commonly starting at the time of the first medical treatment. Inflammations are the main factor and mainly due to Candida, the cancer microbe, surgery, and overacidity. A serious side-effect due to chronic inflammation is clumped blood or hypercoagulation which greatly impairs blood flow. This is due to an overproduction of fibrin which causes the blood to be sticky and promotes metastasis.


Due to the widespread and inappropriate use of antibiotics Candida-related problems have now become epidemic. Candida albicans is best known as causing the annoying itching of thrush but that is just the tip of the iceberg. More serious are gastro-intestinal problems and a wide range of diseases when it invades the body in its hyphal form. This not only weakens the immune system, but acetaldehyde and other fungal toxins increasingly block the oxidative energy metabolism. This then causes most of our chronic diseases. Some antifungal remedies are coconut oil, garlic, turmeric and the oils of cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, mustard, oregano, tea-tree and thyme. Avoid sweet foods, yeast, moulds and, initially, fruit. For further information see ‘Candida & the Antibiotic Syndrome’ and The Ultimate Cleanse.

Cardiovascular Disease

The main cause of arteries clogging up is chronic inflammation in the arterial walls due to microbial infestation. Cholesterol and calcium is then used to patch up the damage. However, the main problem appears to be due to oxy-cholesterol. This is formed by highly heating cholesterol-containing foods with air access as with frying, and also because of chlorinated water and antioxidant deficiency.  

Arteries can be cleaned with raw-food fasting and cleansing, especially by using acidic fruit, lemon juice, vinegar, acidic liquid of acidophilus ferment, proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain, papain, serrapeptase and nattokinase. Clogged arteries may also be cleaned with 4 to 6 drops of a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI). Take antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, astaxanthin, also MSM and DMSO. 

Frequently press into the fleshy pad below the left thumb. Pressing strongly during a heart attack can allegedly stop the attack. A similar immediate effect has been reported from rapidly drinking a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of cayenne. For further information see Cardiovascular Disease.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The cellular oxidative energy production is blocked by endotoxins from a chronic microbial infection, commonly due to Candida, Lyme disease, mycoplasmas or pleomorphic organisms in the blood after antibiotic therapy. In addition to intestinal sanitation and strong antimicrobial therapy do allergy testing and use a predominantly raw food diet, see Food Groups and Diets. Lactic acid ferment can help; however you may need a starter culture that does not generate much D-lactate.

Use plenty of coconut oil, ascorbate/MSM, DMSO, antioxidants, and all essential vitamins and minerals. Take hydrochloric acid or vinegar with meals, also bromelain with cooked proteins. Further,avoid gluten (including beer) and substances to which you are allergic or sensitive, sweetened food, genetically modified or microwaved food and processed food in general. Minimize electromagnetic pollution - sanitize the bedroom. Replace dead teeth and amalgam fillings, remove mercury. Take sodium bicarbonate before meals, not only to alkalise but to get CO2 into the body to release oxygen from haemoglobin.


Colds are beneficial clean-outs of mucus congestions. To avoid colds, avoid mucus congestions and foods that produce them. These are mainly lactose and cows' milk products (except butter), sweet foods, moulds and mouldy foods and any foods or chemicals to which one is allergic or sensitive. Other factors are mercury amalgam fillings, root canal fillings and other foci of chronic infections as well as Candida overgrowth and intestinal dysbiosis.

Try to correct these conditions, and see Mucus Problems below for ways to ease mucus congestions. I have seen severe colds aborted within hours by using the Sugar Cure (see Instant Cure of the Common Cold). Other useful remedies are very high doses of antimicrobial remedies and vitamin C (sodium ascorbate). In addition, frequently dissolve a tablet with a small amount of zinc sulphate or better zinc acetate in the mouth. Another useful method is to dissolve one-third of a teaspoon of sodium ascorbate in two tablespoons of water and from time to time place several drops in each nostril, also put drops of 50% DMSO into the nostrils. Take sufficient sodium bicarbonate to keep the urine pH between 7.5 and 8.

Colds can also be stopped if, at the first sign of a coming cold, a few drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide are placed in each ear. Lie on one side while putting the drops into the opposite ear, wait a few minutes, then change sides and put the drops in the other ear. In addition, gargle frequently with diluted hydrogen peroxide and also swallow some. Also see Infections and Inflammations below.

Crohn’s Disease

Most important is cleaning out the bowels as with the Basic Cleanse or at least the second part of it: for 5 days filling them with a soft gel of psyllium hulls to dissolve hard crusts and remove putrefying matter from bowel pockets. Before or afterwards use additional measures as in Hydrotherapy under Bowel Cleansing. Follow this with the Ultimate Cleanse and use the High Quality Diet, including plenty of lactic acid fermented food, prebiotics and turmeric paste as in Intestinal Sanitation. Continue with sufficient psyllium in water before meals to ensure daily several soft bowel movements. If necessary keep a diary to spot and eliminate aggravating foods. For reflexology press the bowel area in the lower half of the sole of each foot. All of this also applies to other inflammatory bowel diseases, including bowel cancer.

Cystic Fibrosis

The main cause seems to be a weak oxidative energy metabolism, especially in the lungs, caused by fungal acetaldehyde and invasive microbes. Focus on intestinal sanitation, intensive antimicrobial treatment and Pyroluria. Frequent use of antibiotics commonly has caused widespread hyphal Candida infestation. Use all essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients, including P5P and high doses of selenium. Try high vitamin B5 to strengthen the adrenal glands, use licorice root to hold salt in the body. Spray inhalation of 7% salt solution and at other times of 3% hydrogen peroxide or colloidal silver. Avoid antibiotics but if you do use them, take a strong fungicide at the same time. Take sodium bicarbonate before meals not only to alkalise but to get CO2 into the body to release oxygen from haemoglobin. Iodine as in Lugol’s solution liquefies mucus. See Overcoming Asthma for breathing exercises and spray-inhalation. Take bromelain and digestive acids (hydrochloric acid supplements, vinegar or lemon juice) with meals, serrapeptase on empty stomach.


The main cause is lack of brain energy from Candida and pyroluria. Use strong antimicrobial therapy and a high-quality low-allergy diet. With sensitive skin and emotional instability, use mainly slow-digesting foods, and with insensitive conditions consume plenty of fruit. Avoid foods to which you may be addicted or on which you might binge, such as chocolate, coffee, tea, and alcohol. Give yourself a special treat from time to time, but without using sweet or junk food. Use plenty of coconut oil to provide brain energy. Also helpful are fish oils and linseed oil or ground linseed.

The most important vitamins are B6 as P5P, B12, C, niacin or nicotinamide, and folic acid, and the most important minerals are zinc, magnesium, MSM and boron/borax.

Try amino acids: up to 2 g of L- (or D,L) phenylalanine and tyrosine, each before meals, or alternatively, up to 2 g of tryptophan. You can also try taking phenylalanine and tyrosine before breakfast only and tryptophan at bedtime only. Glutamine can be used as an additional brain fuel. Adrenalin and dopamine in the brain are formed from phenylalanine and tyrosine, while serotonin is made from tryptophan.

Seasonal affective disorder is due to insufficient sunlight exposure. Expose yourself to one or two hours of very bright full-spectrum electric light each day, preferably in the morning; if possible, be outside in sunlight and without sunglasses. In addition, use yellow or orange colour therapy for all forms of depression; also look into the light. Wear bright-coloured clothing. Use deep-breathing exercises; dance to lively music and shake the whole body for a minute during fast breathing.

Use prayer, affirmations, meditation, and guided imagery to uplift your feelings and solve your problems. Learn to trust in your inner or higher guidance and ask it to take care of your problems. Socialize and find a group with similar interests. Forgive yourself and others for any mistakes or misdeeds.


Type 1 Diabetes is caused by a combination of intestinal dysbiosis, Candida, Leaky Gut Syndrome, pyroluria, and an allergy to the casein in A1 milk (the commonly used milk products). This then causes a microbial infestation of the pancreas and liver which leads to an immune attack that destroys the insulin-producing cells. Type 2 Diabetes is mainly caused by a lack of muscle activity, and a diet high in sugar, flour products and heated fats, combined with hyphal Candida and dysbiosis. For treatment see Overcoming Diabetes.

Digestive Disorders

Most digestive disorders are caused by intestinal dysbiosis and Candida. Attend to these with intestinal sanitation and antimicrobial therapy. Very effective is cleansing with psyllium as detailed in Steps 3 and 4 (e.g. 5-day psyllium cleanse). Do allergy testing and have a low-allergy diet with small meals; chew slowly and well; practice correct food combining; follow a diet appropriate for your metabolic type. If you have soft fingernails, add hydrochloric acid, vinegar or lemon juice to protein meals. Take a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate before breakfast.

Take digestive enzymes such as bromelain with protein meals. Place castor-oil packs on the liver and abdomen; do reflexology or have acupuncture. Herbs to stimulate digestion are aniseed, caraway, fennel, fenugreek, mint, or peppermint; try half a cup of a bitter liver herb tea after the meal. With acute indigestion, induce vomiting; with diarrhoea try an alimentary canal flush with crushed garlic and a tablespoonful of magnesium chloride or Epsom salt. If diarrhoea continues take a teaspoon of psyllium stirred into a small glass of water.

