by Walter Last

Here are some ideas for transforming healthy foods into enjoyable meals

I am not fond of using recipes. Most recipes seem to be designed to tickle our palate by harming the nutrients in the food. The healthiest recipe for carrots, for instance, is to pull one out of the ground, clean it and chew well. Any additional step is less nutritious. Also I favor experimenting: mixing this and that within the framework of the food combining rules and seeing how it turns out. In this spirit I offer the following recipes as starting points for finding ways to make healthy food tasty.

If you are willing, you can gradually change your taste preferences, and come to like the new diet with healthier meals. If your life is in no immediate danger from an advanced disease, it will be best to change slowly, making a gradual transition from the present diet to the high quality diet and possibly the raw-food diet over a period of years.


Food acids, such as in cider vinegar, citrus fruits, and other acid fruits, and tomatoes are usually beneficial for individuals with an insensitive body and raised blood pressure. However, fruit acids cause problems for those with a sensitive body and low blood pressure. The main reason for this is an inefficient metabolism that causes the body to become overacid and mineral deficient. The main problem is not the ingesting of fruit acids but rather the mineral deficiency caused by the overacidity. In the right way that is in neutralised form, fruit acids can be used to remineralize and alkalise the body and in this way are highly recommended.

Sensitive individuals commonly need more calcium and magnesium. This may be provided by neutralising dolomite with vinegar. Keep several tablespoonfuls of finely powdered dolomite together with a glassful of vinegar in a jar Preferably stir or shake the mixture occasionally to speed up the reaction. Drink about 50 ml of the decanted liquid once or twice daily before a meal, best diluted with water or other liquid. However, if a calcium supplement is taken with a meal then the calcium tends to combine with fatty acids in the food and form soaps, which are not absorbed. Also the casein in milk tends to bind the calcium.

When using 50 ml of 5% vinegar this supplies approximately 500 mg of calcium and 300 mg of magnesium. Add more dolomite when no more bubbles appear after adding more vinegar or when the neutralized liquid remains too acid or does not reach a pH of about 5. Dolomite contains inert residue, therefore you cannot simply wait until it is all used up. In regard to vinegar, it would be best to use organic cider vinegar but this is also ten times more expensive than bulk white vinegar, while normal cider vinegar may contain pesticides. Therefore, if you have limited financial resources then white vinegar is adequate to use for this purpose. Lemon juice is not suitable for dissolving dolomite as the citric acid tends to chelate calcium and interferes with its intestinal absorption.

Dolomite may also be used by sensitive individuals to neutralize acid yogurt, or Kambucha tea, or tomatoes. However, a pinch of sodium bicarbonate may need to be used in addition for full neutralization. Citric acid in citrus fruit is best neutralized with sodium bicarbonate only. Individuals with an insensitive body and raised blood pressure, on the other hand, do not need additional calcium and do not need to neutralize fruit acids but may neutralize part of them with magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate. Instead of acids in food you may also use ascorbic acid to neutralize with magnesium powder or dolomite.

Dolomite supplies calcium and magnesium in the generally desirable ratio of 2 to 1. However, if you are already routinely using magnesium chloride or only additional calcium is required to reduce an overacid condition, then you may use powdered egg shell or powdered shell grit or commercial calcium carbonate for neutralizing. This applies especially to individuals who experience cramping or weakness when taking any additional magnesium. 50 ml of neutralised vinegar will carry about 800 mg of calcium into the body.

If we would simply take calcium carbonate or dolomite instead of neutralizing vinegar we would have to use up our precious supply of gastric acid to neutralize and dissolve the carbonates. Many individuals have mineral deficiencies precisely because of a lack of gastric acid. If, on the other hand, we use an inorganic mineral supplement, such as calcium or magnesium chloride, then we can absorb the calcium or magnesium but it will not reduce any overacid condition of the body.


The best method for baking is one in which enzymes in the food remain alive. This means heating to less than 50°C/120°F. Furthermore, it is preferable to start from whole, soaked or sprouted seeds that are rich in enzymes rather than from commercial flours that may have had their enzymes destroyed during the milling process and may be contaminated with mycotoxins. The best method I have found so far is baking with rice. After blending soaked or sprouted rice, the dough continues to absorb water and so becomes firm almost without any heat. I have not found this property in any other grain. You may have to experiment with different varieties of rice to find a good sprouting one.

