by Walter Last

The health of our cells depends to a large degree on their ability to keep toxic material out. This includes toxic or unbiological chemicals, endotoxins produced by microbes inside the body and also harmful concentrations of otherwise useful biological chemicals. Such toxic matter tends to weaken and disrupt the energy production within cells and is a major factor in disease processes such as cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Toxic chemicals, together with useful ones, can enter inside the cells only through special pores in the cell wall. In healthy cells the entrance points of these pores are protected by special gatekeeper chemicals, mainly the calcium salt of 2-aminoethanol phosphate, also called colamine phosphate or short EAP. This EAP is heavily concentrated at these entrance points and is attached to the cell wall where it keeps the calcium in a fixed position.

In addition to keeping unwanted chemicals from entering, EAP is also effective in transporting essential minerals through the cell wall and into the cell. In addition, it helps to maintain and restore a normal electric cell potential between both sides of the membrane. Because of its vital functions in maintaining the health of cell membranes, EAP has been called the 'membrane integrity factor' or vitamin Mi. With increasing age and disease-related health deterioration we do not seem to be able to produce enough EAP to protect our cells. This leaves them open to attack by undesirable chemicals and toxins and can cause or contribute to a wide range of diseases.

EAP salts were developed in the 1960's in Germany by Dr. Hans Nieper and produced by a small chemical company, Dr. F. Koehler Chemie. Initially calcium EAP was mainly used in the successful treatment of multiple sclerosis. Also damaging aftereffects of viral infections (e.g. chronic fatigue) could be greatly reduced. Other diseases that responded well were allergies, asthma, blood pressure and circulation problems, capillary bleeding, cancer, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, lateral sclerosis (A.L.S.), leukodystrophy and osteoporosis.

Varicose veins stopped deteriorating and aging skin was improved. Dr. Nieper actually mentions that patients on long-term EAP therapy hardly age, neither outwardly nor by some inner criteria. A mixed formulation of calcium, magnesium and potassium EAP is calming and harmonising for the nerves and, with this, suitable for neurological conditions, including hyperactivity and anxiety disorders.

After evaluating the treatment of several thousand multiple sclerosis patients over many years Dr. Nieper found that hardly anyone of these patients had developed cancer. Also in a 6-year study of 8 patients with repeated surgery for colon cancer there were no further recurrences with calcium EAP therapy.

A report from the John Hopkins University states that by using agents that elevate the intracellular calcium level even fast growing metastatic cancer cells could be made to undergo programmed cell death. Other carriers, besides EAP, that are able to carry calcium into cells are calcium aspartate and calcium orotate.

EAP salts are commonly sold in packs of 150 tablets. Each tablet contains 350 mg of either calcium EAP, called PECA with 44 mg of calcium, or of mixed calcium, magnesium and potassium EAP, called MYNAX. Commonly 1 to 3 tablets are taken with meals three times daily. The cheapest source for medium-size orders is directly from the manufacturer: Dr. F, Koehler Chemie, in Alsbach, Germany, phone 062 57-5 09-0, fax 062 57-5 09 46 or from the US subsidiary Koehler Company, P.O.Box 11510, Prescott, AZ 86304.

Retail sources may be found on the Internet, and include Pacific International Nutrition in New Zealand,, phone 649-379-8612, and in the U.S. (New Mexico) phone 505-882-0333 or 1-800-222-7153 ir 7154,

The complete collection of Dr. Nieper's publications can be found in the Keith Brewer International Science Library, accessible through the Internet. In the following I have compiled some extracts from Dr. Nieper's writings on EAP.


Following the cell membrane model of the Swiss scientist Buchi, colamine phosphate is integrated into the cell membrane in a way that it is localized on the outside on the external cell membrane, mainly at the entrance spots into the so-called free lipid pore. From communications by Dr. Pressman, New York, we know today that colamine phosphates are part of neurotransmitters, that is substances necessary for conducting an electric signal to biological structures. In addition, the substance is obviously necessary to retain electric charges, especially of calcium, on the membrane surface.

