CANCER THERAPY - A New Direction

by Walter Last

The present emphasis in cancer therapy is to destroy tumours, and all research focuses on finding new ways for doing this. However, there is little factual evidence that this approach actually works and benefits patients, while there is mounting evidence that it is exactly this approach that makes cancer so dangerous. In my more than 30 years of working with cancer patients I started out with this common perception of seeing tumours as the enemy that should be destroyed but gradually, based on experience and new independent research, my views changed.

I now regard cancer cells and tumours as generally harmless, and the common therapies as the main cause of cancer deaths. I believe with the right strategy no one needs to die of cancer. Here I want to give a short overview of a proposed change in cancer therapy.

For more than 100 years there is increasing evidence for a microbial cause of cancer. I have written about this in my article Pleomorphic Microbes - The Hidden Cause of Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases (1). My present understanding of the development of cancer is as follows.

Cancer may start with a primary infection which becomes chronic in a stressed or congested part of the body or, according to Reich (2), microbial activity may arise spontaneously from the disintegration of unhealthy tissue. The body limits the infestation by encapsulating it, or alternatively we may regard tumour formation as a biofilm which microbes use to protect themselves from the immune system. This is similar to trees forming bark tumours when stung by certain wasps. As long as the blood is reasonably clean, a tumour is just a tumour, not malignant and not a cancer.

However, if the immune system is under constant attack as from intestinal dysbiosis, Candida, toxins invading the blood due to Leaky Gut Syndrome, stressful events such as emotional trauma, or subconscious fear and shock due to a cancer diagnosis, then the blood becomes infested with dangerous (pleomorphic) microbes. Now also any more or less dormant microbes inside the tumour become active. Cancer-causing microbes produce metabolites that block the oxidative energy production of affected cells. Seeger and Budwig showed that there is a blockage of the cytochromesystem. In addition there may be a blockage of the citric acid cycle by fungal tartaric acid (3) which competes with malic acid. Cancer microbes also produce growth hormones which cause the tumour to expand.

In any case, pleomorphic microbes increasingly block the oxidative energy production of affected cells and they start producing energy anaerobically similar to fungi. Also tumour cells begin to look like fungal cells.  Now the tumour is malignant but still contained. This situation may persist for years with the tumour slowly growing, shrinking, or becoming dormant for long periods, depending on the vitality of the body, the strength of the immune system, and especially the acid-alkaline balance or pH of the lymphatic system. The more the oxidative energy production of tumours is blocked the more lactic acid is produced, the more malignant they are, and the faster they grow and metastasise. However, and this is of vital importance, tumours cannot grow in an alkaline environment.

Cancer cells look, behave, metabolise and spread just like fungi. We can see this in comparison to Candida. Normally it is just a harmless and possibly even beneficial intestinal yeast, but when it comes under existential pressure it transforms into a dangerous and invasive fungal form. It is the same with cancer cells. When tumours come under increasing pressure from a worsening microbial presence or from aggressive medical treatment then they become locally invasive and also tend to form distant metastases.

The trend in modern medicine is to remove even very small tumours. This causes already present dormant micro-metastases to spring into life years earlier than they would otherwise have done, leading to an earlier death (4), especially in younger individuals with strong inflammatory reactions. Whether conventional tumour treatment leads to metastasis does not depend on the size of the tumour or its conventionally assigned stage or malignancy but rather on the microbial condition of the blood and especially the lymphatic pH (acidity). If conventional treatment is successful in the long-term this means that the tumour was harmless anyway in regard to microbial presence.

However, even metastases do not normally kill. Tumours only rarely kill directly by pressing on vital structures, instead more commonly indirectly if they are attacked by tumour-destroying treatment or by an improved immune system and release large amounts of toxins. This then causes death due to massive inflammations and infections often resulting in death from lung infections, heart or liver failure. It does not matter if conventional or natural therapies have been used to cause these inflammations. Most cancer patients with metastases who survive the initial treatments die years later from cachexia - severe weight-loss and muscle wasting due to progressive anaemia from the destruction of erythrocytes or red blood cells by fungal-type blood microbes.