Soak brown rice overnight. If it is viable, rinse for two or three days until sprouts appear; otherwise use after soaking. Wash well and blend with a minimum of water. If the blended rice does not have the consistency of a paste add rice or buckwheat flour, or strain off excess water. Lightly cover a tray with some rice flour or baking paper and spread the paste out flat. Preferably leave in the sun or otherwise a warm place, such as a warm oven with the heat turned off, until the dough has solidified, usually after a few hours.

You may experiment with various additions, such as kelp powder, occasionally carob powder and dried fruit for children, and acidophilus culture or a sourdough starter if you want to try baking a more conventionally shaped loaf. The addition of any other kind of soaked or sprouted seed will make it more difficult for the dough to harden. However, buckwheat flour helps to bind the bread together. You may, of course, try to bake flat bread at low temperatures in an oven from a mixture of various flours or meals, such as from peas, lentils, chickpeas, rice and rye.

If you use sprouted seeds, it is not necessary to add acidophilus or sourdough starter to improve the nutritional quality, only to lighten the bake. However, if you only soak the seeds and, more important still, if your main ingredient is flour, then lactic-acid fermentation will greatly improve the nutritional value as well as lighten the texture.

Any other soaked or sprouted and blended seeds may be used for making flat bread by baking at 70º-80ºC/160º-180º F with or without using a starter. Again, it is advisable to spread the dough over a layer of flour to absorb excess moisture. You may also add other flavoring ingredients, such as banana or carrot pulp. It may take five hours or more of baking for the bread to solidify.

At this temperature the enzymes are destroyed and, unlike sun-baked rice, it is not a raw food any more. However, the protein structures generally are not damaged and there is no digestive leukocytosis when eating this bread. You may refrigerate part of the sourdough as starter for the next bake, but if you are yeast-sensitive it is preferable to use fresh acidophilus culture each time. For more conventional bread I recommend rye sourdough baking. The more acidophilus you add and the slower the dough solidifies the more acid it becomes and vice-versa.

Sourdough baking with lactic acid fermentation is much healthier than yeast baking. It makes minerals and inositol available that otherwise remain unavailable in conventional cereals. Furthermore, you can use part of the ferment unheated as a live food and source of probiotics.

Rye-Sourdough: Mix a cupful of acidophilus starter with rye flour, water, flavorings (for example, caraway seeds) and a tablespoonful of honey or molasses as food for the bacteria. Leave covered overnight in a warm place. Before adding salt, reserve and refrigerate 1 cup of this as a starter for the next baking. Add more flour, knead, shape and cover the loaves and let them rise in a lightly warmed oven for several more hours. Then bake at a moderate heat for 90 minutes. Place a pan with hot water on the bottom rack to develop steam.

Buckwheat-Rice Dough

Mix the following:

•  2 cups of brown rice flour
•  1 cup of buckwheat flour
•  1 cup of sourdough starter
•  ⅔ cup of warm water
•  1 or 2 tsp of honey or molasses

Normally you save a cup of the sourdough for the next batch but if it is rather firm then add an additional cup of water. When doing this for the first time then use instead half a cup of acidophilus yogurt or several acidophilus-bifido capsules or any other suitable source of acidophilus (e.g. Grainfields liquid). Honey or molasses are added as food for the bacteria to be converted to lactic acid.

Buckwheat flour is recommended in all non-gluten baking to make the bread stick together. You may replace part of the rice flour with another non-gluten flour, as for instance coconut, lentil or pea flour, which you can make yourself by grinding dried coconut or seeds in a coffee grinder and putting it through a sieve. Adjust the amount of water to obtain a firm dough.

Keep the mixture warm for several hours or overnight, preferably in a yogurt maker. When it has become somewhat frothy and risen by up to half in volume it is ready to bake. If you want to add salt you can do it at this stage after taking out and refrigerating a cupful for the next batch. If it is too acid for your taste, mix some alkalizer into the dough.

There are now two possibilities. The conventional one is to put it into a (lightly greased) baking tin, keep it warm for an hour or more to let it rise again, and then bake for 35 to 40 minutes at 180ºC.

