by Walter Last

“High pH” means strongly alkaline, and in cancer treatment refers to cesium chloride or sodium bicarbonate therapy. It works well with advanced cancers and metastases, and may eliminate tumors within weeks and pain within days. Cesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate work in different ways.

Bicarbonate treatment is the easier method, and may be used first. If not fully successful either repeat it a month later or try cesium chloride. These methods are most effective with fast-growing tumors and metastases but may not work well with dormant tumors. Do not use high pH therapy at the same time with any other tumor-destroying method to avoid overloading the organs of elimination. High pH therapy is recommended as part of a holistic cancer program, which should be continued even after tumors have disappeared.

Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy

Glucose is channeled into cells through a sodium-dependent transport system. Cancer cells may use 20 times more glucose than normal cells. Therefore a lot of sodium enters these cells, which needs to be pumped out again. A very high intake of sodium bicarbonate creates an alkaline lymph fluid with a high sodium concentration surrounding the cancer cells, and this makes it increasingly difficult to pump sodium out.

 With this cancer cells become alkaline, lose their membrane potential, swell up, and die. To induce cancer cells to take in so much sodium it helps to have temporarily an elevated glucose level. Therefore bicarbonate is commonly taken together with honey, molasses or maple syrup. Avoid baking powder which may contain aluminium, but baking soda is normally pure sodium bicarbonate.

Start taking a teaspoon of bicarbonate together with a teaspoon of sweetener in a glass of water or juice on an empty stomach or up to half an hour before a meal, or 2 hours after a meal. Next day take this mix twice, and then 3 times a day. On the 4th day start doubling up until on the 6th day you take 2 teaspoons each of bicarbonate and sweetener 3 times daily. You may increase doses faster or slower than indicated.

The stated amounts are only indicative and may be adjusted up or down not only according to your weight but also depending on your reactions. Heavy individuals may take 4 times 2 teaspoons of bicarbonate or 3 times 3 teaspoons. If you have a tendency towards elevated blood sugar levels then you do not need to take additional sweetener or only 1 teaspoon with 2 or 3 teaspoons of bicarbonate. 

Before you start this program get pH paper that includes the range from pH 7 to pH 9. Several times during the day measure your urine pH and possibly also saliva pH. For saliva testing clean your mouth, then fill it with saliva, swallow it, and generate more saliva for testing. Keep a diary of the results. The aim is to get pH values of over pH 8 for about one week. When you consistently test over pH 8 you do not need to further increase bicarbonate intake even if you are not taking 2 tsp 3 times daily. After one week above pH 8 you can gradually reduce intake.

If you cannot reach pH 8 then just continue for a longer period with the highest bicarbonate intake that does not cause significant side-effects. Also experiment with adding alkalizing potassium salts, such as carbonate, bicarbonate and citrate to see how that affects your pH level and well-being. Even at a pH between 7 and 8 you can expect considerable benefits, such as stopping tumor growth and reduced pain.

While following this program use a diet high in potassium from fruit and vegetables. In addition have a high fluid intake and keep your bowels clean. Try frequently a teaspoon of psyllium in a large glass of water to bind toxins and reduce diarrhea. Taking 2 teaspoons of bicarbonate 2 to 3 hours after meals may be easier then taking it on an empty stomach. During high pH bicarbonate therapy minimize muscle activity that produces lactic acid and also acidic drinks (e.g. high in ascorbic acid) as these may stop the urine from rising above pH 8. Finally you may continue taking 1 or 2 tsp of bicarbonate and other alkalizers without sweetener to keep the urine above pH 7 for most of the day.

Common symptoms are tingling lips, “oxygen euphoria” and, less pleasant, headaches and diarrhea. Large disintegrating tumors may still cause some inflammation, pain and swellings. If symptoms become too unpleasant temporarily reduce the bicarbonate intake to more acceptable levels, possibly down to 1 tsp with psyllium, and gradually increase again later.

A high sodium intake is not advisable with serious kidney problems, and you may try cesium therapy instead. For a personal account of bicarbonate therapy see http://www.phkillscancer.com/.

Cesium Therapy

Cesium is larger and more alkaline than the related potassium; it can enter cells but apparently cannot be expelled. This causes cells to become too alkaline, swell up and die. Because of their high energy need cancer cells are much more affected than normal cells.

Commonly 3 grams of cesium chloride are used daily in divided doses with food or rubbed onto the skin with DMSO. Occasionally also cesium carbonate has been used. Cesium chloride exists as white crystals which easily dissolve in water. You may dissolve 100 grams in 500 ml of water and take 1 tsp per meal.

If taking cesium orally during a meal causes discomfort, you may buy high-quality DMSO (in a glass bottle) for transdermal absorption. First rub the dissolved cesium chloride onto the skin, but not directly over a tumor, and then rub a similar amount of about 70% DMSO on top of it. Both will then quickly absorb. DMSO has a slight garlic smell and may dehydrate the skin, wash your hands immediately after applying it. 1 to 2 hours after using cesium take dissolved potassium chloride orally at the rate of 1.2 grams per day. If using cesium twice daily, then take 600 mg of potassium chloride afterwards, and if using it three times take 400 mg. In addition the diet should be high in potassium. 

One potential side-effect is a rise or fall in the blood level of potassium. If it is too low you may develop fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps, intestinal problems and abnormal heart rhythm, while too high potassium levels may lead to tingling of the hands and feet, muscle weakness and abnormal heart rhythm. Therefore symptoms can be similar for both conditions. Tingling lips are not a problem.

Generally the addition of potassium chloride prevents levels from getting too low, and ingesting about 2 liters of water and other fluids tends to wash out excess potassium. But if you do develop such symptoms then stop taking cesium until you feel normal again. The safest way would be to get potassium blood levels checked every 2 to 3 weeks, but because of the hostility of the medical system to natural cancer therapies this is not always possible.

Other side-effects are generally due to disintegrating tumors and dying cancer cells. The main symptoms are inflammation, swellings and pain, especially in the tumor area. Initially dying tumors tend to swell up, and occasionally may press on nerves or vital organs or obstruct flow of vital fluids. Whenever problems arise stop the intake of cesium and increase the intake of water and other liquids.

Cesium therapy seems to create stronger reactions from disintegrating tumors than bicarbonate therapy. This is because inflammations and pain are stronger in an acid environment than in an alkaline setting. While cesium makes cancer cells alkaline, it does not alkalize the lymph fluid the way sodium bicarbonate does. This can easily be rectified by using cesium chloride together with alkalizing minerals.

Therefore, instead of potassium chloride you may use potassium as bicarbonate, carbonate or citrate. For the same quantity of potassium as from chloride you can take the same amount of carbonate, but double the amounts of bicarbonate and citrate. You may also take additional sodium bicarbonate (without added sweetener) until urine or saliva tests consistently show a pH between 7 and 8. 

Continue this treatment for a month or until the cesium limit has been reached and it starts affecting normal cells. This will be indicated if:

1) Your feet turn purple, they feel cold or like having frost bite, or

2) Finger tips feel like pins and needles, they hurt if you bump them, especially against something cold.

Cesium remains in the body for up to 3 months, therefore continue with an increased potassium intake during this time. If tumors have not completely disappeared when reaching your cesium limit you may try again several months later, or use bicarbonate therapy, or continue cleansing, also see http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer/Alkaline.html.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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