From this we see that there are three possible ways of dying from cancer:

•  Rarely a tumour becomes too large and obstructs vital organ functions

•  Immune attacks and toxins released by a disintegrating tumour cause massive inflammations

•  Most erythrocytes are disabled by blood microbes and unable to supply oxygen

Preventing Cancer Deaths

If we can prevent these three events then there will be no deaths from cancer. A recent study shows the general principle how this can be done, even in a conventional setting with chemotherapy. This is based on the idea not to destroy the tumour but just give enough chemotherapy to keep it from growing any further. The researcher (5) stated: "With a mouse ovarian cancer model, if you treat it with a very high dose, the tumour goes away. It looks like you’ve cured it. But a couple weeks later it comes back and starts killing animals. This is a standard outcome. What we did is use smaller doses of drugs and applied them when necessary. We were able to keep tumours stable and mice alive indefinitely."

Instead of using chemotherapy, alkalizing is the method of choice in natural medicine to stabilize a tumour and keep it from growing any further. For a tumour to spread it needs to dissolve the surrounding connective tissue but that can happen only if the tissue is sufficiently acidic to activate the proteolytic enzymes of the tumour. A 2009 study (6) shows that oral sodium bicarbonate not only inhibits the growth of tumours and the formation of spontaneous metastases in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer, it also reduces the rate of lymph node involvement and hepatic metastases.

These findings were confirmed and surpassed in a January 2013 (7) study which shows in detail how oral bicarbonate not only stops tumour growth but can also shrink tumours. Bicarbonate alkalises the lymph fluid and inhibits inflammation so that a gradually shrinking tumour does not cause a problem as long as alkalinity is maintained.

This study provides fascinating details about tumour growth as a function of acidity. Measurements inside malignant tumours showed an acidic pH of 6.5 – 6.9 compared to normal tissue with a pH of 7.2 - 7.4 (pH 7 is neutral). A tumour expanded into the surrounding tissue only where the pH at the edge of the tumour was lower than 7.2. When one side of the tumour had a pH of 6.7 and the other side 7.3, then the tumour would shrink at the side of the higher pH and expand into the tissue at the side with the lower pH. Within a few days tumours were actually visibly moving around according to the acid-alkaline balance of their environment.

In untreated mice the whole tumour and its surrounding tissue were acidic with the lowest pH (6.57) at the edge of the tumour, while in treated mice the whole tumour and its surrounding tissue were alkaline with the highest pH (7.26) at the edge of the tumour. Untreated tumours on average doubled in diameter between days 2 and 16 after transplanting, while those treated with sodium bicarbonate grew slowly up to day 8 and then started shrinking to about half that size, but one of four tumours had already completely dissolved by day 12. The amount of sodium bicarbonate used was 17 grams per litre of water, and the mice could drink as much as they liked.

Besides alkalizing tissue and stopping tumour invasion, oral sodium bicarbonate has another beneficial effect. This is an increased concentration of carbon dioxide in blood and tissues, and is called the Bohr effect. It allows more oxygen to be released from haemoglobin into tissues, and especially into cancer cells. This would also be important when treating cachexia, fatigue and muscle pain.

The Bohr effect explains why tumours shrank in this study at the alkaline side. It is easy to understand why tumours grew at the acid side which is due to the activation of proteolytic enzymes. Tumour cells usually die only at a pH above 7.5, and very fast at pH 8. But in this study the pH inside the tumour remained below 7.3. So why did the tumour shrink at the alkaline side? There are capillaries inside the tumour. In an untreated tumour or at the acidic side of the tumour the carbon dioxide concentration is very low. Therefore no or little oxygen is released from the blood in the capillaries. However, in bicarbonate-treated tumours or at their alkaline side the carbon dioxide concentration is much higher, and a fair amount of oxygen is released which can now normalise the oxygen metabolism of tumour cells, converting them back to normal tissue cells. This is what causes tumours to shrink at the side exposed to bicarbonate.    