With ulcers and inflammatory bowel diseases use a tablespoon of turmeric paste with most meals. Slippery elm powder or arrowroot before meals are soothing. Use plenty of lactic acid ferment and rub the abdomen with 70% DMSO. For stomach ulcers include raw potato in a vegetable juice, and cabbage juice with duodenal ulcer. Stomach ulcers usually cause pain after a meal, duodenal ulcers between or before meals. To reduce microbial problems in the colon try kerosene or high-level borax and other antimicrobial remedies. Try several drops of tea tree or oregano oil in liquid before breakfast; start low and gradually increase up to 6 drops for 3 days.

With constipation use plenty of vegetable salads or blended raw vegetables in addition to acidophilus ferments. Frequently take magnesium (as chloride or sulphate) in a glass of water, also one or more tablespoons of ground linseed with meals, long walks, squat for bowel movements. For bloating or excess wind avoid any sweeteners with or after vegetables or fibre-rich food; correct food combining, low allergy diet. Frequently bloating is caused by Candida. Soak beans before cooking with the addition of 1 or 2 drops of SSKI or saturated solution of potassium iodide. Replace the water before cooking. This greatly reduces intestinal gas. SSKI inactivates an enzyme inhibitor which interferes with starch digestion.

With hiatus hernia (symptoms of belching, heartburn, and indigestion), sit at one end of a massage table (or something similar), your legs outstretched on the table. A helper lies across your legs or holds them down while you lean back over the edge as far as possible. Tighten your abdominal muscles to pull yourself slowly back up to the sitting position. A second helper may assist. In most instances, this will pull the stomach back to its normal position.


Focus on Candida treatment, intestinal sanitation and pyroluria. Use a low-allergy diet. Initially avoid and later minimize consumption of sweet food, wheat and gluten, cows’ milk products, and food additives, especially MSG. Avoid contamination from aluminium (cooking), mercury (amalgam fillings), and lead. Take vitamin B6 as P5P, B complex, vitamin E, borax, ascorbate/MSM, zinc and magnesium (orally and transdermally),  try sucking on a tablet of magnesium orotate, alkalize with sodium bicarbonate; also useful are marijuana, especially if high in cannabidiol/CBD, lecithin, glutamine, MSM, DMSO rubs, taurine, black cohosh, and copper salicylate; explore a ketogenic diet with plenty of coconut oil. Have a chiropractic neck adjustment; do head and neck exercises; sanitize your bedroom to minimise electro-pollution; reduce your exposure to fluorescent or flickering lights, television, and computer games. Try south-pointing magnet poles placed at the temples. Avoid emotional stress.

Eye Problems

 Important are intestinal sanitation and a low-allergy diet with plenty of fresh grass and vegetable juices, salads or blended raw vegetables. Avoid or minimize dairy products, hydrogenated fats, commercial oils, and sweet foods.

For all eye conditions try high-dose vitamins B2 and A (possibly halibut-oil capsules; with suspected fat malabsorption use vitamin A emulsion) in addition to B complex, P5P, C, and grape seed extract; with wet macular degeneration use high doses of vitamin E. Carotenoids, astaxanthin and especially lutein and zeaxanthin, are important for the macula; they are found in deep-green, yellow, orange, and red fruits and vegetables, as in tomatoes, squash, corn, and spinach, but they need to be taken with oil or fat to be absorbed. Have a high intake of a wide range of bioflavonoids; use the herbs eyebright and bilberry internally and as topical eye rinse. Important minerals are magnesium, chromium, manganese, selenium, and zinc.

With myopia (near-sightedness) chromium, calcium, vitamin D3 (5000 IU), eye exposure to sunlight without glasses are important, and also a diet low in sweet food, while magnesium is needed for farsightedness. A salty diet is beneficial with glaucoma, as is sodium ascorbate up to 30 g daily (in five divided doses), to drain excess fluid from the eyes. To unblock congested capillaries and drainage channels try intensive cleansing combined with energizing or stimulating the eyes, in addition high doses of Serrapeptase and Nattokinase. Improve liver functions, e.g. pyroluria. For red eyes or conjunctivitis, rinse the eyes with a weak solution of boric acid, possibly combined with strained eyebright and chamomile herbs as tea.

For viral infections of the eyes, make up a solution of 2500 IU of vitamin A emulsion, 250 mg of sodium ascorbate per ml of water and a small amount of DMSO. Use one or two drops in each eye every three to four hours. If it stings too much, then dilute as needed. Keep refrigerated and make a fresh remedy every week. Combined with sufficient vitamin B2 (up to 100 mg three times daily); this also helps with allergy-induced eye problems.

For irritated eyes use a pack of raw grated potato in gauze, and for weak eyes warm castor-oil packs. For gradual strengthening you can also put a drop of castor oil or diluted DMSO in each eye at bedtime. Be outside as much as possible without glasses or sunglasses; look at the blue sky, avoid eyestrain. Minimize watching television, staring at computer screens, and reading by electric light. While reading, frequently interrupt your vision, look around, and cover eyes with palms. Preferably use natural daylight when reading. Press tender muscles in the back of the neck.

Cataracts have been improved with eye drops of diluted DMSO (30 to 50%), preferably add 1% of N-acetylcarnosine and also a small amount of glycerine; experiment to find a concentration that does not sting much or only for a few seconds.

Do eye exercises: look up, down, sideways, diagonally in quick succession, circle, and alternate looking at a near and a far object. Do head and neck exercises and reflexology. Sometimes palm the eyes for 10 to 20 minutes so that you see only black. Very relaxing for the eyes: move head and upper body gently from side to side and let the eyes glide over walls or scenery without fixing the gaze on anything. Frequently alternate looking at an orange or red light bulb of 25 watts and a blue light of 40 watts in a darkened room; then look for several minutes at a green 40-watt light.

Headaches & Migraines

Basic Cleanse followed by allergy testing and low allergy diet. Minimize sweet food, dairy products, wheat and other gluten products, additives, fatty food, aged cheeses, mushrooms, pickled herrings, pork and smoking. MSG often causes problem, it may be disguised as hydrolysed vegetable or soy protein, chicken or beef stock or just as natural food flavouring.

Try magnesium if blood pressure is elevated, calcium and salty food if it is low. Try a strong coffee at the onset of symptoms (if not addicted to it). The herb feverfew may help. Correct any constipation or intestinal inflammation. Head and neck exercise, pressure massage of neck and shoulder muscles and around base of big toes, possibly neck adjustment. Exercise scalp muscles, rest, fresh air, walking, and deep breathing, avoid stress. Trace gall bladder meridian. During an attack imagine and feel arms becoming warm, possibly soak in warm water. Riboflavin (vitamin B2), 4 x 100 mg, has been found to prevent 60% of migraines, use together with a B-complex; in addition improve blood circulation.

Heart Problems and High Blood Pressure

Helpful are magnesium, selenium, zinc, taurine, P5P, coconut oil, cayenne and hawthorn berries. Also see Cardiovascular Disease.

Hyperactivity (ADHD)

The main causes are Candida with intestinal dysbiosis, pyroluria and mercury toxicity from amalgam fillings or vaccinations, avoid or treat these. Do allergy testing and use a low-allergy diet. In several clinical trials, avoiding food and chemical allergens resulted in a 100 percent cure rate among test subjects. Use plenty of coconut oil and turmeric paste. Minimize or avoid sweet food, especially soft drinks, cow’s milk, cheese, pork, artificial food colouring, flavouring, excitotoxins (e.g. MSG), preservatives, chemical sprays, petrochemical fumes, detergents, strong perfumes, smoke, stimulants, and aspirin. Minimise fluorescent or flickering lights and electronic games, television, and stressful situations. Reduce electromagnetic pollution. Helpful are zinc, magnesium all vitamins, MSM, DMSO, B6/P5P. To improve attention, try ginkgo biloba.

Infections & Inflammations

Infections can be localized, for example, in the liver or throat, or generalized, as infectious diseases (including venereal diseases). They can be acute with sudden strong inflammations and fever, or they can be chronic and long lasting. Basically all of our modern diseases such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular and brain diseases are associated with chronic infections and inflammations. For inflammations it is most effective to strongly alkalise - take sufficient sodium bicarbonate to keep the urine alkaline, see Step 6. The main reason for getting frequent or strong infections is a weak immune system due to intestinal dysbiosis and hyphal Candida. Focus on eliminating these basic causes. With all infections do Intestinal Sanitation and intensive Systemic Antimicrobial Therapy as in The Ultimate Cleanse.

DIET: During acute conditions, only fresh-vegetable juices, possibly also vegetable broths, strained rice water and especially liquid of acidophilus ferment; if the body is not overly sensitive, fruits are good as well. Later, in addition, easily digestible, high-quality food, such as sprouts, raw egg-yolk, vegetable salads and some cooked vegetables. Plenty of coconut oil and turmeric paste at all times. Avoid gluten products as well as sweetened, processed, microwaved and genetically engineered food, also any food to which you are allergic or sensitive. With inflammations increase omega-3 fatty acids (fish oils and ground linseed), and minimize omega-6 fatty acids (polyunsaturated seed oils).

SUPPLEMENTS: Use the remedies in the In acute conditions, try bowel-tolerance doses of vitamin C with sodium ascorbate, otherwise use 1 to 10 g of vitamin C daily. Also helpful are magnesium chloride, propolis, copper salicylate, and Lactoferrin. Vitamin A is especially good with respiratory infections. Improve the immune system with pantothenic acid, folic acid, vitamin B6/P5P, manganese, selenium, chromium and acidophilus ferments.

