A Spiritual Theory of Matter

by Walter Last

Our society is strongly divided between those who believe that matter is primary and consciousness is only a side effect of matter, and those who believe that consciousness is primary and created matter. Mainstream science favours matter as the primary force, while the opposite “spiritual” belief dominates in religion, popular culture, and with scientists who work at the borders of official science. They see consciousness as the leading force in our universe. Even Albert Einstein was convinced of the dominance of consciousness over matter; he called it a “cosmic religion”. For our society to unite and move towards a common goal we need to overcome this sharp division. What makes this task especially difficult is the lack of any common ground between these opposite belief systems.

This article aims to narrow this gap and enable a dialog by presenting a spiritually based and testable theory of matter. Particle physics tends to be the Holy Grail of science. Physicists may light-heartedly refer to their zoo of extremely short-lived particles derived from smashing the few long-lived particle species at extreme speeds into each other. Here I want to present a different kind of particle zoo revealed by using spiritual tools, commonly called extrasensory perception (ESP). Unfortunately, the number of useful ESP sources on this subject is very small. I found only two that are sufficiently detailed, but on the plus side, they provide coherent information and complement each other. Further, this information far surpasses the understanding of particle physics and, importantly, is scientifically testable.

This theory can be useful not only for particle physicists but also for those working in borderland science, such as parapsychology, free energy research, and energy medicine, and for those philosophically trying to unite science and religion. I also expect that it will allow the unification of classical physics with quantum mechanics, and uniting the four fundamental forces. Further, I hope that this theory enables science to advance, and also to find common ground with those who believe in a universe based on consciousness.
The Indivisible Matter Particle
Both of my ESP sources, L&B (1) and GPS (2), agree that at the bottom of the particle zoo is an indivisible elementary particle. Originally (about 1900) L&B called this clairvoyantly investigated particle ‘ultimate physical atom’ (UPA), but later changed it to “Anu”.

Fig.1: The two states of the Anu (L&B)
Left: yang, male or positive; right: yin, female or negative

Psychic attempts to dissociate an Anu caused it to disappear from physical reality. The Anu exists as mirror image in a positive and negative form, which differ in the spin direction of their vortices and in the direction of energy pouring through them. The energy always enters the wider end at the top and flows out at the narrower bottom end. In the positive Anu, also called yang or male, the force flows clockwise (looking down) from the astral level into the physical/etheric level, while in its negative shape, also called yin or female, it flows anticlockwise (also looking down) from the physical/etheric level through the Anu and into the astral level. Therefore, the positive Anu increases our energy and the negative Anu decreases it. Similar but bigger vortex structures may appear in plasma physics.

The Anu is the same in all observed cases. It has a highly complex body, and only its main characteristics are shown in Fig.1. It is composed entirely of spirals; each spiral in turn is composed of spirillae, and these again of even smaller and smaller spirillae. The force pouring into the heart-shaped depression at the top of the Anu rushes through every spiral and every spirillum, thereby producing different colours. This passage changes the character of the energy. Fig.2 (left) shows the three main energy coils inside the Anu, while in Fig.3 we see the toroidal windings of the smallest spirillae.

Fig.2: Energy coils within the Anu (L&B)

A positive and a negative Anu attract and revolve around each other, forming a stable and neutral entity. Combinations of three or more Anu are positive, negative or neutral, depending on their internal arrangement. The neutral entities are stable, while the positive and negative combinations are continually searching for their opposites.

Fig.3: The toroidal windings of the smallest spirillae (L&B)

In the system described by GPS the indivisible matter particles are called “Uniform Matter Particles” or UM. Originally, they probably formed as mental energy structures that gradually densified. When they reached the density of physical matter, our physical universe was born in what physics calls the Big Bang. The various combinations of UM form our atomic and subatomic particles.
The Spiritual Particle Zoo
The most basic composite particle is the Eltron. GPS called it the saturated or resting electron (Fig.4). “Saturated” means that it has a nucleus with 6 UM (or Anu) surrounded by a shell with another 6 UM. “Resting” means that it does not have a specific speed like other particles, but is the basic building block of protons and neutrons. It is electrically neutral.

Fig.4: The Eltron or Saturated Electron (GPS)

Each UM spins very fast around its own axis and also rotates around the nucleic centre.The nucleic UM rotate in the opposite direction to the shell UM. These UM are arranged so that positive and negative charges alternate. The eltron may be regarded as the mother of the other elementary particles. These are formed by progressively removing UM first from the shell and then from the nucleus.