However, the healthier option, which you may explore with some of the dough, is to spread it out flat on a tray and preferably let it dry in the sun for a few hours, or otherwise just in a warm place. The aim is not to get it dry like a baked product, but rather moist and crumbly.

This is now a live fermented food, similar in health qualities to yogurt and it tastes somewhat sour just like yogurt. You may use it with any good spreads and in addition to salads and other meals just like you use bread. Start with small amounts and hopefully you come to like it and use it in increasing amounts.


Raw chicken or turkey may be minced or blended. You may cut most of the meat from the bones and blend them with bone broth or other suitable liquid. You may flavor this with any herbs or spices, onion and tomato, and drink it as broth, slightly warmed if you prefer. Any stringy parts may be used for the bone broth.


Use the soft bones of fowl, or bones and heads of fish. Add one or several tablespoons of vinegar, depending on the amount of bones you have. Simmer with sufficient water in a covered non-metal container for at least 3 hours, or until the bones become brittle and the liquid is nearly neutral. With larger quantities and longer cooking time you may repeatedly add more water and vinegar. Alternatively, use a pressure cooker for 30 minutes, but without adding acid. When the bones have become soft, blend it all, strain (optional) and freeze in ice cube trays. Use some of the broth frequently with meals; especially add it to vegetable salads - it is an excellent source of gelatin, calcium and other minerals.


To make liver broth simmer pieces of (organic) liver for 2 hours; strain and mix with sweet vegetables, cooked or raw. To make beef juice: dice a pound of lean beef. Put in a jar without water, cover well and stand the jar on a pie of cloth in a pot filled with water. Boil for 3 hours. Press juice accumulated in the jar through a strainer and refrigerate or freeze it. Sip a teaspoonful 5 to 10-times daily and keep it in the mouth for some time. Make fresh weekly. Occasionally the juice may be made of liver instead of beef. Beef juice is indicated in cases of serious muscle weakness. This is an Edgar Cayce recipe.


In order to cut down on butter consumption, lightly warm some butter and mix it with an equal amount of extra virgin olive oil. Add lecithin, chopped onion, kelp, herbs and spices to taste. Alternatively or in addition to using oil, butter may be mixed with an equal amount of hot gelatin; flavor to taste. Keep the butter spread refrigerated.


Dice the fish and cover with lemon juice or diluted cider vinegar or a mixture of both. Refrigerate overnight; add onion, cooked or raw or herbs and spices and possibly some juice or leaf or green skin of papaw. Eat with vegetables or sprout salad. You may also marinate liver or other soft cuts of meat.


These are for festive occasions. Mince any of following: nuts, sesame or sunflower or pumpkin seeds, fresh coconut, dried fruits such as apricots, dates, mixed peel, papaya, pineapple. Mix well, add lemon juice to taste and also lecithin; bind with oil. Make into small balls and roll in desiccated coconut. For different flavors add carob powder or spices to the mixture.


This may be used as bread spread or as an addition to meals. Soak chickpeas (garbanzo beans) overnight. If viable sprout them, otherwise use soaked raw or soaked and cooked for a few minutes only. Puree the prepared chickpeas in a blender and mix with any combination of the following: olive oil, tahini, lecithin, cayenne, kelp herbs or spices. Keep refrigerated.


Normally you drink fresh vegetable juice cold. However, in cold weather you may enjoy drinking it hot, flavored like a broth. Use a handful of fresh green leaves, add cabbage, celery, tomato, cucumber - whatever is available - and finally some sliced carrot, pumpkin or beetroot. Mix this in an electric blender, together with a suitable hot liquid, for instance herb tea, bone broth, or just water. Strain, and press the residue. Try to keep the temperature of the broth below 500C/1200 F.

A juice extractor may be used instead of the blender. You may also mix the hot liquid with some freshly pressed juice. Flavor the drink to taste; you may use herbs, spices, miso, kelp, oil, lecithin, egg yolk, food yeast or molasses in any combination you like. Drink the juice immediately, taking sips. Another possibility is to simmer the residue left over from juicing in water for ten minutes, strain; add some flavoring and drink hot.