With viral infections, use a high intake of antioxidants in addition to selenium and zinc. Take 2 g five times daily or bowel-tolerance level of sodium ascorbate; 15 to 20 mg of zinc three times daily; 200 mcg of selenium; up to 2 g of L-lysine three times daily; and up to 200 mg of alpha-lipoic acid three times daily. In addition, take other antioxidants such as grape seed extract, also Microhydrin/MegaHydrate or strong electrolytic reduced water; with hepatitis, also add the herb silymarin. For a cold or flu use zinc acetate, zinc citrate or zinc sulphate lozenges kept in the mouth. You get zinc acetate if you slowly add vinegar to zinc oxide until it dissolves.

With chest infections, in addition to the above, temporarily take 50,000 IU or more of vitamin A. Try coughing up mucus after using a hot onion pack on the chest. A saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) is an all-round anti-microbial. As a precaution when travelling take about 10 drops in a small glass of water and temporarily more with an acute infection. Caution: High amounts for more than a few weeks can suppress thyroid functions. 

BLADDER INFECTIONS: Take the simple sugar D-mannose, half to one teaspoon in water every 2 to 3 hours; this eliminates 90 of infections within a few days. If it does not help then take 15 drops of SSKI (see previous paragraph) or Lugol’s solution in a lot of fluids every 3 to 4 hours for up to several days.

HERBS: pau d'arco, prickly ash, golden seal, mullein, borage, marigold, chamomile, echinacea, elder flowers, peppermint and especially wormwood. Also have a course of the Hulda Clark herbal parasite cure with wormwood, clove and green hulls of black walnut. Aromatic oils: borneol, clove, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, mint, oregano, thyme.

FEVER: A great help in fighting infections by killing heat intolerant germs and strengthening the immune response. Keep it up with hot baths, hot teas and sweating. High temperatures above 41ºC can be reduced with cold packs placed around the calves, and white willow bark (aspirin) or blue light on the skin.

THYMUS: This is the key gland of our immune system. Most strengthening for the thymus gland are propolis and manganese, as well as freeze-dried thymus. To strengthen the thymus, frequently tap with the fingers at the upper end of the breastbone and trace the conception meridian in the correct flow direction. Maintain a good posture and walk with long strides and swinging arms. Lemon (yellow-green) colour therapy on upper breastbone

COPPER SULPHATE (Bluestone, available as gardening supplies): This can be used as an energy treatment. Bluestone has strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Collect any discharge from an infected or inflamed organ or wound in a medium-strong solution of bluestone and keep it there for several days. This may be phlegm, pus, bloodstained bandage, vaginal or nasal discharge or urine (in bladder or kidney infections). This will promote healing and can also be used with an extracted tooth or any severed part of the body. This method works on the same principles as radionics and telepathy with a two-way exchange of information energy between the body and any separated part.

ADDITIONAL THERAPY: You may experiment with a Beck-type zapper with colloidal silver maker and magnetic Pulser, for more information see Electronic Zapper & Magnetic Pulser. You may also use an overheating bath (with Epsom salts or magnesium chloride) followed by sweating; hot footbaths with mustard powder or cayenne and cold packs on abdomen and around calves. For colds or 'flu', immerse hands and lower arms in hot water for 30 minutes, keep the water hot; in addition you may chill the underside of the big toes with freezer ice dipped in salt. Generally, blue lighting on site of infection, blue-radiated water, topically south-pointing pole of a strong magnet, reflexology and ear needling of the corresponding reflex point.

Try also magnesium-salt purges, sweating, induced vomiting, colonics; packs of cabbage leaves or magnesium salt placed on localized infected or inflamed areas; autosuggestion and visualization or right-brain exercises: tell your immune system to produce plenty of efficient B cells and T cells.


DIET: Have early, light evening meals, using animal protein only sparingly; minimize sweet foods, alcohol, caffeine, and other stimulants in the afternoon or evening; test for food allergies.

SUPPLEMENTS: Try magnesium, inositol, lecithin vitamins B6/P5P, C and nicotinamide at bedtime, especially if not returning to sleep after awakening. When sleepless keep a tablet of magnesium orotate in the mouth. Take L-tryptophan (an amino acid, 500 mg) or melatonin (1 to 3 mg) at bedtime. Clinical studies have shown that 3 grams of the amino acid glycine taken before bedtime improve sleep and reduce daytime drowsiness. Vitamin B12 can help to establish a normal circadian rhythm. Try the herb teas of passiflora, valerian, or thyme, or hops in a muslin bag placed on the chest or pillow; it is not recommended to use valerian on a long-term basis.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Try a hot relaxing bath with magnesium chloride before bedtime, alternatively a hot magnesium chloride foot bath or a cold pack on the abdomen when trying to fall asleep. The body temperature needs to drop during sleep, therefore use relatively light covers and keep the bedroom cool (but not cold). Sleep with the head in a north or north-easterly direction; sleep in complete darkness on a natural-fibre mattress; remove drugs and chemicals from the bedroom and minimize electro--pollutants. Expose yourself to bright light soon after rising (best is sunshine), but minimize bright light, including TV and computer screen exposure, in the evening.

To facilitate sleep, use autosuggestions when going to bed and/or relaxation exercises or visualize a peaceful scene. Do eight-two breathing or inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Repeatedly take three deep breaths, then hold the breath as long as possible; finally continue with slow, shallow breathing to retain more carbon dioxide.

Very effective is plenty of outdoor activity, ideally without wearing glasses. Try a long slow walk in the late afternoon or early evening; alternatively, undertake other restful activities, such as listening to soft music or meditating. Do not read anything interesting or engage in absorbing mental activity or watch exciting movies in the evening, but clear up any worries. Ask your lower self (the subconscious level) for cooperation: Tell it to stop thinking of a particular problem and that you will deal with it during the daytime, and then do that. Keep pen and paper beside the bed to write down any important thoughts to deal with the next day.

If you like to experiment, try the Eeman screens: Place metal wire screens (approximately 30 by 20 cm as from a hardware store) under your head and the base of the spine. The screens can be enclosed in a pillowcase. With an electric wire, connect the head screen to a piece of metal pipe held in the left hand, and the buttock screen in the same way to the right hand. Use the screens for ten to 30 minutes at bedtime, lying on your back with the ankles crossed.

This balances our internal bioelectric potentials and is conducive to increased tranquillity, meditation, and sleep. Basically, you can balance without screens by placing the right hand under the base of the spine with the palm facing up, and the left palm under the top of the spine. Because the arm muscles are partly contracted in this position, it is not as relaxing as with the screens.

Kidney Problems

Nearly all kidney failures could be prevented and the need for dialysis avoided or reversed when taking 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate 3 times daily in a large glass of water before meals to keep urine pH between 7.5 and 8.

Use a diet low in protein, salt, food additives, and drugs, along with allergy testing and a low-allergy diet. Except with kidney stones, keep the urine alkaline. Use predominantly raw foods with plenty of sprouted seeds and fresh (mainly green) vegetable juices, ground linseed, and fish oils; periodic raw food fasting. Helpful are antioxidants, spirulina, and coenzyme Q10. For kidney stones, use lemon juice and grapefruit, ascorbic acid, vitamin B6/P5P, magnesium, boron and zinc, but restrict your calcium intake. Useful herbs are buchu, cornsilk, dandelion, and uva ursi; as diuretics, try juniper berries, elderberries, or peach leaves. Colonics with water low in minerals delay the need for dialysis. Have sufficiently high fluid intake to produce several litres of urine daily. Often effective in serious conditions is urine therapy. Try to reactivate kidney function by drinking, slowly and at intervals, about three litres of pure water (no chlorine or fluoride) before breakfast. To each litre add up to a cup of fresh urine and, if available, the content of one capsule of Microhydrin/MegaHydrate or electrolytically reduced water (ERW).

Liver & Gall-bladder Problems

Strongly focus on intestinal sanitation, Pyroluria and Candida. Detoxify with the Basic Cleanse and periodically repeat the first part of it. Have three days on apples only; in the evening activate the liver with a castor-oil pack; at bedtime take half a cup of olive oil and possibly orange juice, and next morning a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of Epsom salt. This helps remove gallstones and cholesterol deposits from the liver and gallbladder.

Minimize your exposure to chemicals and radiation. Most important are vitamin B6/P5P, zinc, taurine, carnitine and coconut oil. Other helpful nutrients are lecithin, inositol, TMG, milk thistle or silymarin, antioxidants, B-vitamins, B12 if low in energy, magnesium, and selenium. High ascorbate/MSM helps to detoxify. Stimulate the liver with bitter teas; use half a cup after meals; or take capsules of centaury, dandelion, devil’s claw, gentian, goldenseal, or rosemary. With hepatitis, use the therapy for viral infection in Infections and Inflammations above.

With persistent problems, continue with castor-oil liver packs. Also effective are reflexology, ear acupuncture, and acupuncture meridian therapy. Jaundice can be caused by drugs and chemicals, liver infection, gall-duct blockage, and increased destruction of red blood cells (protect with high amounts of vitamin E), so try to discover the cause of the jaundice. Treat systemically with blue colour therapy.


Malabsorption of food is common with chronic degenerative diseases, debility, and underweight or difficulty in gaining weight. This can result in floating, bulky, pale, and smelly stools and excessive wind. The main causes are intestinal dysbiosis and leaky gut. Most problems can be overcome with Intestinal Sanitation. Additional causes and solutions are as follows:

•  Gluten allergy: Avoid gluten.