The resulting change is extremely significant because, in this way, the cell membranes can function like an electric condenser, except that the areas containing the charge do not consist of metal as they do in technology but of biologically retained (bound) calcium linings. Colamine phosphate salts, and calcium salt, in particular, are therefore indispensable in supporting the condenser function of the cell membrane.

Clinical Testing

Since 1963 we started to apply calcium and magnesium-EAP clinically with the intention of protecting the cell membranes against unwanted intruders, such as antibodies, toxins and viruses. These can only enter through the so-called free lipid pore of the cell membrane where the colamine phosphate is in position. We presumed, therefore, that the supply of calcium EAP would have a special sealing function.

Our expectation proved to be correct. Already in 1971 Monninghoff in Munster, Germany, published electron microscopic research demonstrating in a spectacular manner how the sealing of cell membranes with calcium-EAP (and also with calcium aspartate) could prevent penetration of peroxidase granules.

Application in Multiple Sclerosis

By 1967, the following results were obtained after administering over 50,000 daily doses. The disorders of patients with multiple sclerosis improved considerably. Calcium-EAP was given both intravenously (usually 400 mg three times a week) and in tablet form (approx, 1.5 g. per day). In the case of multiple sclerosis, cell membrane damage exists throughout the body, showing especially in myelin, a multiple condenser winding around the central nerve fiber. Multiple sclerosis is not a neurological disease, but a generalized disease of the cell's membrane system. It also affects the bone matrix system, the kidneys, the membranes of the pulmonary alveoli, the urinary tract system, the inner linings of little vessels, the membranes of red blood cells as well as many other sites.

Furthermore, it was evident that the consequences of viral infections could be drastically reduced by this therapy, as demonstrated in 1969 by a control group (personnel of two department stores). Likewise, toxic effects on the cell membrane, could be reduced by this treatment. Considerable improvement was noted in patients suffering from chronic kidney illnesses. Rheumatoid disease, i.e. Boeck's Sarcoidosis, and other hard-to-cure disorders such as tuberous sclerosis and leukodystrophy also improved significantly.

A mixture of calcium EAP, magnesium-EAP and potassium-EAP excelled in calming and harmonizing the nerves of excited patients, especially children. This compound is effective on the diseases mentioned just as pure calcium-EAP is.

Success with Multiple Sclerosis

At first, the main area of application of calcium-EAP was multiple sclerosis. In the 24 years since 1964, approx. 2,280 patients were treated with multiple sclerosis, about 800 of them from North America. The results observed over 24 years were good and interesting in many respects and unquestionably better than any other known treatment of MS. Since the positive effect on MS cases was evident around 1966, the German health Authority in Berlin approved the claim labelling "Multiple Sclerosis" on packages and brochures, identifying calcium-EAP.

The fact that this therapy did not gain faster acceptance over a long period of time is certainly related to a campaign against me and this treatment by the German MS Association. Even the American MS Association had chimed in from time to time but ceased this activity in 1987 as a consequence of better findings, in contrast to the German MS Association. (Not to be confused with the independent German self-help groups).

In 1986-87, Dr. Morrissette conducted a retrospective poll of patients in the USA who originally had begun this treatment with us in Germany. Just under 300 patients were entered in this study showing that 82% of them had had a positive benefit from this therapy. When the treatment had begun in the early stages, this positive result rose to 92% of these patients. If the treatment was interrupted, the disease would erupt anew, which was to be expected (as in 20 of 28 cases where Injections were stopped).

The long-term observation of calcium-EAP effect on MS patients in such great numbers produced an entire series of additional, highly relevant phenomena that are extremely fascinating. First of all, for all practical purposes, patients under this treatment hardly age, neither in their outward appearance nor by any other criteria like tissue elasticity, skeletal firmness, absence of osteoporosis, etc.

While formerly one-third of all MS patients would die of lost nerve functions and another one-third of increased tendency to bone fractures and the last one-third of kidney failure, only two patients out of 2,200 did this. Unusual bone fractures and problems with kidney functions were not observed at all. Second to myelin of the nerve fibers, the kidneys are especially endangered in MS because the electrostatic defense against ascending bacteria that can damage the kidneys is no longer adequate because of insufficient membrane polarization in the cellular system of MS patients.