Dissolve 4 teaspoons of white, unflavored gelatin in one pint of hot water. Pour it over diced fruits or over sprouted seeds and diced or grated vegetables (for example, cucumber, tomato, carrot or chopped onion). You may add herbs, spices, kelp and salt. Alternatively, the gelatin may be dissolved in a smaller amount of hot water and mixed with an appropriate amount of fruit juice or fresh vegetable juice. Refrigerate for setting. Instead of commercial gelatin, a gelatinous bone or fish broth is preferable. Gelatin aids in the absorption of vitamins and minerals.


The following combination may be used as a snack before or between meals or instead of any meal, it is especially good as a breakfast. Mix half a cupful of ground linseed with some more linseed oil or olive oil or melted coconut oil, a tablespoon of bee pollen, sliced or blended bananas, lecithin granules and enough yogurt, seed cheese or seed milk for a smooth consistency. You may also add some chopped fruit or berries.

Further recommended additions are: 1 or 2 teaspoons of barley grass or wheat grass powder (if not using fresh grass juice), spirulina (my favorite), chlorella or other algae and, instead of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of powdered acidophilus culture or several high-potency acidophilus capsules. As liquid component you may also try fresh vegetable juice, grape juice, apple juice or any other liquid. See also Spirulina-Pollen-Linseed Mix.


Use only mince from lamb or grass-fed or organic meat; do not use anything from a feedlot. Keep larger amounts frozen in meal-size portions. You may flavor a portion with chopped or grated onion, radish, ginger and tomato, use chili or cayenne, and squeeze some lemon or limejuice over it. If possible expose previously frozen or refrigerated food for several minutes to sunshine before eating.


This may be used as a special health food to aid the digestion as well as in dissolving tumors or other unwanted growths. Mix in a blender mature green papaw (when it just starts turning yellow and the seeds are already black) with skin, seeds and flesh, also banana and any other fruit in season and sufficient of a suitable liquid, such as a juice or yogurt. Eat on its own or as part of a meal.


POTATOES - grated

In addition to baking or steaming potatoes with skin, they may sometimes be prepared in the following way. Bring a cupful of water to boil, keep the element on high, add coarsely grated potato and stir for 2-3 minutes. This leaves the potato semi-raw with a quite distinct flavor; add kelp, oil and so on and eat with vegetables or sprouts.


This is good as a general energy booster especially if you have blood sugar problems or lack of energy and it is also excellent when used 30 minutes before a meal to reduce appetite if you want to lose weight. Mix in a blender: one or more spoonfuls each of bee-pollen, green barley juice powder, ground linseed, spirulina and chlorella or any combination of these in a suitable liquid. This may be seed milk or any other kind of milk or juice such as grape juice or apple juice. You may also add sprouted seeds after blending them. See also the Spirulina-Pollen-Linseed Mix.


Wash a cupful of whole grain (preferably organically grown) and cover with 2 cups of warm water. Suitable are rice, millet, rye and other grains. Keep in a glass or porcelain container in a warm place. Pour off the liquid the next day or when it tastes slightly sour. Use possibly refrigerated as a refreshing drink. The grains may then be cooked or sprouted. Use the ferment only if it has a pleasant taste and smell otherwise discard it. Rejuvelac is not suitable for sensitive and yeast-allergic individuals.


Cook the rice until almost soft and most of the water has evaporated. Add a small quantity of apples, cover, cook until the apples are soft and then mash them. Add cinnamon, oil, lecithin and kelp. Possibly eat cold as dessert. As an alternative, add apple puree to the cooked rice. You may also try rice with a sauce based on blended raw carrots and other sweet vegetables or bananas.

Healthier than cooked rice is sprouted and blended rice. Wash and soak a sprouting variety of brown rice overnight. After sprouting blend it and add other flavoring ingredients, such as banana, olive oil, kelp, carob, lecithin, for a sweet meal also some pitted dates. Blend again and eat this instead of a breakfast cereal. If this is too gritty for you, then strain the rice puree after the first time of blending or cook it.