•  Deficiency of gastric acid, digestive enzymes, bile, gastric acid and sodium bicarbonate: Take appropriate supplements and reduce
   heated fats, use coconut oil or extra-virgin olive oil instead.

•  Try a diet high in fibre and low in easily digestible carbohydrates. Use salads and blended raw root vegetables.

•  Inflammation of the intestinal wall – focus on intestinal sanitation.

•  Worms or other parasites: Do a three-day raw food diet and a psyllium cleanse. Periodically use high amount of borax or gum

•  Tapeworm: Use gum turpentine; in addition, try a three-day water fast followed by a tablespoon of castor oil to flush it out.

GENERAL RULES: Eat small meals of easily digestible foods, for example, bone broth, meat broth or juice, vegetable and grass juices, rye sourdough bread instead of yeast-baked bread. Add pollen, spirulina, or chlorella, and possibly amino acid and nucleic acid supplements if you are debilitated. Add lecithin to all meals. The amino acid glutamine helps to improve the intestinal wall. Chew all your food extremely carefully and keep it in the mouth as long as possible, paying attention to the developing flavours of each mouthful.

Frequently rub the body with coconut oil, lanolin and extra-virgin olive oil, individually or mixed together. Add oil-soluble nutrients, such as astaxanthin, vitamins A, D, E and K. Also mix these and other oil-soluble nutrients with coconut oil for better oral absorption. Add lecithin to meals with fat or oil.

Chew all suitable supplements and keep them under the tongue, such as freeze-dried liver, Royal Jelly, vitamin B12 and halibut-liver oil. Nutrients are not well absorbed from tablets, better if you crush them, also open capsules and mix with meals. In difficult situations, nutrients can be absorbed from grass juice enemas through the large intestine. Try liver cleansing, take bicarbonate to keep the urine alkaline.

Menstrual Problems

Most gynaecological problems are Candida related. Intestinal sanitation and antimicrobial therapy are essential. Use a diet low in sweet food and heated fats, and preferably a raw food cleansing diet, especially in the case of heavy periods and difficult menopause. Also advisable are sprouted seeds, vegetable salads, grass juice, and a diet high in bioflavonoids and carotenoids as from coloured foods, especially yellow, orange, red, and purple. For heavy bleeding, black cherries are best; if not available, try black or purple grapes, juice of dark grapes or red beets, blackberries, and blueberries.

SUPPLEMENTS: Take B-complex vitamins, especially B6/P5P and folic acid, rutin and bioflavonoids, vitamin E (1000 to 2000 IU daily), and selenomethionine, especially if breasts are tender and for menopausal hot flushes. Neutralize fruit acids with dolomite for a high calcium and magnesium intake. Calcium helps with excessive bleeding and fatigue while magnesium eases tension and irritability. Also helpful are zinc, manganese, MSM, evening primrose or borage oil, vitamins A, D3 and C, possibly organic iron (raw minced meat). With menstrual clotting, more vitamin K is needed; use plenty of dark-green vegetables with added oil. Fibrocystic breast disease and ovarian cysts often disappear with several drops of Lugol's solution or saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) taken daily in some coffee, tea or juice for two to three months, then continue with 1 drop for maintenance. This is not suitable with some thyroid problems, see Iodine.

HERBS: For menopause: chamomile, hawthorn, licorice, red clover, and sage. Excessive bleeding: bayberry bark, red raspberry, shepherd’s purse, and witch hazel. Suppressed menstruation: chamomile, catnip, fennel, pennyroyal, and peppermint. Generally try motherwort, dong quai, raspberry shoots, and chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus); St John’s Wort for depression; and black cohosh for period pain. Maca is most helpful for all conditions, helps even after hysterectomy, and is safer than hormonal replacement therapy, it is also recommended for age-related decline of sexual function.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Press foot reflex areas on heels; use blue lighting to reduce bleeding, orange lighting to increase it. Place castor-oil packs or Epsom-salt/magnesium chloride packs on the lower abdomen and lower back; apply pressure therapy, and manipulation and adjustment of lower back; do spinal tapping of lumbar vertebrae or colonics. Take sufficient bicarbonate to keep the urine alkaline. Minimise stress, instead try relaxation, daydreaming, meditation, art work, and pleasant outdoors activity. Do fasting and cleansing.

VAGINAL YEAST INFECTION: Preferably insert a large capsule filled with borax at bedtime for 2 weeks, alternatively douche with either diluted hydrogen peroxide or garlic water and later with acidophilus ferment. Do this also with endometriosis in addition to intensive antifungal therapy.

Mucus Problems

These include most respiratory diseases, recurring colds, hay fever, coughs, sinusitis, running nose, throat infections, and many ear problems. However, there may also be mucus covering in the small intestine causing malabsorption. Generally, pathological mucus results either from a lactose/galactose overload or from exposure to fungi, moulds and Candida. This causes inflammation of mucous membranes which may also be due to irritating food, such as gluten, or to food allergy or chemical sensitivity; it can result from persistent inhalation of irritants or from chronic microbial or parasitic infestations.

DIET: Fenugreek is good; minimize sweet and fatty food; fruit can be used according to your sensitivity. The main mucus-forming foods are lactose (skim milk or whey powder); milk products in general according to their lactose content; beer; mainly wheat gluten, to a lesser extent also gluten in rye and barley; moulds and fungi, yeast-fermented food or any food to which you are allergic.

Initially avoid all mucus-forming foods. After your mucus has cleared, introduce and observe the effect on your body of each of the mucus-forming foods or food groups separately for several weeks. Some foods are mucus forming even in small amounts while others can be tolerated up to a certain level. However, the mucus-forming potential of different foods may be cumulative.

HERBS: For inflamed or infected mucous membranes, use goldenseal, marshmallow, sarsaparilla, slippery elm powder, thyme, and yarrow (strengthening). To expel mucus, use coltsfoot, horehound, lungwort, mullein, nettles, vervain, and violet; most recommended is horseradish.

AROMATIC OILS: Inhale these for sinusitis: cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, pine, rosemary, or thyme. For inflammatory sinus and breathing problems: Inhale vapour of eucalyptus oil during the night (keep some in a flat container close to the bed). For sore throat, gargle with lemon, geranium, hyssop, sage, and thyme. As an internal antiseptic, use diluted tea tree oil. Add a few drops to a small jar or bottle half filled with water, shake vigorously for a few seconds, and then try a drop on the tongue. If this is not irritating or unpleasant, you can ingest the rest.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: For nose and sinus problems or hay fever, frequently draw seawater, diluted with about three parts warm water, through the nostrils, one at a time, and spit the water out. If seawater is not available, dissolve a level teaspoon of sea salt in ˝ litre of water; you can also add a small amount of magnesium salt. For acute conditions, sniff up a tea of the indicated herbs, possibly also try diluted hydrogen peroxide or other antimicrobial    solutions; place castor-oil packs over the sinuses. Put a drop of diluted DMSO into each nostril. Do head and neck exercises – circling the neck. For clearing mucus from head spaces (e.g. sinuses): Kneel with the head to the floor and make loud snoring and snorting noises at the back of the nose. Spit out mucus; continue for ten minutes. Have any mercury amalgam fillings or dead teeth removed. Iodine in Lugol’s solution liquefies mucus.

For throat problems, gargle with the indicated herb teas, adding antimicrobials in the case of infections; place castor-oil packs and blue lighting on throat; for chronic conditions, have plenty of singing and vocal therapy. Generally, strengthen the intestines, and do colonics. Edgar Cayce recommended wearing a piece of carbon steel (or a small magnet), preferably in the groin pocket, to improve the mucous membranes of the nose and throat and to resist colds and congestion. Use systemic lemon (yellow-green) colour therapy to loosen and expel phlegm, and concentrate it on the chest and upper back. Spray inhaling a 7% saltwater aerosol solution helps with clearing mucus from the airways. Do this for several minutes twice daily. Also use the oil rinse, see Fasting and Cleansing.

THE SUGAR CURE: Keep a teaspoon of sugar in the mouth until it is dissolved, then spit it out and take another teaspoonful. Continue with this at intervals for one or two hours and repeat on subsequent days or weeks as required. The sugar draws mucus dissolved in lymph fluid from the lymph glands and so gradually clears the head spaces. It can stop a cold within hours. Caution: this can cause low blood sugar in a few hypoglycaemic individuals.

NETI: This is a yoga method to rinse the sinuses. Use a coffee or teapot with a fine snout, a neti pot, or an enema bag filled with mildly warm and salty water. Bend over a sink with the head turned to the side, insert the enema hose or the snout of the pot into the upper nostril and let the water flow out. It will rinse out the sinuses and flow out from the lower nostril. After half the water is used up, turn the head and let the water flow into the other nostril. Finally, close one nostril at a time and strongly blow out air to expel any water remaining in the sinuses.

Multiple Sclerosis

Main contributing factors are intestinal dysbiosis, liver problems (pyroluria, faulty fat metabolism), Candida and pleomorphic microbes, malabsorption, and weak blood circulation.

DIET: Recommended are plenty of low-mercury seafood (best marinated), broth of fish heads and bone broth, raw egg yolk (but cook the egg white), sunflower kernels, almonds, and other oily seeds (best sprouted, soaked or as seed cheese); coconut oil, freshly ground linseed and possibly linseed oil; plenty of grass and vegetable juices as well as sprouted seeds (but no gluten grains). Eat more vegetables that grow below than above the ground; eat raw vegetables often with added gelatine (broth of fish heads or bones). Sprout or soak lentils and beans before cooking; eat tomatoes, fresh fruits, extra virgin olive oil, and cayenne (e.g. in capsules).