Recently I had a demonstration how different treatment options tend to play out. In October 2012 a woman with whom I was corresponding was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer (the last stage before dying). She had a large tumour in her right lung, and a lot of fluid in lungs and heart. At the same time a famous cricket player and commentator, Tony Greig, was diagnosed with Stage 1 lung cancer and a small malignant lesion in his right lung. He had surgery and other conventional treatment. By January Tony Greig had died of cardiac arrest as a result of his treatment, while the woman who used alkalising and antimicrobial therapy had no more fluid, the heart was in excellent condition, results of blood tests were extremely healthy, and she felt great. The tumour was still the same size as when it was originally scanned, but one year after diagnosis she was free of tumours or cancer.

Shrinking Tumours Safely

An interesting  presentation by Gershom Zajicek (Professor of Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research) “Treatment accelerates tumor growth” (8) explains recent research showing the futility and danger of trying to remove or reduce tumours with conventional therapies because afterwards either metastases develop or tumours regrow at an increased rate. Especially chemotherapy (9) was found to make tumours metastasize and grow massively in size afterwards. As a result, the drugs killed the patients more quickly. When tumours are stressed they produce stem cells and from these new cancer cells that are much more malignant and resistant to therapy than they were pre-treatment. Conventional medicine disguises these facts with statistics by detecting and removing increasingly smaller and harmless tumours that would never have posed a threat but counting them as cured cancers. Furthermore, deaths after cancer treatment are often assigned to other causes, and this reduces the statistical cancer death rate.

Unfortunately many natural therapies create problems as well. This is basically the case with all therapies that destroy tumours and generate powerful inflammations in the process. Examples of this are the Gerson therapy, hyperthermia, or when destroying breast tumours with black salve or similar remedies. While these are usually more successful than conventional medical therapies, they also can lead to disaster, and younger and healthier individuals have the most problems because their immune systems produce the strongest inflammations.

Even destroying tumours by infusion of sodium bicarbonate as with the Simonchini method is dangerous and can cause inflammation and death. Such problems with natural methods could easily be avoided by using in addition anti-inflammatory measures such as maintaining oral alkalizing, antimicrobial therapy, and possibly periods of under-eating or fasting.    

Even conventional research now shows that fasting (10) blocks tumour growth, and that periodic fasting (11) is much more effective than unrestricted food intake or permanent restriction. The advantage of fasting is that it shrinks tumours without causing inflammation because when the body lacks food it just uses unhealthy tissue and tumours as energy source. An added benefit is that the food restriction also suppresses microbial activity. Some famous cancer cures such as the Breuss Cure or the Grape Cure use this principle.

Another way of shrinking and possibly eliminating tumours without creating inflammations is by strongly alkalizing, as with cesium chloride or with very high amounts of sodium bicarbonate to keep the urine for several days or weeks above pH 8. But these therapies can also cause problems, and in most cases I see no need to go to extremes. However, they can be life-saving with large tumours of the pancreas or brain that obstruct vital functions, and are never cured by surgery.

Proteolytic enzymes are frequently used in natural medicine as they help to remove protein debris and shrink tumours while at the same time inhibiting inflammations. Favourites are bromelain and papain. In addition the fibrinolytic enzymes nattokinase and serrapeptase inhibit excessive blood clumping or hypercoagulation (12) which is needed for metastases to form.        

I believe the most convenient and reliable treatment is to keep tumours initially stable with alkalizers (13), e.g. using sodium bicarbonate and potassium citrate spread out during the day, and subsequently shrink tumours gradually without causing inflammation. This can be done with a combination of alkalizing, antimicrobial therapy, proteolytic enzymes and periodic raw-food fasting.

