Be realistic - expect a miracle!

by Walter Last

From all your information on natural and conventional cancer therapies you develop a program, or plan how to proceed. That is your strategy. From each section you select certain items that appeal to you, and combine them all as your individualized cancer program. This includes your diet, cleansing, supplements and remedies, sanitizing your environment, physical therapies as well as mind improvement.

Then you need to decide how far you want to use just natural methods and which, if any, conventional therapies you want to add. There obviously exists a wide range of possibilities. Here I like to discuss the more important considerations based on my personal experiences and beliefs. I do not intend to convince anyone that my view is right or the best.

The Conventional Option

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you obviously have the choice to opt for orthodox or natural methods or a combination of both. My opinion of surgery is that it can give some peace of mind, although I am not aware of any proper evidence that it significantly increases survival rates. The main advantage of surgery is psychological: it makes it easier to believe that you have been cured. If your belief is strong enough, and you adopt a healthy lifestyle, then surgery can be a quick and easy cure, especially for pre-malignant and calcified tumors that are commonly harmless.

However, if your faith is not strong enough, and especially if you have not dealt with your nutrition and emotional problems, then the main drawback of surgery comes into play. That is the increased likelihood of secondary tumors or metastases appearing a few years later anywhere in the body. Sometimes surgery also causes an immediate explosive growth of already existing metastases. If a tumor is not disturbed, then it tends to spread only locally, and can be more easily observed and controlled. It also tends to grow more slowly or may remain dormant with improved lifestyle.

Theoretically, radiotherapy and chemotherapy should have the same psychological benefits. However, the stronger side effects appear to negate this. There is evidence that they cause a high rate of death during and soon after treatment, and make it much more difficult for subsequent natural therapies to succeed. Any tumor shrinkage is usually temporary with much faster growth afterwards. That means tumors become more malignant and the cancer more aggressive. However, there are semi-orthodox methods of destroying tumors with controlled overheating as with microwaves or inserted electrodes that are much less harmful.

Chemotherapy has some success with leukemia in children. I believe this is due to an unintended and unknown side effect: it can also decimate the cancer microbe. The problem is that it also damages the immune system. While children often have sufficient vitality to bounce back, this is usually lacking in adults, and when chemotherapy stops, the cancer microbe quickly recovers and spreads much faster than before.

If you do opt for surgery, make sure by prior written agreement with your surgeon that only the minimum is cut out, or just the 'lump', without making an effort to 'get it all' by removing all the surrounding lymph nodes. While removing lymph nodes may reduce the likelihood of a local reappearance, there is no evidence that it increases the survival rate, and generally, the more is taken out, the greater the traumatic after-effects. Lymph nodes are essential for healing the diseased area with subsequent holistic therapies; commonly only one or two lymph nodes are affected, and these can now be identified and selectively removed.

Another consideration is to have only local anesthesia if at all possible. There is evidence that general anesthesia causes considerable damage because it knocks out the immune system for a considerable period. This is a major factor in the development of metastases, or the later appearance of secondary tumors. With breast cancer, and probably all female cancers, any surgical intervention is preferable between days seven and twenty of the normal menstrual cycle. A study has shown that with surgery in the first and last week of the cycle, it was four times more likely that cancer recurred and patients died within ten years.

Also avoid surgery close to full moon. At this time there is a much higher rate of complications from excessive bleeding. Use Maca, or Wild Yam, or any natural progesterone cream, and take licorice before and after surgery to block any growth-stimulating effect due to estrogen. Also take high amounts of vitamins C, propolis, grape seed extract, spirulina, bee-pollen, and any other helpful measures that you can think of at the same time. Have a Basic Cleanse before surgery. Surgery is almost never so urgent that you have to do it immediately, as commonly suggested by specialists. On the contrary, I am convinced that the better you prepare yourself for the surgery with cleansing, mind therapies, and fortifying your body with high-quality nutrients, the better will be your chance of a successful outcome.

Before and after successful surgery adopt a strict anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory program combined with a suitable cleansing program. Furthermore, there is evidence that distant metastases become established only after first a blood clot forms in the area. Therefore, reduce blood clotting by using anticoagulant remedies, such as magnesium (chloride), vitamin B6, garlic oil, grape seed extract, and plenty of grass juice or green leaf vegetables.

'Don’t touch it'

My position on tumors is to disturb them as little as possible. I would consider surgery or radiotherapy only if a tumor presses on a vital organ, or otherwise inhibits its function with an immediate threat to life. Needle biopsy may not be safe. A recent (2004) study in a prestigious US hospital revealed that compared to lumpectomy, this increased the rate of metastatic spread to nearby lymph nodes by 50%. An alternative non-invasive diagnostic method that becomes increasingly available and can often be used is thermography.