Test for allergies. Try to obtain organically grown food and eat small meals. Sago, tapioca, taro, and arrowroot are fine, but minimize your intake of rice, millet, and maize and also hydrogenated and heated animal fats; cow’s milk products; gluten and flour products; smoked, cured, and processed meat; peanuts; sweet foods; tinned or frozen fruits and vegetables; food chemicals, especially colourings and aspartame. Use a low-fat diet but with plenty of coconut oil.

SUPPLEMENTS: High doses of all vitamins and minerals, especially C, E and K, B complex, P5P, B12 as injections, sublingual or intranasal, best as methylcobalamin. Aim for about 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 from sunlight and capsules. Take boron/borax, magnesium (transdermal as chloride and oral as orotate), zinc, copper salicylate, manganese, chromium, iodine, and selenium. Take hydrochloric acid and bromelain with protein meals Calcium EAP or AEP is important, see Calcium EAP for Healthy Cells. Also helpful are taurine, lecithin, freeze-dried liver, spirulina, chlorella and pollen (both cell-broken), wheat or barley grass powder, and evening primrose or borage oil, fish oils, krill oil, astaxanthin and grape seed extract. The amino acid glycine (10 g four times daily) is useful, but not needed if you use gelatine or gelatinous broth of fish heads. Use high doses of Nattokinase and Serrapeptase to clear capillaries.

HERBS with anti-inflammatory properties are turmeric, goldenseal, slippery elm powder, and ginger, also devil’s claw, ginseng, gotu kola, pau d’arco, and sage.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Focus on intestinal sanitation and antimicrobial therapy. Also useful are spinal massage, tapping, and adjustment; deep muscle massage; frequent castor-oil packs on abdomen and lower back. Improve the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and endocrine glands; press the foot reflex for the pineal gland. Keep the urine alkaline.

Have frequent rest and relaxation; avoid stress, frequent mild sunshine on the skin. Remove any dead teeth; replace mercury amalgam fillings; guard against lead contamination as from canned food or water pipes. Practise tensing and relaxing muscles coordinated with deep breathing; do mind-body exercises; lemon colour therapy, visualization, and autosuggestion; release resentments; meditate on the feeling of love and being forceful.

Muscular Dystrophy

DIET: Raw proteins and fats, especially plenty of raw (organic) minced meat, also marinated fish, fresh vegetable juices.

SUPPLEMENTS: High levels of all vitamins and minerals; in particular take oil-soluble vitamins and nutrients (e.g. coenzyme Q10) mixed with coconut oil for better absorption. Take lecithin, hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes with meals. 200-400 mcg of organic selenium, high-quality nutritional concentrates such as spirulina and bee-pollen.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Intestinal sanitation and antimicrobial therapy; treat for pyroluria; try acupuncture or meridian therapy, reflexology, magnet therapy.

Myasthenia Gravis

DIET: Try a low-allergy diet, and include some beef as stew, broth, or juice, or liver. Follow a diet low in sweet foods, fats, and polyunsaturated oils; use plenty of coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, and mainly below-ground vegetables, especially red beets, also salads with gelatine (broth of fish heads). Raw egg yolk (cook the white), sprouted seeds, and grass juice are beneficial. Test for foods allergies.

SUPPLEMENTS: Recommended are high doses of all vitamins and minerals, including P5P and vitamin B12 injections or sublingual. Most important is manganese; initially take 20 mg of chelated manganese with each meal, then reduce after improvement. Also take zinc, selenium, calcium ascorbate, and calcium orotate (800 mg); magnesium supplements may be weakening. Also helpful are thymus extract, lecithin, digestive enzymes (bromelain, papain) or green papaya, glycine or gelatine, and acidophilus ferments.

HERBS: For muscle strengthening try Agrimony, juniper berries, rosemary, devil’s claw and tonifying herbs such as ginseng.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Concentrate on the thymus gland, try cabbage leaf and castor-oil packs; tap the top of the breastbone with your fingers (see thymus under Infections and Inflammations). Tape a tablet of chelated manganese in the hollow at the top of the breastbone. Do spinal tapping, especially at the base of the neck (C7 and D1). Remove dead teeth and replace mercury amalgam fillings.

Place castor-oil packs over the liver and abdomen and, with eye weakness, over the eyes (from ear to ear). Try massage; muscle tensing with deep breathing, mind-body exercises, autosuggestion and visualization methods; meditate on being calm but forceful. Have frequent rest periods, avoid stress, keep cool, take no hot baths or hot showers, and eat no hot foods. Practice yellow colour therapy systemically.

Focus on intestinal sanitation, pyroluria, strong antimicrobial therapy as well as fasting and cleansing. If not on Corticosteroids then a 3-week raw-food cleanse may be curative, if on steroids remain on strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapy in addition to strongly alkalising while reducing the drugs. Try reducing steroids by 10% of the original dose every 2 weeks. If problems flare up again, temporarily increase the steroid dose and decrease antimicrobial therapy.

Obesity & Overweight

The main cause of excessive weight is intestinal dysbiosis. Acetaldehyde from Candida overgrowth blocks the oxidative energy-production in liver, brain and muscles. With this fatty acids cannot be converted to energy and accumulate in fat cells. This leads to a craving for easily digestible carbohydrates as an energy source, just what Candida needs to thrive. Focus on intestinal sanitation and antimicrobial therapy; use plenty of coconut oil and probiotic ferments. In addition experiment with the following measures:

• Have an appetite-reducing protein drink, cold or warm, 30 minutes before meals, with any combination of the following: spirulina,
   chlorella, green barley or wheat grass powder, ground linseed, whey protein isolate, coconut or olive oil. You may drink this
   repeatedly to keep hunger away. Instead of water you may use acidophilus fermented liquid for blending.

• Thirty minutes before meals stir one teaspoon of psyllium hulls with 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water, drink
   immediately. Drink more water afterwards. Psyllium swells up to 40 times its dry bulk to fill the stomach with soft gel.

•  Eat only lentils, green vegetables, salads and sprouted seeds.

•  Adopt a mono-diet: One day protein foods only, the next day fruits, and the third day sprouted seeds and vegetable salads.
   Repeat this as often as required.

•  Temporarily adopt a raw food diet.

•  For two weeks eat only protein/fat foods and green vegetables, ground linseed and green protein powders in green juice with
   added coconut oil.

•  Repeat periods of consuming vegetable and grass juices and vegetable salads.

•  Avoid all sweet food, cereal or grain products, especially if your blood group is O.

•  Preferably skip the evening meal or have only a small salad or an apple.

•  Use mind therapy such as guided imagery and affirmation; look at your belief systems, release negative emotions, and express
   your emotional needs. Use the Emotional Freedom Technique to overcome food cravings.

•  Eat very slowly and peacefully; chew every mouthful for about two minutes, until the food is liquefied; savour the food flavours as
   they develop during chewing.

•  Get light daily exercise, such as a brisk 15-minute walk or jogging, or use a rebounder or other aerobic exercise. The metabolic
   rate is speeded up for a long time after exercise.


Use intestinal sanitation, allergy testing and a diet low in sucrose and a high calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. Take a hydrochloric acid supplement with protein meals, especially if your fingernails are soft or if you have other indications of gastric acid deficiency. Take a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate before breakfast. Frequently add broth of bones or fish heads to your meals; regularly drink fresh green juices. Important are the vitamins C, D3 (5000 IU), K2 and P5P, and the minerals manganese, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and boron. Take 10 mg or more of boron per day. Frequently expose your skin to mild sunlight without using sunscreen. Use magnesium chloride orally and as skin rubs. Do isometric exercises, e.g. push against a wall, lift weights, use a rebounder, and do lots of walking. However, the main underlying factor is the level of sex hormones, and especially oestrogen – males convert testosterone into oestrogen. Our level of sex hormones is mainly a function of our vitality; therefore we need to increase our vitality with a deliberately healthy lifestyle. In addition, formation of hormones is inhibited in pyroluria.


Pain is a warning signal indicating that something is wrong. Therefore it is most important to search for and correct the basic cause. The following measures are secondary to this. (See Arthritis or Infections and Inflammations if the pain is due to these conditions). Generally the most effective pain remedies are sodium bicarbonate for strongly alkalising the body, Cannabidiol or CBD which is now legal in the US, and transdermal rubs of magnesium chloride solution and DMSO over painful areas.

DIET: Use a low-allergy or hypoglycaemia diet with light meals, plenty of raw vegetables and their juices, and omega-3 fatty acids, and have cleansing periods. Avoid sweet foods, gluten and dairy products (lactose); avoid or neutralize acids; do allergy testing. Pain tends to lessen or disappear while fasting or on a raw food diet; introduction of some cooked foods may increase pain again

SUPPLEMENTS: Generally, a high calcium-magnesium level and increased blood alkalinity raise the pain threshold while acids, phosphorus, and potassium lower it. Therefore, alkalize the body. You can add some additional baking soda to acids neutralized with dolomite to bring the pH of the solution to 7. Vitamins A, B1, B6/P5P, C, and E can be helpful, also boron/borax, manganese, MSM, and zinc, vitamin B12 injections work for nerve pain. D,L-phenylalanine slows the breakdown of natural pain-relieving opiates in the brain and improves other pain-relieving measures. It is slow to act and used for long-term pain control. Topically apply 50 to 70% DMSO and magnesium chloride solution (= magnesium oil). 4 x 100 mg of vitamin B2 helps with migraines.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: With cancer, migraines, and other diseases, pain and discomfort are often the result of liver congestion. This can be relieved with a coffee enema and other measures to cleanse the liver. Improve the lymph circulation in a painful area and keep the urine alkaline.