A remaining problem is still the treatment of individuals who used conventional treatment and are now dying from cachexia. Videos ('Humoral Pathology' and 'Symbiosis or Parasitism') made with Grayfield microscopy (14) show very clearly that with late-stage cancer most of the erythrocytes are heavily infested with microbes and unable to function. This obviously calls for antimicrobial therapy combined with oxygen therapy. Also individuals with AIDS, TB and various autoimmune diseases frequently die of cachexia which again shows that this condition is not caused by tumours but rather by microbes.  

Growth Promoters and Inhibitors

To keep a tumour stable it is also important to minimize growth promoters. The main growth promoter is inflammation which can be controlled with antimicrobial therapy, alkalizing, fasting, proteolyticenzymes, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory herbs. Other common growth promoters are polyunsaturated oils, phosphates or foods high in phosphorus, and sugar, sweet juices, cereals and grain products, especially more highly refined varieties, because all of these increase inflammation. Easily digestible carbohydrates are so harmful with cancer because they are the main food for cancer cells and microbes. More glucose means more lactic acid and higher acidity, and this in turn means more inflammation and stronger tumour growth.

Another common growth promoter is insulin-like growth factor-1, or IGF-1, in cow's milk. While it can stimulate the growth of all tumours, it especially affects those of the breasts, prostate, lungs and colon. It may be no coincidence that these are also the most frequent cancers. A universal tumour growth promoter is chronic stress of any kind, be it emotional, nutritional or environmental.

Fresh vegetables and their juices, and especially green-leaf vegetables, beetroot and wheatgrass juice have been shown to be able to improve the oxygen metabolism of cancer cells, and therefore make them less malignant and possibly normal. More recently this has also been shown for MSM or dimethylsulfone.

MSM is interesting in that it gives another hint of what makes cells malignant. Melanoma (15) cells of a particularly aggressive strain were treated with a 2% MSM solution. After one day of exposure the cells had become completely normal and remained so indefinitely. However DMSO did not normalize these cells. The only difference between MSM and DMSO is an additional oxygen in MSM. I interpret this to mean that MSM had been enzymatically reduced to DMSO, and the liberated oxygen was in a form that repaired the oxidative energy metabolism of the melanoma cells. This confirms the results of the mentioned bicarbonate study that cancer cells and normal cells can easily be converted into each other by either blocking or restoring the oxidative energy metabolism. However, in actual therapy blood microbes may need to be controlled as well. 

DMSO is frequently used as a carrier in conventional chemotherapy or in antiviral therapy because of its ability to easily enter affected cells. With cancer it specifically zooms in on malignant cells and can be used to carry remedies along, this is especially good for treating brain tumours which are otherwise difficult to reach. There are also reports of an anti-cancer effect of DMSO on its own. It is apparently beneficial with many cancers such as breast, lung and prostate cancers, lymphomas, and it also normalised leukaemia cells. In one recent study (16) with highly invasive lung cancer cells the authors wrote: "We found that DMSO can significantly inhibit cancer cell invasion, migration, proliferation, and colony formation capabilities". DMSO also caused cancer cells to die naturally and it has been shown to protect against radiation damage, especially in regard to cancer treatment.

There are indications that the DMSO-MSM pair can act as an additional oxygen delivery system to cells. This is especially important with advanced cancer and cachexia but also with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia or muscle pain. Within the body DMSO and MSM apparently can be converted into each other. In the oxygen-rich lungs some DMSO is oxidised to MSM, and in oxygen-starved tissue, such as tumours, MSM gives off oxygen by being reduced to DMSO. The same oxygen-delivering effect into tissues with anaerobic metabolism occurs with the redox pair ascorbate-dehydroascorbate (DHA). In this case the beneficial remedy actually is not vitamin C but oxidized vitamin C.

The oxygen released by MSM or DHA inside tumours or other anaerobic tissue is highly reactive and forms hydrogen peroxide, which is also formed by the immune system to kill microbes. With this it is now clear that MSM and DHA deliver oxygen exactly where it is most needed and, if used in sufficiently high amounts kill the microbes that are at the root of tumour development, and also supply the oxygen to restart the oxidative energy metabolism, thereby normalising cancer cells. 