On the basis of this observation, treatment has begun with calcium-EAP decalcification diseases including true osteoporosis not related to multiple sclerosis. The net results are apparently striking. I feel that the energetic membrane impairment in Osteoblasts and of the bone matrix tissue is the true and deeper cause for decalcification diseases including osteoporosis. It is well known that these ailments are not under control. Therapy with conventional calcium salts fail as well as does hormone therapy, not speaking of the extremely risky fluoride therapy which may increase the cancer and leukemia risk and threaten the heart muscle's integrity. In the U.S., some 24 million people suffer from decalcification of the bone system; some 1.45 million experience spontaneous bone fractures every year. In my opinion, there is no alternative to calcium-EAP for the treatment of bone decalcification.

Success with Asthma

Although we had known in principle and published the protective effects on bone structure, kidneys, lungs and other organs for some 20 years, these questions were reviewed more intensively in the last 15 years. The result was exceedingly interesting. In asthma there is a disturbance of the gas exchange on the membranes of the lung alveoli.

For instance, because of the excessively high level of carbon dioxide in the blood, a constrictive reaction of the lung vessels and small airways will result, which in turn will become evident as a set of asthmatic symptoms. In addition, there will be long-term degeneration of the lung, turning either into emphysema with a loss of alveoli or into a tendency of scarring in the connective tissue causing fibrosis in the lung tissue.

Regular treatment with calcium-EAP apparently results in normalizing the membrane functions in the cells of the lung alveoli, so that the gas exchange can largely recover. This outcome did not become evident until an effective gas analysis technology was introduced in recent years. The result: Now, we almost have no asthma patients left, especially none of younger or middle age.

A few weeks after beginning therapy with calcium-EAP, asthmatic reactions will subside and almost disappear However, additional factors come into play that cannot be elaborated here.

We have seen that the use of colamine phosphate salts to normalize the gas exchange in the lung constitutes the most important basic treatment in overcoming asthma and degenerative lung disease. Along with the disorder of the gas metabolism mentioned above, there is often an undesirable mobilization of calcium from the bones which tend to decalcify. This tendency resulting from carbon dioxide stress in the blood is likewise prevented by calcium-EAP.

Success with Diabetes

During the late 1960's and early 1970's, we noticed that patients with diabetes obviously felt better when treated with calcium-EAP. The metabolism and tolerance to sugar improved, and the kidneys appeared to react favorably to this treatment.

In diabetes the usual problem is not the increased blood sugar level, but the consequences resulting from it. Excessive levels of glucose will produce unacceptable sugar deposits in numerous structures of the organism ranging from the red blood cells to the cell membranes the blood circulation system.

These damages can easily be followed when observing the small vessels of the retina and its dependent structures. In the United States, diabetes is the second most frequent cause of blindness. This retinitis is called "diabetic retinopathy". Intellectual activity, that is the ability to use the brain, can be impaired considerably by such damage to small blood vessels. Even the larger vessels such as the aorta, the heart arteries, and especially the neck's carotid artery whose correct bilateral function is indispensable for the blood supply to the brain, as well as the arteries in the pelvis and legs, are especially affected by diabetes.

The kidneys are the organs most endangered by diabetes on a long-term basis. The glomeruli which, in principal, constitute a small vascular bundle are slowly destroyed by the burden of glucose. It is a diabetic's fate to frequently suffer kidney failure and to be connected to a dialysis machine. We have observed in 24 years of administering calcium-EAP, especially in MS patients, that diabetic retinopathy will practically not occur in diabetics. Having collaborated with several ophthalmologists we are now certain that this therapy is extremely effective in retaining the function of the retina.

The kidneys as well are apparently protected in a manner unimaginable up to now with the administration of calcium-EAP (in connection with the effect of magnesium orotate) to both the diabetic and the patient with high blood pressure whose kidneys are also at risk. It is interesting that apparently there is not only a protective function, but initial forms of diabetic kidney damage demonstrated by high blood pressure and loss of protein in the urine, will disappear after a while when calcium-EAP is applied. In principle, this tendency is easy to monitor and control by observing blood pressure and urinalysis.