Topically place the south-pointing pole of a magnet on the pain site and/or apply blue lighting on the painful area, along with cold or ice packs. Also make a pack of honey, cabbage leaves, or magnesium salt; add a handful of sodium bicarbonate to the bath water to alkalize the body. Practice rhythmic breathing, meditation and relaxation exercises, visualizing blue energy extinguishing the “red fireball” of pain. Concentrate on feeling the pain, its strength, extent, rhythm, and other characteristics. If you pay enough attention to your pain for a long period, it may simply disappear. Also ask the pain what message it has for you. Try to sense its message.

Try this form of energy healing: Firmly but without pressure touch the flesh in the indicated places with the tips of the thumb and the first two fingers of the right hand. Hold for about three minutes or until the patient (or you) feels tingling in the fingertips. Concentrate your mind on the painful body area with the intention of relieving the condition. Here are a few variations:

•  For pain in head or neck, hold fingertips just behind and beneath the left ear on a line with the mouth.

•  For pains in chest, arms, or upper back, hold fingertips to the base of the neck on the left side of the spine.

•  For pain in abdomen, back, sides or hips, put fingertips to the left side of the spine between shoulder blades.

•  For pain in legs or feet, hold the left side near the centre of the spine.


Parasite infestations combine with fungi, such as Candida, to greatly undermine your long-term health. Examples of common parasites are intestinal worms and protozoa (malaria and Giardia). Most of these parasites can be eliminated with gum turpentine, borax, or wormwood (Artemesia absinthium), which is best combined with other herbs; wormwood is also effective against Candida. Preferably take the mentioned parasite remedies in addition to or during a Basic Cleanse, and especially a five-day psyllium cleanse.

In animal husbandry, high copper levels are successful in eliminating parasites and keeping animals free of parasites. While animals seem to be able to handle copper sulphate, this is not suitable for humans, and I recommend using either copper salicylate or colloidal copper. During any parasite or Candida cure, maintain a high intake of liquids to flush out toxic residues.

Parkinson’s Disease

Most important are intestinal sanitation, controlling pyroluria, strong Candida and antimicrobial therapy, high-dose ascorbate/MSM, magnesium and borax/boron, outdoors activity, green raw foods (e.g. using a high-speed blender), and minimising stress.

DIET: Useful are seafood, raw egg yolk, plenty of lactic-acid-fermented food, purple food, sprouted seeds, raw vegetables (blended or finely grated, often with gelatine) such as green beans, carrots, beet root and beet tops, cabbage, green peas (fresh, not canned or frozen), and leaf vegetables. If vegetables are cooked, use the cooking water. Preferably take fresh vegetable and grass juices before meals; have frequent interior cleanses on such juice, possibly also on fruits. Use food appropriate for your metabolic type.

Sprouted broad beans are very high in levodopa, the precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine, lacking in people with Parkinson’s. Try five to 15 sprouted beans with breakfast, and use raw or blended in juice; if cooked, also ingest the cooking water. Take vitamin B6/P5P only several hours later. Black currants also contain levodopa. Do allergy testing and intestinal cleansing; use organically grown foods if possible; avoid food additives, including preservatives, flavouring (excitotoxins), colouring, GM food and aspartame. Avoid exposure to aluminium and heavy metals, especially lead, mercury, and iron.

SUPPLEMENTS: Take high doses of all vitamins, especially antioxidants, B12, natural E, and the minerals boron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and chromium; also try copper salicylate. Take sufficient additional magnesium as chloride and orotate (keep under the tongue) to stop any shaking and help relax muscles, also bromelain and hydrochloric acid supplement with meals. Try grape seed extract, lecithin, fish oil and ground linseed, evening primrose oil, iodine, MSM, royal jelly, and glutamine. Try tyrosine before breakfast and tryptophan before the evening meal. Try the following herbs: gotu kola, liquorice (but not with high blood pressure), pau d’arco, sage, and skullcap. Levodopa is commonly used combined with carbidopa or selegeline, and then vitamin B6/P5P can be taken several hours before or an hour after taking the drugs, if using levodopa without carbidopa or selegeline then do not take vitamin B6.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Cleanse and strengthen all organs and glands with all available methods. Spinal tapping, spinal corrections, rejuvenation exercises; tensing, relaxation breathing, and body-mind exercises are all helpful. Try regression to discover and release hidden fear. Imagine reacting appropriately in situations of panic; use emotional-release and mind-control methods. Improve and balance energy flows in acupuncture meridians, especially those of the stomach, gallbladder, bladder and the governing meridian, by tracing meridians or having an acupuncture treatment. Do intentional exaggerated shaking exercises with vigorous breathing. Often have a bath or foot bath with magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate, also transdermal magnesium chloride/magnesium oil. Remove dead teeth and replace mercury amalgam fillings.

Before breakfast have strong coffee and tyrosine; with breakfast try some of the following: bee pollen, spirulina or chlorella, ground linseed, sprouted broad beans, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, mixed into herb tea or fermented liquid. Reintroduce levodopa drugs as late as possible in the day. If levodopa has become ineffective, have a “drug holiday” - stop using it for one or more weeks. Learn to meditate and energize the brain. When not on levodopa, use willpower combined with guided imagery to move muscles. Live stress-free in natural surroundings. Also see Parkinson's Disease.

Prostate Problems

DIET: Advisable here is a mainly raw food diet based on sprouted legumes, vegetable salads, fresh fruit, and plenty of fresh vegetable and grass juice. Also good are raw egg yolk, tomatoes, seeds of sunflower and pumpkin (best as seed cheese), foods high in bioflavonoids and carotenoids, and purple foods. Have allergy testing and practice intestinal sanitation. Avoid gluten and milk proteins except for whey protein isolate.

SUPPLEMENTS: High intake of vitamin K2 was linked to a 63% lower risk of advanced prostate cancer. Take vitamins A and D3 (5000 IU), E, C (ascorbate/MSM), and B6/P5P; magnesium orally and as transdermal magnesium chloride, boron/borax, iodine, selenium, zinc (30 to 50 mg in divided doses), bioflavonoids, quercetin, kelp, protein-digesting enzymes, spirulina, and bee pollen. Try beta-sitosterol, the active ingredient in Epilobium parviflorum (small-leafed willow) and saw palmetto; Pygeum africanum, and stinging-nettle. Lemongrass has helped some individuals.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Useful are yoga exercises; frequent long walks, and mild sun exposure; sitting on the south-pointing pole of a strong magnet. Try also: reflexology of prostate points on hands and feet, tapping of lower spine, and castor-oil and magnesium salt packs on the lower abdomen and lower spine. Improve your testosterone level, have satisfying sexual activity or be satisfied with having no activity. Intestinal sanitation and antimicrobial therapy; high doses of Nattokinase and Serrapeptase to clear the blood vessels, alkalise. High levels of testosterone have cured prostate cancer. Improve circulation, see Hypercoagulation.


Pyroluria is now an increasingly common metabolic defect in the synthesis of haem or heme in which pyrrole, a key component of haemoglobin and muscle haem, is overproduced in the liver. The surplus binds to activated vitamin B6 and zinc and is excreted in the urine. This causes severe deficiencies in B6 and zinc and to a lesser degree in other nutrients, such as taurine, niacinamide, gamma linolenic acid (GLA), and biotin. Also the liver often cannot convert normal vitamin B6 or pyridoxine into the activated form Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P). This is a main requirement for the protein metabolism and leads to deficiencies in enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters.

Depending on conditions and in combination with invasive hyphal Candida, this is a main underlying cause of most of our chronic diseases. The brain is especially affected and pyroluria frequently leads to mental diseases as well as emotional problems, including dementia, depression and anxiety disorders. Also connective tissue is weak, and pyrrole-related residues cause defective and congested blood vessels, especially affecting capillaries in skin, brain, and other organs.

The primary problem in pyroluria appears to be a blockage of the oxidative energy metabolism in the liver, causing lack of energy. This inhibits the synthesis of haem which is needed for all enzymatic oxidation reactions in the body, including the energy-producing citric acid cycle. This deficiency of liver energy is mainly due to fungal metabolic products such as acetaldehyde which block the energy-producing mitochondria. Inherited Pyroluria is more severe, when it is due to intestinal dysbiosis it develops more slowly and may fluctuate between active periods and inactive periods when it cannot be detected. 

For all chronic diseases use the following pyroluria therapy as a basic treatment in addition to any specific remedies.

The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil can be absorbed even if gallbladder and pancreas do not work. They can also be used by the liver to produce energy even if all other fats and oils cannot be used. With serious and acute conditions gradually increase intake up to 5 x 1 tablespoons (about 70 ml) daily mixed with food. As a maintenance dose try about half this amount spread out during the day. This is especially helpful with brain and mental diseases and to improve weak muscle functions (e.g. the heart muscle).                        

Take about 50 mg of P5P, 30 mg of zinc and a B vitamin complex with breakfast to enable the synthesis of essential proteins. Further, use about 1/2 teaspoon or 1 gram each of taurine (a sulphur amino acid) and N-acetyl-carnitine with food to assist the fat metabolism. Bile is mainly formed from taurine and cholesterol products, while carnitine channels fatty acids in and out of mitochondria. For further information see Pyroluria.