By losing one positive UM from its shell in a collision the eltron becomes an electro-active Electron with a negative charge. This is the well-known electron of physics and chemistry. With only 5 shell UM these can now rotate much faster than 6 shell UM. The faster rotation causes a higher vibration and makes the electron more energetic. This is expressed in a high speed and a much greater mass compared to the eltron. Mass is mainly a product of the speed of rotation of the shell UM at the vibration level of physical matter.

The Graviton comes into being when 2 shell UM are torn off simultaneously in a collision. With only 4 shell UM these rotate even faster than those of the electron, again increasing vibration, speed and mass. The graviton is electrically neutral but has magnetic properties. It accumultes in material objects in proportion to their density.

Gravitons can also be formed by cosmic radiation, or by particle collisions caused by the rotation of the planet. These gravitons line up to cause the magnetic field of the Earth. The gravitons in stellar objects also create their gravitational fields which curve any arriving radiation as theorised by Einstein. With suitable technology based on cold fusion, 2 UM can be pulled off saturated electrons and stored separately from the formed gravitons. These gravitons can then be beamed ahead and above transport spacecraft for lift off, while the 2 UM Duton particles can be used to deflect cosmic objects approaching the planet. Duton particles will unite with the gravitons of an approaching space object to convert them into eltrons without any gravitational attraction.

Table 1: List of the 12 elementary particles (GPS):

(1*) Particle speeds in various matter radiations relative to the speed of light

Photons have only 3 shell UM, and therefore spin faster than gravitons, but their higher vibrations also lift them above the density level of physical matter. They have now been shown to have the properties of physical particles as well as of waves. Einstein initially gave photons particle status to avoid the need for an ether through which photons can propagate as waves, although he continued to believe in the existence of an ether.

The Jomaidon, with only 2 shell UM, is for us only an energy, but it is also a particle. It is the basis of biological life. Its effect is to convert suitable physical matter into biological matter as explained below. The jomaidon is the main source of our operating energy. It flows into the chakra system of the body, especially when asleep, and is distributed through the acupuncture meridians. It can also be used by healers to radiate energy into patients with their hands or mind. Jomaidon is being converted into bio-energy, prana or life-force by combining with yang energy or Tudon, another cosmic energy streaming into our bodies. This supplies 4 UM which on contact convert high energy jomaidon particles into low-energy saturated electrons, thereby releasing a high excess of bio-energy. Death happens when the jomaidon inflow into a body stops. From this moment on the body starts to decay.

The Meson is produced by nuclear collisions and also by collisions of stellar objects. It is part of some protons and neutrons and also of the mental body.

The Positron is a byproduct of particle collisions and radio-active decay, and is now used in medical diagnostics. If a positron with 0 shell UM collides with an eltron having 6 shell UM, then the shell UM are being shared between both particles, creating two photons. Above the etheric level is the astral level. Astral energy vibrates at a higher rate than etheric energy. Astral matter does not contain protons and electrons, but is composed mainly of positron-based neutrons. Biological bodies have astral bodies which also store gravitons.

Protons and Neutrons

The main long-lived conventional particles are protons, neutrons and electrons, and to some degree their antiparticles. Protons and neutrons are “nucleons” or “hadrons” that form the nucleus of atoms. Nucleons in turn consist of smaller subatomic particles. According to GPS, a proton comes into existence when an eltron binds an unsaturated electron with 1, 2 or 4 shell UM. This creates a #1, #2 or #4 proton as in Fig.5.

Fig.5: Proton (GPS) - an eltron combined with a meson

The #1 proton is a combination of an eltron with a meson. It is the most stable proton but overall rather rare (about 3%) in our environment. It appears to have some anti-gravity properties and assists levitation. The #2 proton abounds in biological structures, it is the combination of an eltron with a jomaidon. The #3 proton, containing a photon, is highly unstable and disintegrates immediately after forming in a collision. The #4 proton is a combination with a graviton and dominates the physical or non-living world of our planet. This is less stable than #1 and #2 protons, and is the one used in particle collision experiments and nuclear power generation.

Fig.6: Neutron (GPS) – a meson combined with 2 eltrons

The arrangements are similar for neutrons. The main difference is that there are two eltrons bound to one unsaturated electron between them as shown in Fig.6. The spin centre of the neutron is at the unsaturated electron in the middle, and it remains there when one electron is expelled to convert the neutron into a proton. This produces an asymmetrical spin centre which makes the proton energetically more balanced and like a neutron. The release of an electron with 5 shell UM from the neutron leaves a single negative UM in the electron and a single positive UM in the proton. This positive UM joins the remaining eltron to give it 7 shell UM (not shown in Fig.5), and this provides the proton with a positive electric charge.
Nucleons and Health

Except for some minerals, healthy biological structures contain only #2 protons and neutrons. In contrast, toxic and metabolic wastes or dross which the body tries to expell consist mainly of #4 protons and neutrons. The more unhealthy the body becomes the more #4 nucleons remain in the body. This is especially noticeable with cancer.

