by Walter Last

Colour has a powerful influence on our body chemistry. The strongest effect is through the eyes, but good results are also achieved by treating the skin areas over certain organs or the spine.

Colour can be used in various ways: as direct coloured light, or indirect light from the colours of walls, curtains and clothes; in foods, and by treating drinking water with coloured lights; by visualising colours with closed eyes; or by visualising that the inhaled breath or directed energy is coloured. For treatment you should be careful to select bright, clear colours; murky colours usually have unpleasant effects.

Coloured Lights

Light may be coloured by using coloured light bulbs, by filtering sunlight through coloured glass or cellophane, even by wrapping coloured cloth around a lamp. Drinking water may be treated by exposing it to sunlight in coloured-glass containers or in containers covered with coloured cellophane, or coloured light bulbs may be used. This water is beneficial for drinking, gargling in the case of throat infections, washing wounds or bathing the eyes.

Preferably, stimulating colours should be used in the morning and sedating colours in the evening. If a sequence of coloured lights is used, start with stimulating colours, proceed to blue and finish with green. When treating internal organs, shine the light at close range on to the skin area covering the organ, possibly also on to the spinal reflex area. For general treatment and especially to improve eye conditions, you may look at a brilliant, reflecting surface of the desired colour, exposed to sunlight or a strong electric light.

To treat specific parts of the body, you may cover them with a single or double layer of cellophane of the desired colour and expose them to mild sunlight or strong electric light. If using sunlight you should be careful not to over-expose as cellophane does not absorb the UV radiation. As a general tonic, you may cover the back with cellophane in the colours of the rainbow: red at the base, orange over the lower back, yellow in the middle, green at the shoulder blades, blue at the neck and violet over the head. These are also the regional chakra energy colours

Green is the general healing colour, representing harmony and balanced body polarities. In disease, there may be over-stimulation, with too much red in the system - fever, inflammation, irritability, skin rash, red eyeballs, pink fingernails; or there may be under-stimulation with too much blue - pale skin, sluggishness, bluish eyeballs, bluish nails. The over-stimulated condition needs blue colour treatment, while the under-stimulated condition requires red or orange.

The following list shows the conditions for which the different colours may be used. You may also use muscle testing or a pendulum for individual colour selection. Different parts of the body may need different colours. If you are in doubt about which area to treat, irradiate 'systemically' - over the whole body. When irradiating the back, lie on one side, not on the stomach. For best effects or professional treatments, use colour slides with a strong projector in a dark room, and irradiate for one hour or longer at a time.

The Curative Properties of Colours

RED (BRIGHT RED) - Warm and stimulating. Use in anaemia, or whenever you are feeling cold and pale, with chilled extremities; also useful for ultraviolet and X-ray burns and frostbite; red is a liver stimulant and counter-irritant (to bring internal inflammations to the surface). Nutrients: vitamin B12, acidity.

ORANGE - A respiratory stimulant; useful for weak lungs, asthma, consumption, emphysema; also for overweight and under-active people with an under-active thyroid (energises thyroid, sedates parathyroids). Orange relieves spasms and cramps; increases milk secretion; corrects rickets and soft bones, osteoporosis; stimulates stomach and digestion, and relieves flatulence and distension; also stimulates the bladder, kidneys, liver and pancreas, try with epilepsy. It is valuable for chronic kidney disease and gallstones; arthritis, gout and rheumatism during non-painful periods. Minerals: boron, calcium, copper, selenium, silicon.

YELLOW - The most luminous colour. A strong stimulant and energiser for muscles and nerves: use in all cases of paralysis and muscle disorders, for nerve building, and in nervous exhaustion. Yellow energises the alimentary tract and stimulates digestion, flow of bile, gastric juices, pancreas activity, lymphatic system, heart, eyes and ears. It generally activates all bodily functions except those of the spleen, which is sedated; use for indigestion, constipation, diabetes, depression, for skin cleansing and to destroy intestinal worms. Minerals: magnesium, molybdenum, sodium.