Schizophrenia, just like other mental and emotional disorders, is mainly due to energy deficiency in the brain from acetaldehyde internally produced by fungi and possibly also from direct infestation of the brain. Therefore focus on intestinal sanitation, antimicrobial therapy and pyroluria.

Many people classified as having a mental disease are actually emotionally unstable and open to psychic influences (extrasensory perception) and, most of all, need guidance and grounding. Sometimes schizophrenic symptoms disappear during water fasts. For all types of schizophrenia, follow a fast with allergy testing, a low-allergy diet, and intestinal sanitation. If allergy testing is not possible, adopt a low-allergy diet that excludes gluten and cow’s milk protein.

From a biochemical point of view, we can distinguish between three different types of schizophrenics: The low-histamine type is a slow oxidizer, also called histapenic; the high-histamine type is a fast oxidizer, also called histadelic; and there are balanced oxidizers with normal histamine levels. In addition, each of these may at times display symptoms of overactivity or underactivity. If in doubt about the histamine status take (or give) 50 mg of niacin with water on an empty stomach. If a strong facial flush develops, histamine levels are high; if there is no or only a weak flush, levels are probably normal or low. Then try 250 mg of niacin in the same way; if there is still no or only a weak flush, histamine levels are low.

The Low-Histamine Type: The low-histamine type is the “typical” schizophrenic, insensitive to pain and outside influences; infections and skin reactions are rare; calcium levels are high; pH tends towards the alkaline side. Sometimes a cerebral allergy is present, causing a rapid pulse (90-100); thought processes are often overactive.

DIET: Adopt mainly a vegetarian raw food diet reasonably high in protein. Frequently use seed cheese and protein drink or acidophilus-fermented liquid as described in Step 37; use seafood, fish oils, linseed oil, ground linseed, and acid fruit, but avoid gluten and milk products. Take a long, supervised fast on fresh grass and vegetable juices.

SUPPLEMENTS: High-potency B-complex and P5P, high dose folic acid with each meal, inositol, and vitamin B12 (as injections or absorbed under the tongue). Also take up to several grams of niacin and niacinamide daily; up to 10 g daily of ascorbate and MSM; additional magnesium chloride, manganese, taurine and zinc; evening primrose oil, lecithin, glutamine, histidine, and tryptophan; hydrochloric acid and bromelain with main meals; try Bach Flower Remedies per your emotional conditions.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Use blue lighting during overactive periods; at other times try orange or red. Use plenty of acid fruit, such as citrus fruit and vinegar.

The High-Histamine Type: The high-histamine type may be hypoglycaemic and is very susceptible to allergic reactions. The main symptoms include suicidal depression, obsessive rumination, blank-mindedness, periods of over-arousal and thought disorders, frequent headaches and dizziness; blood pressure tends to be low and the pH too acid; skin is sensitive and may show dilated blood vessels (rosy cheeks).

Recommended is a strict hypoglycaemia diet that minimizes sweet food and flour products. Have high doses of all vitamins and minerals, including P5P and ascorbate/MSM. Copper may be beneficial, but best taken as salicylate. Also helpful are vitamin-B12 injections or absorbed under the tongue, nicotinamide (up to 10 g daily, no niacin), glutamine, folic acid, and lecithin. Alkalize the body. For chronic depression, use tryptophan or tyrosine; if one supplement does not help, try the other.

Stress-Induced Schizophrenia: People with stress-induced schizophrenia tend to have a better insight into their condition and a better response to treatment. In addition to the classic symptoms of schizophrenia, in this form there are strong signs of pyroluria with zinc and vitamin-B6 deficiency. Take all vitamins and minerals in reasonably high amounts, experiment and observe; keep the urine alkaline.

GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ALL TYPES: Live with a caring group in a peaceful, natural environment; try regression therapy and emotional release therapy. Avoid heavy-metal contamination; sanitize your teeth; apply violet colour therapy systemically; treat for parasites and Candida. For more details see Mental Illness.


Intestinal Sanitation, The Ultimate Cleanse and Basic Cleanse. Make topical applications on affected skin areas as rubs or packs using DMSO with magnesium chloride and possibly copper salicylate, also ascorbate with MSM orally and topically. In 2 cases I had success within 3 weeks by keeping the affected part in contact with tea tree oil until the skin became red, inflamed, and painful. Then tea tree oil was stopped and the skin treated with vitamin E oil, blue light and green leave packs, e.g. cabbage leaf or pureed leaves. Internal remedies include all essential nutrients.

Sjogren's syndrome

Oil Rinse or Oil Pulling with coconut oil is very helpful.

Skin Problems

The main causes of skin problems are fungi and parasites, accumulation of wastes and toxins, cleansing reactions, allergies, and nutrient deficiencies. Focus on the Basic Cleanse, allergy testing, and intestinal sanitation.

DIET: Use a low-allergy hypoglycaemia diet, with freshly ground linseed, fish oils, coconut and olive oil, almonds, sunflower kernels, raw egg yolk (sulphur), raw cabbage, horseradish, sprouted seeds, grass and vegetable juice, raw onions, and broth of fish heads. Avoid saturated fats, margarine, peanut butter, all hydrogenated and fried foods, dairy products, gluten, and sweet foods.

SUPPLEMENTS: Take vitamins A, C, D3 (5000IU) and E, B complex, try P5P, bioflavonoids, biotin, glucosamine, hydrochloric acid (if fingernails are soft), and lecithin with meals. Tyrosine and kelp or iodine help as skin activators: They are cleansing, but may cause temporary aggravation of symptoms, especially with acne. Take increased dosages of magnesium, evening primrose oil (especially in the case of psoriasis), zinc, manganese, sulphur (as taurine and MSM), selenium, silicon as in horsetail, digestive enzymes, and gelatine (broth of fish heads), especially for psoriasis.

HERBS for internal and external use: aloe vera, burdock (for psoriasis), calendula, chaparral, echinacea, goldenseal, horsetail, sarsaparilla, sassafras, St. John’s Wort, and vervain.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Have frequent cleansing periods; regulate bowel movements; use colonics. Drink plenty of water and green vegetable juices; use alternating hot and cold showers; do skin brushing to activate the skin, but not on the affected areas. Induce sweating after hot bath with magnesium salts and sodium bicarbonate, antimicrobial therapy. Rub the skin with a solution of ascorbate and MSM; also diluted DMSO, aloe vera juice and glycerine are good for most skin conditions.

Stimulate the kidneys, lungs, circulation, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, and endocrine glands, especially the thyroid; try lymph-drainage massage. Use only a minimum (infrequently) of an old-fashioned brand of soap based on olive or almond oil preferably neutralized (most soaps are too alkaline). Avoid detergents and cosmetics. Apply yellow light and measured amounts of sunshine on affected skin parts; this is especially helpful for acne. Have frequent skin massage and rubs with extra virgin olive oil, almond oil, apricot oil, preferably with added fat-soluble nutrients. My favourite to hydrate and rejuvenate the skin is a mix of lanolin, coconut oil with a small amount of glycerine and possibly oil-soluble vitamins and antioxidants.

Rashes are usually caused by allergies, but can also be cleansing reactions. Accept your skin problems as a beneficial cleansing, removing harmful energies and impurities from inside. Send love to your skin blemishes and they are more likely to go away. Rejuvenate your skin by frequently bathing it in imaginary rose-coloured light; visualise a perfect skin.

COLOUR THERAPY for skin problems: Initial treatment is with green; subsequent treatments for dry or scaly skin problems with lemon; for obstinate cases, use also yellow or orange. When scales drop and inner skin surface appears, treat with turquoise, as for moist or weeping skin disorders. For red, angry skin problems, use blue or indigo; for abscesses, boils, carbuncles, and furuncles, use systemic lemon and locally orange. When suppuration and throbbing begin, use yellow until the problem bursts open; then green until pus drains and a red cavity is left; finally, use turquoise and indigo. For acne and especially psoriasis, cover the area with blue cellophane (double layer) and expose to sun or UV light.

Acne: Apply a mixture of about 10% tea tree oil in aloe very gel or juice, or a mixture of equal parts of camphorated oil, witch hazel, and vitamin E oil can be rubbed into pustular areas. Minimise sugar, saturated fats and fatty food.

Boils: To draw, cover with a mixture of honey and cod-liver oil; once they are broken, treat as for ulcers. Internal cleansing is the main therapy for this problem.

Dry skin: Especially if you have difficulty gaining weight, check for fat malabsorption, which may be due to gluten allergy or pyroluria; stools may be pale or clay-coloured. For dry skin rub it frequently with lanolin-coconut oil-glycerine, add some oil-soluble nutrients. Take linseed oil, krill or fish oils internally.

Fungal infections of the skin and scalp: Topically use a concentrated magnesium chloride or copper salicylate solution, preferably with DMSO; antimicrobial remedies, such as a saturated warm solution of borax, tea tree oil, or other fungicidal herbs and oils. More effective is a long-lasting pack of any of these fungicides; if one does not work, try another. With any fungal skin problem also use internal Candida therapy.

Itchy skin: Apply a solution of baking soda. Also herbal extracts have been used, such as borage, juniper berries, chickweed, marjoram, pennyroyal, plantain, poke root or witch hazel, or bathing the skin with oatmeal (cooked or soaked). Use blue colour therapy; treat the liver and gallbladder if skin is jaundiced. Take a hot bath with magnesium salt and bicarbonate; rub skin with tea tree oil or witch hazel; alkalize the body; avoid sweets; test for allergies.

