by Walter Last

Most people who are sensitive, overacid, with allergies and a low energy level, are hypoglycemic to some extent, and will benefit from this diet. When a hypoglycemic person eats sweet foods, the blood-sugar level often soars too high at first, but falls to below normal later. During this fall and while the level is below normal, a variety of distressing symptoms may affect the breathing, circulation, digestion or the emotional and mental condition.

When the blood-sugar level rises after sweet food intake, the pancreas reacts by releasing insulin - a hormone that regulates the blood-sugar level. In a hypoglycemic person, the pancreas releases too much insulin, especially in response to ingesting sucrose or a combination of glucose and fructose. The excess of insulin causes glucose to enter the cells too quickly. This then creates oxygen deficiency within the cells and instead of energy, lactic acid is produced in an anaerobic process. All this makes the body tissue overacid and deprives them of minerals and energy.

The mainstays of this diet are:

•  Gluten-free grains - rice, millet, maize and buckwheat; also sago and tapioca

•  High-protein seeds - chickpeas, lentils, fenugreek, peas, beans, almonds and sunflower seeds

•  Animal protein - white, red and organ meat, fish, eggs, goats’ cheese

•  Sprouted seeds and vegetables, cooked, raw and juiced, avocados, coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil

Eat grains whole in preference to flour or meal products. However, coarsely ground grains may be beneficial if eaten raw: immerse them in water or seed milk and let soak overnight. Rye sourdough bread and rye crispbread may be eaten after allergy testing. Free-range raw egg yolk may be used as a salad dressing. Other important additions are spirulina (preferably a teaspoonful before or with each meal), kelp, lecithin, gelatin with vegetables, and fresh green-vegetable juices, especially grass juice or dried grass juice powder and possibly food yeast. Try coconut oil and freeze-dried liver to increase the energy level.

Nuts, may be used but preferably sprouted or made into seed cheese. Eat cooked sweet vegetables only with a protein meal. Raw carrots, on the other hand, are good any time.

Reintroduce fruits cautiously and with self-observation. Use any sweet fruits only in the early stages of ripening, before they become too sweet. This applies, for example, to bananas and papaya, but not to fruit that are sour before ripening. Subacid fruits, such as apples, cause less problems than sweet-acid fruits, such as oranges. Preferably eat fruits only sparingly and as a snack between meals and neutralize any fruit acids. However, under-ripe or non-sweet varieties of bananas may also be suitable as a bulk food.


•  Sweet food, initially including all sweet and acid fruit and sweet-vegetable juice

•  Food containing lactose, especially milk products, though butter may be used

•  Do not use vinegar or other fruit acids except neutralized

•  Initially no wheat, later only sparingly after allergy testing

•  Smoking, alcohol, drugs, artificial sweeteners, highly processed food or with added chemicals

Coffee and tea may be used in moderation but only if not allergic or addicted to it. Lightly salted food may be beneficial. If possible, eat a protein breakfast and a light evening meal, and take a rest after lunch. The best protein is sprouted legumes as the main part of a salad. According to the severity of the symptoms, this diet may be followed strictly, or in a more relaxed form, and generally as part of the High-Quality Diet.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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