The higher the number of #4 nucleons the lower is the chance of recovery. #4 nucleons may accumulate in the body by eating food with low biological value, by insufficient elimination of toxic and metabolic waste, by creating much waste by exposure to harmful radiation, and by insufficient inflow of jomaidon energy.

Molecules or structures with high numbers of #4 nucleons within cells may die and obstruct the functions of these cells. With high inflow of jomaidons, defective cells may be normalised again by converting #4 nucleons back into #2 nucleons.

The Hydrogen Atom

The hydrogen atom is interesting because it allows us to compare its structure as provided by L&B with that from GPS. L&B did not investigate or describe isolated individual protons, neutrons or electrons, but only as they were present in atoms. They observed that when one chemical element combines with another, the atoms almost always break up. The new combination is not of one atom with another as a whole, but instead the components are rearranged into a complex structure. Fig.7 shows the L&B image of the hydrogen nucleus with several interesting features, especially the arrangement of the Anu (UPA) into groups of three, and also the oval shape of the nucleus.

Fig.7: Nucleus of the hydrogen atom (L&B)7

The hydrogen triplets, or more generally UM triplets, are held together by electric charges and energy flows as shown in Fig.10. Three triplets in turn are bound together into a triplet triangle by opposite charges and energy flows, and both triangles are joined by their opposite electric charges. These seem to be the main forces that hold the particles inside the nucleus together.

Theosophical concepts are mainly derived from ancient Hindu teachings and Sanskrit writings. Accordingly, physical matter is the densest phase of the etheric level or dimension, consisting of solids – E7, liquids – E6, gases – E5, and four additional sub-divisions presently unknown to science.

Fig.8 shows what happened when the investigators psychically moved the examined hydrogen nucleus or proton from its E5 state as a gas (far left) into progressively higher etheric levels up to E1 (far right).

Fig.8: Dissociation of hydrogen at higher etheric levels (L&B)

When L&B mentally sent energy into the nucleus, it initially broke up into two separate particles. The wall around the nucleus disappeared while the small Anu or UM triplets rearranged themselves into two walled entities and moved to the E4 level where they can no longer be detected by physical instruments. With more transmitted energy they stepwise broke up into quarks (E2) and then into 18 individual particles, the “Anu” or indivisible particles (E1). With even more energy the Anu disappeared from the etheric plane.

These visions of the Anu and the ether were confirmed and enhanced by the Theosophist and clairvoyant Geoffrey Hodson. He also saw myriads of minute points of light pervading the space and surrounding everything, including the Anu, which were several orders of magnitude larger than these tiny lights. This field of tiny lights was like a mist and also spiralled around the Anu. I assume that these tiny lights are energy vortices which rapidly manifest and demanifest, thereby forming the ether of space. This is essentially how Albert Einstein envisioned the ether. For a detailed analysis of the discoveries of L&B (but not GPS) see Stephen Phillips, a theoretical and particle physicist.

Fig.9: Hydrogen Atom (GPS)

Recently researchers were surprised to find that protons commonly have shapes like a peanut or rugby ball, at low energies they may also resemble a sphere, a doughnut or bagel Fig. 7 clealy shows the peanut or rugby ball shape as seen with ESP already 100 years ago. The Fig.9 GPS image does not show the electron fully integrated. The letters refer to binding energies.

Nucleic Rearrangement

There is an apparent discrepancy between Figs.7 and 9: the L&B nucleus has 18 UM/Anu, while the GPS nucleus has only 12 UM. All of these apear to be from the nuclei of the contained elementary particles. Despite making great efforts in this direction, L&B were not able to see electrons. For this and other reasons, I conclude that in chemical bonds the nucleus of the electron actually joines the other two nuclei inside the proton to make it a quasi-neutron. and only the 5 shell UM of the electron circle the 3 combined particle nuclei as the electron cloud. The shell UM of the other two nucleic particles may remain with their nuclei, but the excact arrangement is not clear as L&B apparently did not see them. Another remaining problem is to explain the difference in the arrangement of the UM in Figs. 5 and 9. It may be that Fig.9 is only schematic and Fig.5 how it actually looks.

Also all other chemical elements as investigated by L&B displayed the same pattern of 18 Anu per nucleon. Therefore, I assume that the same process happens with all chemical elements and makes it understandable that according to the GPS information there are in reality not multi-level electron orbits around the nucleus, but instead only a one-level electron cloud consisting of UM. A multi-level effect may instead be due to the way electron nuclei are arranged within the atomic nucleus.

