These are the recommendations of Dr D'Adamo

Click here for a Detailed Chart of Food Groups and What to Eat for Your Blood Type.

Type O 

Dr. D’Adamo believed that blood group O is the hunter or the earliest human blood group. This is the reason that people with type O blood should eat the kind of diet the earliest human ate. They are also called carnivores.

The diet recommends that this group should eat a high protein diet. They are allowed to eat meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. It is also advised to limit the intake of grains and beans. They are discouraged to eat wheat, beans, corns, cabbage, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. It is also useful to eat different kinds of seafood, red meat, liver, spinach and broccoli as it helps in weight loss.

Type O Food List

•  Recommended: meat, fish, vegetables and fruits
•  Not Recommended: wheat, beans, corns, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower
•  Recommended for weight loss: seafood, red meat, liver, spinach and broccoli

Type A

Dr. D’Adamo believed that blood group A is the cultivator. They are believed to be the second oldest blood group, appearing about 25000-15000 BC, when human settlements appeared as farming developed. They are also called herbivores.

This blood type diet allowed them to consume vegetables, seafood, tofu, beans, grains, legumes and fruits. However, they are prohibited to eat meat, dairy products, kidney beans, lima beans and wheat. Foods that are beneficial to weight loss are vegetables, pineapples, vegetable oil and soy foods.

Type A Food List

•  Recommended: meat, fish, vegetables and fruits
•  Not Recommended: wheat, beans, corns, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower
•  Recommended for weight loss: seafood, red meat, liver, spinach and broccoli

Type B

Dr. D’Adamo believed that blood group B is the nomad or sometimes called omnivores. They are believed to emerge between the periods of 15000-25000 BC. They are associated to have strong immune system and digestive system.

Dr. D’Adamo concludes that people with this kind of diet should eat a balance diet. Their blood type diet consists of meat, dairy products, beans, grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables. It is discouraged to consume peanuts, corn, sesame seeds, lentil and wheat. Foods that can aid in weight loss in this blood type diet are eggs, greens, liver and tea.

Type B Food List

•  Recommended: meat, dairy products, beans, grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables
•  Not Recommended: peanuts, corn, sesame seeds, lentil and wheat
•  Recommended for weight loss: eggs, greens, liver and tea

Type AB 

Dr. D’Adamo believed that blood group AB is the enigma or the most evolved type. In terms of dietary requirements, this blood type group is a mixed between blood type A and blood type B.

Their blood type diet consists of meat, seafood, dairy products, beans, legumes, grains, tofu, fruits and vegetables. It is not recommended for their blood type diet to eat red meat, kidney beans, lima beans and corn. Foods that can help in weight loss are seafood, dairy, greens, tofu and pineapple.

Type AB Food List

•  Recommended: meat, seafood, dairy products, beans, legumes, grains, tofu, fruits and vegetables
•  Not Recommended: red meat, kidney beans, lima beans and corn
•  Recommended for weight loss: seafood, dairy, greens, tofu and pineapple

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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