Use a wooden barrel or earthenware pot of suitable size. Place a layer of shredded cabbage 10-15 cm/4 - 6 inches deep in the container. A small amount of salt and some herb seeds, such as caraway, fennel or cumin, may be sprinkled over it; other shredded vegetables may be added for flavoring. Press the first layer down, then add another layer and so on. The cabbage must be completely saturated with its juice and no air pockets left. Cover the contents with cheesecloth, place a wooden cover over it and weigh down with a heavy stone. Leave at room temperature.

From time to time, after several days, remove foam and mildew from the top, wash the cheesecloth, board and stone with warm water and then put them back. After about 2 weeks it should be ready for eating. Store the container in a cool place, or fill the sauerkraut in jars and refrigerate. Eat it raw and drink the juice as well. Raw sauerkraut may not be suitable for sensitive individuals but should be fine if cooked.

This recipe may occasionally fail because the barrel is contaminated. To avoid this, thoroughly clean the barrel with steam or boiling water before use. To make it easier for beneficial bacteria to develop, you may either sprinkle some organic cider vinegar into the different layers or add some acidophilus culture.


Soak oily seeds such as almonds, nuts, sesame, pumpkin or sunflower seeds for 8-12 hours. Puree in an electric blender with the addition of acidophilus culture. If not yeast sensitive, you may also experiment with adding rejuvelac instead. Keep in a warm place for several hours until the desired degree of sourness develops. Refrigerate and use within 3 days. If it is too sour or if curd and whey have separated, just strain and discard the whey, possibly even rinse the curd. You may use seed yogurt as part of a salad dressing, for flavoring meals or as bread spread. The more sensitive you are, the less sour it should be when you use it. If it smells or tastes bad, discard it.


Soak almonds, rice or sunflower kernels overnight or for about 12 hours. The simplest way is to change the water, blend the soaked seeds in an electric blender and press them through a strainer. You may either drink the liquid immediately or refrigerate. You may cook the residue of the rice and add the residue of the oily seeds to any breakfast mix (possibly remove almond skins before blending). However, a much better way is to wait until the seeds start sprouting. This removes any enzyme inhibitors and provides natural sweetness and enzymes to the milk. In this way you may even use much cheaper unhulled sunflower or pumpkin seeds for making milk.


Mix in a blender mature green papaw (skin, seeds and flesh), banana, any fruit in season, possibly a raw egg, and a suitable liquid such as fruit juice or vegetable juice, seed milk or yogurt. After blending you may fortify it as described for the spirulina-pollen-linseed mix.


Self-made soymilk is less harmful than commercial soymilk and mainly recommended for making yoghurt. Soak whole soybeans for 2 days in the refrigerator, changing the water several times to remove all the anti-nutrients. Then blend and strain through a cheesecloth. Bring the strained liquid to boiling and simmer for 3-5 minutes, cool quickly and refrigerate until needed. One cup of dry beans yields about 3 cups of soaked beans and 2-3 litres of soymilk. When using this to make yoghurt add a tablespoon of raw honey as food for the starter bacteria.


I recommend this as a basic snack or meal: Mix one teaspoon of spirulina, two of barley or wheat grass powder and three each of pollen and ground linseed with a suitable liquid (you may change the composition of the mix as it suits you). This may be seed milk, seed yogurt or (goats’) milk yogurt, fresh vegetable juice or grape juice, smoothie made with raw egg, papaw, banana or other fruit. Add lecithin granules, coconut oil or extra-virgin olive oil, and suitable powders (e.g. slippery elm, selenium yeast or kelp) or crushed tablets. You may make the consistency so that you can drink it, or like porridge to eat with a spoon.


Mix a variety of freshly rinsed sprouted seeds with a combination of fresh, raw vegetables, basically using whatever is available. Most suitable are sprouts of mung beans, lentils, sunflower seeds and fenugreek together with finely grated beetroot, carrot and turnip or radish. Tomato and cucumber (try grated) are good for flavoring. If you have difficulty chewing, you may put all of it through a mincer or you may also liquefy and drink it, possibly as part of a protein drink.

The key to enjoying a salad is to find a delicious dressing. Experiment until you succeed. I recommend a general dressing of extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice or whole blended lemon or cider vinegar or rosehip powder, any fresh or dried herbs or spices, possibly a dash of cayenne. These may be added individually or mixed beforehand and refrigerated in a jar. You may flavor olive oil by mixing in a jar one part of tahini with 3-10 parts of oil, lemon juice and lecithin. For health improvement you may add ground linseed and kelp to the salad. Start by adding very small amounts of kelp until you come to like it. Raw egg yolk is a good addition to the dressing, and possibly seed cheese or sour milk. You may also flavor this salad with tofu or yogurt.