L&B mentioned that extensive rearrangements occur in the nuclei during chemical reactions. I assume that the same rearrangement occurs when the neutron splits into proton and electron. In this case only 12 nucleic UM remain. Fig.7 suggests that one of the two eltrons is expelled, but in the process leaves one of its positive shell UM behind, and this now joins the 6 shell UM of the remaining eltron to give it a positive charge.

Further, the triplet triangle containing the 2 linear triplets breaks up. The linear triplets now form the nucleus of the electron, and the third triplet stabilises the remaining triplet triangle. Therefore, the proton in an atom has very different particle and energy arrangements compared to a free proton as in proton rays.


The main particles in the nucleus of an atom are protons and neutrons, also called nucleons or hadrons. These consist of smaller particles or subparticles, most important of these are the quarks. According to particle physics there are at least 3 quarks in each nucleon which produce a combined electron charge of either +1 e or -1 e in a proton or antiproton, or are neutral in the neutron. UM triplets are the equivalent of quarks. Fig.10 shows a drawing by L&B of their internal energy flows. These energy flows in addition to the electric charges of the UM hold the triplets together.

Fig.10: Up Quark or positive triplet on left, down Quark or negative triplet on right (L&B)

In conventional particle theories quarks are either up or down with a charge of either +2⁄3 e for the up quark, and −1⁄3 e for the down quark. Protons have 2 up and 1 down quark for a combined electron charge of +1 e. Neutrons have 2 down quarks and 1 up quark for a charge of zero. There may be any number of additional quarks in a nucleon as long as their properties overall balance out to zero. For a conventional image of quarks see Fig.11.

Fig.11: Conventional image of quarks (x)

Now compare the quarks in Fig.11 with the UM triplets in Figs.7 and 10. It is obvious that these images all show the same structures. The L&B drawing was made from clairvoyant observations 60 years before quarks were first discussed in physics. By the way, also isotopes were described by L&B 6 years before they appeared in physics. In Table 1 UM triplets or quarks are called Setons. In the nucleus the UM triplets or quarks are connected into larger triangles with a positive or a negative charge and divide the nucleus into a positive and a negative region.

Remaining Questions

There is a discrepancy concerning the charges of quarks between the models of particle physics and those of L&B and GPS. Physics assumes that the electric charges of quarks are responsible for the overall electric charge of a nucleon, and this requires the assignment of +2⁄3 e or − 1⁄3 e for each quark.

However, according to GPS the electric charges of particles are due to the arrangement of UM in the shells of some nuclear particles. Therefore, the charges of UM triplets or quarks are not needed to explain the electric charges of nucleons, rather their purpose is to hold the nucleus together. For this the L&B and GPS information indicates that each UM has an equal charge, either +1 or -1. This also gives each triplet or quark and each UM triangle in Fig.7 a charge of +1 or -1.

Conventional physics does not know where the electric charges of particles come from, and in nucleons, possibly wrongly, it is assigned to quarks. However, this is just a mathematical construction and not based on detailed observations of isolated quarks.
Fermilab states: “Unlike electrons, you can’t find just one (quark) and measure it. Consequently, the charge assignments for quarks are inferred from the charges of hadrons
and from our model of the various quarks that are inside hadrons.” In other words, the electrical charges of quarks assumed by physics are just speculation.

Furthermore, the conventional picture is mainly pieced together from observations of high-speed particle collisions which cause the nucleic subparticles to be smashed up, converted or rearranged, and wrong conclusions may be drawn from this.


A particle theory is presented based on information derived by ESP. It postulates an undivisible matter particle (UM or Anu) as the basic building block of 11 composite elementary particles. The central composite elementary particle is the Eltron, also called saturated or resting electron. This has a nucleus formed by 6 UM and a shell also with 6 UM. Other elementary particles arise when eltrons at first lose shell UM in collisions and later also nucleic UM.

The neutron is a composite of 2 eltrons on opposite sides of a particle with an unsaturated shell (e.g. meson, jomaidon or graviton). It can eject an electron by transferring a positive shell UM from one of its eltrons to the remaining eltron to make it positive. With this we now have a proton. The nucleus of a proton or neutron is held together by the electric charges of its UM and the energy flows between them.

(1) C.W. Leadbeater & Annie Besant: “Occult Chemistry”. Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India; third edition 1951; download from or
(2) “EXISTENCE – CONSCIOUSNESS” by Gabor Paul Sztelek, Budapest, Hungary, self-published 2010 in Hungarian and English. Order from
Author Bio: Studied in Germany, worked as Biochemist in Germany and the US, mainly in forensics and air pollution, and in NZ and Australia as nutritionist, natural therapist and writer.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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