For therapy 400 mg calcium-EAP are given intravenously about 1-3 times per week and, in addition, about 1.5-2 g of calcium-EAP and/or magnesium-potassium-EAP are administered daily in tablet form.

In connection with treating side effects of diabetes, we have found a considerably increased need of vitamin C, especially for the kidney. It appears that more vitamin C is assimilated when additional calcium-EAP is introduced into membrane systems. This is why this treatment should be combined with larger doses of vitamin C. The vitamin C deficiency known as scurvy is also a disease of the cell membranes by the way.

Electromagnetic Forces

The length of the entire human blood vessel and capillary system has been estimated to be between 40,000 and 50,000 kilometers. You will wonder how a small human heart can pump the blood through such an immensely long and intertwined arterial system with relatively little power. The answer is demonstrated by a magnetic train that is suspended and moved by an electromagnetic cushion, practically without friction. This is exactly how it works with the red blood cells.

Only the fact that all blood particles move on an electromagnetic cushion makes this low power drive system possible. The electrostatic or magnetic gap depends on the condenser structure of the cell membranes.

Everyone will recognize that a loss of the electrostatic quality of the cell membranes must be catastrophic for the circulatory system. Increased resistance, high blood pressure, more clotting, deposits on the vessels, varicose veins, etc. will result as well as life-threatening thrombosis.

During the last 24 years, we have observed that for patients taking calcium and magnesium-EAP, the development of thrombosis, circulation problems, high blood pressure and the progression of varicose veins is almost entirely eliminated.

This is surely related to the fact that by administering EAP salts, the condenser functions of the cell membrane systems are repaired and maintained at an optimal level. This is true even for older patients. Naturally, this is accompanied by genuine youthfulness of the biological frame and certainly a substantially increased life span. Calcium and magnesium EAP is also remarkably effective against damage from sunburn. Fortunately, cell aging caused by exposure to strong light and UV radiation is prevented, or at least contained, by this therapy.


We believe that the energy from condenser systems is required to activate gene-repair of the cell plasma. These mechanisms, called oncostatins, can either block or extinguish genetic derailments on the way to a cancerous cell disorder. Therefore, with cancer it is important to maintain an optimal condenser capacity of cell membranes.

3600 MS-patients had been treated by us with calcium and magnesium EAP when it came to our attention that the men (about 40% of patients treated) did not develop prostate adenomas or prostate cancer. We checked the entire group of our MS patients as far as still observable and found only 3 breast cancers. But out of those only one had developed a cancer during the Ca-EAP therapy and had received an insufficient dose. Three men with prostate malignancies had this finding already before the onset of the Ca-EAP therapy to treat their MS. Beyond this we failed to detect any malignant development in the large number of patients treated.

Since about 6 years we run a study in patients who had colon cancers with up to 3 repeated recurrences. In all 8 cases there is so far a complete absence of cancer recurrence with 2 - 3 g of Ca-EAP daily. The same is true for colon polyps after a first removal. The results so far observed are unexpectedly positive, but the study needs further amplification in case number and time.

Since the mid-sixties we have seen that calcium-aspartate (Calciretard) drastically reduces the pain in fibro-cystic breasts. Also with the application of this specific cell-going calcium carrier there is an apparent reduction of breast cell malignancy observable (one case out of more than fifty, twenty-seven years of observation).

In the Winter 1992 Hopkins Medical News of the Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, there is a report which says the following: "Androgen-independent cells, while all this is going on, experience no such increase in calcium. Although they possess a similar "suicide" pathway, it is not activated.

But Isaacs and colleagues are killing these cells in the laboratory. "Experimentally, we have been able to demonstrate that if we take the most poorly differentiated, metastatic, fast growing, androgen-independent cell lines available, and we use agents that can elevate the intracellular calcium, the cells will then undergo programmed cell death and die."

It is for the first time that the concept of trans-membrane carrier-mediated calcium transport, or the calcium-mediated increase of the membrane's condenser function, has been shown to counteract malignancy by a group independent from ours.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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