Use any combination of the following: sliced pumpkin, sweet potato, onion, turnip, carrot and tomato. Adjust the cooking water so that finally all of it has evaporated. Vegetables with short cooking times (tomato, pumpkin) may be added later to preserve their flavor. Also any salt, kelp, oil, curry, cayenne, herbs and spices are best stirred in at the end of cooking.


It is essential to repopulate the intestines with beneficial lactobacilli, especially L. acidophilus in the small intestines and bifido bacteria in the large intestines. Instead of or in addition to using high-potency acidophilus/bifido capsules or powders, you may use a self-made fermented product or yogurt. This may be made from fresh unpasteurized cows' milk, goats' milk, rice milk, self-made soymilk or a mixture of ingredients based on bee pollen. Commercial cows' milk acidophilus/bifido yogurt (preferably organic or biodynamic) may be used as a starter. I do not recommend habitually using commercial soymilk.

The commonly used yogurt based on cows' milk has some problems in that many individuals are allergic or sensitive to some ingredients of cows' milk. It often is mucus forming and is also high in estrogen, which is not good for various female cancers. According to the blood group diet, cows' milk is only acceptable for those with blood group B and possibly AB. However, if not sensitive to it, then yogurt made from fresh raw cows' milk can be beneficial in moderation.

You may just use rice as a base for making yogurt. Cook soaked (organic) brown rice in plenty of water, after cooling blend and strain. Add starter culture and 2 teaspoons of raw honey to the strained rice water. Rice yogurt does not set - drink it when it turns slightly sour or smells slightly fermented. You may make sweet rice milk yourself by blending and straining spouted brown rice. This is sweet enough by itself so that no added sweetener is required.

However, the most recommended yogurt is based on pollen. For this you may add to half a liter of (energized) water and starter 5 - 10 teaspoons of pollen and possibly 1 or 2 tsp. of kelp powder, several teaspoons of spirulina or chlorella or cereal grass powder. You may experiment and use more or less of the indicated amounts and also different ingredients. As with goats’ or rice milk, this does not set and is used when it starts frothing and tastes somewhat acid.

As initial starter use one teaspoon each of powdered acidophilus and bifido cultures, or a mixed culture of these or high-potency capsules or a commercial yogurt containing these, or other mixed strains of lactobacteria. Do not use commercial yogurt or starter with only bulgaricus and thermophilus bacteria. Subsequently use up to a cupful of the previous batch as starter. Preferably use the liquid or whey as starter because it contains the most bacteria. The more of the starter you use and the warmer it is, the sooner it will be ready.

If you do not have a yogurt maker mix 2 - 3 cupfuls of any type of milk or pollen-honey liquid with a cupful of starter and keep in a jar standing in a container with hot tap water. It usually takes only a few hours to set. With powdered cultures it may take 6 - 10 hours. In cold weather renew the hot water every hour or keep the jar in a warm place. Alternatively, the milk may be kept warm by putting it in a box, or some other small, enclosed space, together with an electric bulb or other source of heat. Refrigerate the yogurt when it just starts setting, as it continues to become firmer and more acid during storage. If it becomes too sour, use less of the whey as starter and you may eat only the strained curd or neutralize the acid.

To make sour milk (clabber milk), leave raw, unheated milk in a flat bowl in a warm place for 1 - 2 days until the milk sours and coagulates. You may add a yogurt or acidophilus starter. For making cottage cheese, wait until curd and whey have separated and strain or press the curdled milk through cheesecloth.


Soak overnight one cup of chickpeas or lentils; next morning replace the water and blend. Soak two cups of rice overnight and cook. Combine the blended legumes with the cooked rice and add some buckwheat flour or an egg to bind. Flavor with any combination of the following: miso, soy sauce, fresh parsley, coriander, cumin, fresh ginger, onion, and any other herbs or spices. Form flat burgers, and bake crisp in a grill or a non-stick pan.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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