In addition to using high oral doses of sodium ascorbate and MSM (e.g. 2 to 3 tsp each in divided doses), it will be beneficial to use a topical solution of MSM in DMSO. MSM may be dissolved in DMSO at a rate of up to 34 grams per 100 ml. For breast cancer, melanomas and other tumours close to the skin this solution may be diluted 2 : 1 or 1:1 with water and frequently rubbed onto the skin or kept as a pack over the tumour site until it appears to normalize. Also see More Energy & Less Disease with Vitamin C and MSM.

Remaining Questions

A main problem with antimicrobial therapy is the uncertainty of deciding which remedies are best to clean the blood, and in which dosages and combinations, and for how long to use them. This could easily be assessed with live blood analysis (LBA) but therapists who use LBA commonly do not see a sufficient number of cancer patients for meaningful comparisons. Furthermore, the most effective remedies against pleomorphic microbes are banned or under attack from health authorities in most western countries, and it may be risky to research in this area.

Perhaps a common databank could be established. Also other aspects would need to be investigated, such as the influence of intestinal dysbiosis, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and root-canal fillings on blood microbes, and how best to normalize conditions. There is evidence that cleaning the blood will also gradually eliminate tumours or keep them dormant. This, too, needs to be confirmed or further researched to find the causes of any failures. Until we have a reliable protocol I recommend using a wide variety of broad-spectrum antimicrobials with good antifungal properties in different combinations and dosages as detailed in The Ultimate Cleanse (17), and with the addition of an electronic blood purifier or suitable frequency device and, of course, alkalizing to keep urine above pH 7. In Germany also isopathic remedies for the Enderlein Therapy are readily available. For a detailed program see Overcoming Cancer (18).


(1) Pleomorphic Microbes - The Hidden Cause of Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases. By Walter Last,

(2) Dr. Wilhelm Reich: Scientific Genius – or Medical Madman? By Alan Cantwell, Jr., New Dawn Magazine,

(3) The Yeast Problem & Bacteria Byproducts. By William Shaw, founder of The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc.

(4)  Proof that Cancer Surgery increases Mortality. By Walter Last,

(5) To Survive Cancer, Live With It. By Brandon Keim,

(6) Bicarbonate Increases Tumor pH and Inhibits Spontaneous Metastases. Ian F. Robey et al. Cancer Res 2009; 69: (6). March 15, 2009.

(7) Acidity generated by the tumor microenvironment drives local invasion.  Veronica Estrella, Tingan Chen, Mark Lloyd, et al. Cancer Res Published OnlineFirst January 3, 2013.

(8) Treatment accelerates tumor growth. By Gershom Zajicek, For more information see Medical interpretation of Holistic Medicine (    

(9) How Chemotherapy May Trigger Tumors’ Resistance. By Alexandra Sifferlin, Time,

(10)  Fasting protects normal cells and sensitizes cancer cells to chemotherapy.  American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Meeting, April 2010,

(11) Periodic Dieting May Cut Breast Cancer Risk. By Kevin McKeever,,

(12) Hypercoagulation. By Walter Last,

(13) Alkalizing with Sodium Bicarbonate and Potassium Citrate. By Walter Last,

(14) Grayfield Optical Inc:  Online Videos,

(15) Methyl Sulfone Induces Loss of Metastatic Properties and Reemergence of Normal Phenotypes in a Metastatic Cloudman S-91 (M3) Murine Melanoma Cell Line. Joan McIntyre Caron et al. PLOS ONE,

(16) Dimethyl Sulfoxide Promotes the Multiple Functions of the Tumor Suppressor HLJ1 through Activator Protein-1 Activation in NSCLC Cells. Chi-Chung Wang et al. PLOS ONE,

(17) The Ultimate Cleanse. By Walter Last,

(18) Overcoming Cancer. By Walter Last,

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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