Psoriasis: Closely related to pyroluria and leading to irritating pyrrole-related residues or fungal/pleomorphic microbes in the skin. Also Candida problems are commonly present. Activating the immune system as with vitamin C can aggravate the condition for months but lead to long-term improvement. Increase P5P, zinc, magnesium, ascorbate and MSM only slowly and cautiously. Focus on improving liver functions and fat metabolism, on intestinal sanitation and antimicrobial therapy, cleansing periods on mainly fresh green juice and leaf vegetables. Adopt a High Quality Diet with coconut oil, linseed, krill/fish oil, allergy testing (avoid gluten and cows' milk protein), alkalise, avoid moulds and nightshade foods. Caution: Effective remedies often cause initial aggravation.

Glycerine helps skin cells to mature, thereby reducing skin inflammation from overproduction of immature cells. Often it is applied full strength to inflamed skin areas, but this may also cause an initial aggravation. Others use instead glycerine mixed 1:1 with alcohol-free witch hazel, or with aloe vera juice, or with water and sprayed on sensitive areas. Mix and apply lanolin-coconut oil-glycerine, add some oil-soluble nutrients. Also rubbing the skin with fresh raw fats containing lipase is good, use raw butter or avocado.

Scar tissue: To remove, frequently rub with camphorated oil, Lugol's solution, DMSO or MSM solution, and vitamin E. In addition, scars can be treated with neural therapy. An anaesthetic (Xylocain) is injected into scar tissues that are thought to induce electrical interference fields in other areas of the body. Sometimes a health problem of long standing disappears instantly after an injection. Alternatively, you can prick the scar with a fine needle to release the tissue tension in the area. Prick long scars in several places and leave a needle inserted for ten to 20 minutes about 2 mm deep at each end of the scar. Before and after any needling, apply a suitable antiseptic to the skin, such as tea tree oil.

Skin cancer: The main cause of skin cancers is Candida, often combined with antioxidant deficiency. Therefore, penetrating fungicides can be effective, such as Lugol’s solution, gum turpentine, and patches of turmeric paste or sodium bicarbonate. You may also apply the milky juice from the stem of radiation weed, radium-weed, or milkweed (spurge, euphorbia, petty spurge). Repeat as required; a strong skin reaction may result, followed by healing. Try this also for warts, moles, blemishes, and so on. For serious conditions, including melanoma and tumours close to the skin, escharotic creams based on zinc chloride and the herb bloodroot are available. Also try remedies mentioned for warts and moles.

Skin rejuvenation: Rub the skin with some of the following ingredients: aloe vera, fresh green juice, acidophilus ferment, or energized water. You may add sodium ascorbate, magnesium chloride, MSM or whatever else you like. Lanolin easily penetrates the skin to keep it moist and soft. Mix it with coconut oil, a small amount of glycerine and add some oil-soluble nutrients. At other times, you can make a facial mask with fresh residue from juicing vegetables or grass or try a carbon dioxide face mask, see Hypercoagulation or Google. Also helpful are alternating hot and cold showers or skin brushing.

Ulcers and skin infections: Wash the area with warm diluted magnesium chloride or an Epsom salt solution and apply suitable antimicrobial remedies. In addition try fresh cabbage-leaf or fresh green-vegetable pulp or juice. Aloe vera gel is excellent for sealing a wound, alternatively cover with unheated honey, add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, and renew twice daily. When there is dead, proud flesh (granulation) and gangrene, apply protein-digesting enzymes (bromelain, papain), e.g. the inside skin of green papaya fruit, also white sap or juice of raw papaw leaves.

Warts and moles: To remove, gently rub on cod-liver oil or castor oil mornings and evenings. For stronger action, apply baking soda moistened with castor oil to the consistency of putty; leave overnight; repeat until it becomes sore. Then apply vitamin E oil, green juice, or honey for several days before continuing with castor oil. Be careful and gentle with moles. If a mole appears to turn malignant, cover with raw, crushed garlic, changing two or three times per day. When it becomes sore after several days, cover with honey instead for five days; alternate between garlic and honey periods as long as required. Alternatively keep applying 50-70% DMSO or Lugol's solution or concentrated solution of ascorbate and MSM.

Basically, moles indicate that the systems of elimination are not functioning well. A protruding mole may also be removed by tying a hair tightly around it, then every two or three days adding another hair tying it a fraction tighter. Active moles can also be removed with an escharotics cream but this will cause a strong and painful inflammation for several days.

Wet eczema: This is best kept dry, either exposed to air and sunshine or covered with slippery elm powder. For healing, after infections have cleared, apply vitamin E, fresh green juice or fresh leaves, especially cabbage.

Thyroid Problems

 For an indication of your thyroid function, take your temperature before getting up in the morning. Measure it under the tongue for three consecutive mornings. For women before menopause, measure in the first half of the cycle before ovulation in the first week after the start of a new period. The temperature should be 36.5ş C or higher; otherwise, the thyroid is likely to be underactive. However, be sure that you do not have a raised temperature due to an infection.

If the thyroid is underactive, try the following measures: Take a supplement of the amino acid tyrosine, 500 mg three times daily before meals. Best take it together with a kelp or seaweed tablet as a source of iodine. Also helpful are freeze-dried thyroid and vitamin B complex. Selenium is needed to activate the thyroid hormone. The most helpful remedy for normalizing thyroid functions is Maca, a Peruvian tuberous root, similar to Wild Yam but more effective. For sources, check the Internet.

Other useful measures are pressing the thyroid foot reflexes, using a magnetic pulser on the thyroid gland, and sanitizing the teeth. The main causes of thyroid problems, except for iodine deficiency, are Candida and pyroluria, dead teeth (e.g. root-canalled teeth), jawbone infections, and mercury from amalgam fillings; these can also cause overactive or toxic thyroid conditions and need to be corrected. For autoimmune disease of the thyroid, see also Managing the Immune System. For more details see Iodine.

Vaccination Damage

Despite the refusal of the conventional health establishment to investigate the long-term effects of childhood vaccinations, independent research reports have increasingly been made public. These link vaccination rates to the epidemic of childhood asthma, as well as to crib death, shaken baby syndrome, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, autism, and juvenile diabetes. Since the 1990’s, there has been a tenfold or 1000 percent increase in autism, an increase which has been linked by some researchers to the organic mercury preservative commonly found in baby-vaccines.

A greatly increased incidence of juvenile diabetes has been correlated to specific vaccination sequences and to the number of vaccines given. In some Australian Aboriginal communities, every second child died shortly after vaccination until high doses of vitamin C were given before vaccination. Vitamin C deficiency following vaccination can cause bleeding in the brain or "shaken baby syndrome". Also, the original explosive spread of AIDS across Africa correlates with a smallpox vaccination campaign there. Basically, most components of most vaccines are highly toxic, and these are introduced by an unbiological route directly into the bloodstream of babies, whose immune systems are immature.

While the dangers of vaccinations are greatly understated by most health authorities, the advertised benefits are greatly exaggerated. For instance, incidence of the four leading childhood killer diseases - diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever, and measles - had already declined 90 to 97 percent before the introduction of vaccines, due to improved sanitation and hygiene.

If you cannot avoid vaccinations for your child, then give high doses of protective nutrients for several days before and several weeks after the event, in particular vitamin C and MSM, to aid in rapid detoxification. The most common cause of vaccine-related death or injury is severe vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) causing brain haemorrhage, just like “Shaken Baby Syndrome”. Vaccinations, like infections, use up large amounts of vitamin C.  

Wounds and Burns

DIET: Have a diet high in easily digestible proteins (such as a protein drink), fresh green-vegetable juices, chicken broth, foods high in arginine (such as almonds and sunflower seeds, best as seed cheese), and lentils.

SUPPLEMENTS: Beneficial are high doses of vitamins C, A, B1, D3 and E, bioflavonoids, manganese, MSM, zinc, glucosamine, protein-digesting enzymes, and comfrey root. Try homeopathic Arnica and/or Bach Rescue Remedy, internally and topically; also burdock, chamomile, comfrey, echinacea, and yarrow, as teas and topically.

ADDITIONAL THERAPIES: Cool burns with ice or soak immediately for 30 minutes in cold water. If disinfection is required try Lugol’s solution or hydrogen peroxide. Spray wounds and burns with a one-percent ascorbic acid solution; alternatively, apply weak tannic acid. Also useful is spraying on a solution of ascorbate and MSM, and frequently applying 50-70% DMSO. For protection apply vitamin E oil and cover with aloe vera gel, honey of a heavy consistency, or lanolin, also a paste of zinc oxide may be added. The principle is to seal the wound or burn airtight with an antiseptic preparation until it is healed. Therefore, reapply the gel or ointment to maintain an airtight seal. If the wound needs washing or cleaning, a magnesium chloride solution is best. Later, apply more DMSO, lanolin and vitamin E oil to prevent scarring. As an alternative, wounds can be covered with crushed fresh green leaves (cabbage, juicy grass pulp). Place the south-pointing pole of a magnet on fresh wounds; later, opposite poles on both sides; and finally, north-pointing pole. Use green colour therapy topically; turquoise if there are signs of infection or inflammation; later lemon or yellow.

PRESSURE THERAPY: Immediately after the injury, exert strong pressure with the thumb on any cut for at least seven minutes. Partially severed parts can be pressed and held together with hand pressure or firm bandages; this usually stops bleeding and accelerates healing.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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