LEMON (YELLOW-GREEN) - Stimulates brain activity and activates the thymus. It is a mild laxative and expectorant (expels mucus): use in respiratory problems involving phlegm, asthma, coughs. Lemon is useful for dry, scaly skin disorders and bone building. It neutralises overacidity, and is indicated for chronic disorders in general, including cancer (systemic), diabetes and dwarfism. Minerals: gold, iodine, iron, phosphorus, silver, sulphur.

GREEN - Stimulates pituitary gland, encourages muscle and tissue building, and breaks up hardened cell masses and clots. It is anti-congestive, germicidal, disinfectant, purifying: use for heart problems, ulcers, cancer, wound healing, skin improvement, burn pains, glaucoma, headaches, neuralgia. Elements: chlorine, nitrogen.

TURQUOISE (BLUE-GREEN) - Normalising for acute disorders. It is calming, and therefore useful for headaches, for soothing inflammations, sunburn and itching. It improves, rebuilds and tones the skin: use for moist- or weeping-skin disorders. It is also valuable for acute childhood diseases and infections, acute venereal diseases, and hyperactivity. Minerals: chromium, zinc.

BLUE - Cooling, strongly anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, stops bleeding; reduces fever, pain. Use to treat all conditions marked by redness, swelling and heat, and acute phases of arthritis, gout and rheumatism. Blue is relaxing and calming, slows the pulse, can reduce high blood pressure, and is valuable for underweight and overactive people. Use to treat itching, irritation, irritability, insomnia, throbbing headaches, speedy brain; sore throat, loss of voice, burns, bruises; diarrhoea, dysentery, colitis, neuralgia, sciatica, earache, biliousness and jaundice. Also good for treating tumour areas and red or infected skin disorders. Element: oxygen.

INDIGO (BLUE-VIOLET) - Sedative, pain relieving, arrests discharges and bleeding, astringent. Use for piles and varicose veins. Indigo improves the immune system during infections: use to irradiate swollen lymph glands; in whooping cough with fever and other acute lung disorders; for convulsions and nervous irritation. It stimulates the parathyroids and sedates the thyroid; use locally for goitre.

VIOLET - Relaxing and soothing. It also stimulates the spleen and builds white blood cells. Violet sedates heart and muscle activity, and calms hyperactive people. It is useful for overactive kidneys and bladder; bed-wetting; nerve disorders and overactive mental disorders; epilepsy; insomnia. It also suppresses appetite.

PURPLE (BLUE AND RED) - Dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure: slows the pulse as with palpitations (irradiate heart area). Purple lowers body temperature, and is excellent for high fevers; it stimulates the activity of veins; is a good sleep inducer for insomnia; decreases sexual desire and pain; is antimalarial; sedates the kidneys.

MAGENTA (RED AND VIOLET) - Energising; improves and normalises the emotions, the aura and the sexual system. Magenta energises the adrenal glands and the heart muscle, normalises the heart and blood pressure, improves the circulation. It is diuretic; useful for kidney stones; complementary to green. Mineral: potassium.

SCARLET (2 PARTS RED AND I PART VIOLET) - arrows the arteries and raises the blood pressure; energises kidneys (diuretic); use as a sexual stimulant or for frigidity, and for suppressed menstruation. Scarlet accelerates the birth process and expels the placenta.

Photo-chromo therapy

Absent individuals may be treated (with their consent) by exposing their photographs or even a sample of hair or hand-writing to suitably coloured lights. Following is an arrangement that reportedly gave especially good results: line a box with crumpled and partly restraightened aluminium foil. Place the photo on the bottom, covered with a glass plate to prevent heat damage. Suspend from the top a small coloured light bulb, as used in Christmas decorations or similar ways. Cover the top with more aluminium foil treated in the same way.

Another possibility is to cover the aluminium-foil-lined box with cellophane of the desired colour and expose the box to moderate sunlight. Exposure time may range from one hour to several hours, depending on the severity of the condition and the reaction of the patient. A pendulum may possibly be used for assessing colours and exposure times.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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