I believe that any disturbance of a malignant tumor greatly increases the activity of the cancer microbe, and is a starting point for metastases or secondary tumors to develop in other parts of the body. It does not matter whether all of the tumor and malignant lymph nodes have been removed or not. I regard it as much safer to improve health as much as possible and watch what happens, regardless of whether a tumor is deemed to be malignant or benign. Because of their slower growth and more normal metabolism, benign or low-grade tumors are often much more resistant to natural therapy than malignant tumors. I believe that the critical difference between malignant and benign tumors is the absence of the cancer microbe in the latter, but that can change with unhealthy living conditions.

If the cancer microbe is well controlled, and toxins are removed from the area so that the energy metabolism becomes more normal, then any tumor can be expected to shrink, or gradually disappear, or calcify and remain dormant. With this, you have an excellent indicator of what happens in your body, and how effective your therapies are. By removing this indicator, you may not know what happens until metastases appear anywhere or everywhere a few years later. However, sometimes tumors may still appear to grow with a thin outer shell, while the inside is filled with blood, and that can be somewhat confusing.

Unfortunately, also other and seemingly unrelated events can activate the cancer microbe and tumor growth, such as surgery unrelated to the tumor, exposure to toxins and to some medical and recreational drugs, severe stress, emotional shock, and having an infected dead tooth pulled out. In all of these cases health improvement measures, and especially anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory therapies, need to be intensified.

In most cases the cause of death is not due to any tumors, but rather to strong inflammations, combined with progressive poisoning of the cellular energy and protein metabolism. Both of these are caused by the uncontrolled activity of the cancer microbe; the stronger the activity of the cancer microbe, the stronger are the inflammatory conditions, and the more inflammation, the more active the cancer microbe. This causes a vicious circle that usually leads to a rapid end once the cancer microbe is out of control.

At this stage the symptoms and results are the same, regardless of whether any tumors are present or not, with much pain, and often fluid accumulations in and around the abdomen and lungs. The poisoning of the cellular energy and protein metabolism leads to increasing loss of body weight and severe lack of energy or cachexia. Episodes of high temperature or fever show that the immune system is still fighting against the cancer microbe. If tumors are present, then the strong inflammations cause rapid tumor growth and spread. Also nodules often appear in the skin, which may or may not be malignant, and are often due to a non-malignant condition called Sarcoidosis, which, too, results from the activity of the cancer microbe.

None of these events can be prevented or slowed down by removing or shrinking any tumors, but only by attempts to normalize the energy metabolism, as well as strong and persistent anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory therapy. However, if you had already medical intervention or decide to use it, that is all right as well. Just do your best and be confident that you will be successful. Furthermore, if you follow an intense anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory cleansing program before and afterwards, then tumor surgery, or other tumor destroying interventions, should no longer be a starting point for the formation of metastases, and might in some cases be beneficial.

Conventional or Natural or Both?

Most individuals reading this will be inclined to use conventional as well as natural cancer therapies in various combinations. However, the effect of natural therapies is different when used on its own than in combination with orthodox methods.

As pointed out in The Cause and Prevention of Cancer, P.G. Seeger has experimentally demonstrated that the virulence or malignancy of cancers can be reduced and even be removed with high-quality live food. Cancer cells can gradually be converted back to normal cells. However, the more malignant the cancer cells are, the more difficult is this conversion. Above a certain degree of malignancy this no longer works.

The degree of malignancy of a cancer depends mainly on the lifestyle of the individual. With good nutrition and balanced emotions malignancy tends to remain low, and vice versa. The main impact on malignancy comes from medical treatment. Drug treatment, exposure to chemicals or radiation, and any kind of chronic stress will increase malignancy.

With good nutritional support surgery can have a positive effect by stimulating healing responses, but a strongly negative effect comes from the chemicals used in general anesthesia. They compromise the immune system for several weeks afterwards. If the tumor has been cleanly removed and there is good nutritional and emotional support, then this may not matter, the patient may be cured. However, if there is metastatic spread or other tumors are already present, then these may start growing much more strongly and become more malignant.

Because radiotherapy and chemotherapy introduce an even greater toxic load and impair the immune system even more than surgery, they tend to increase malignancy to such a degree that nutritional therapy will not be able to normalize the metabolism of any cancer cells present, and the only option is their destruction. At this stage nutritional therapy is still important to support the body, but it is no longer a primary therapy. The more toxic therapies are used, the less the cancer will respond to nutritional therapy.

At this stage nutrition and other lifestyle improvements will only have a minor effect on the eventual outcome. However, non-toxic tumor-destroying methods in combination with nutrition and emotional therapy may still be effective in destroying tumors, or making them dormant, or reducing their rate of growth, minimizing pain and improving quality of life.


For a newcomer to natural cancer therapy it takes time to digest all this information, and to select and implement an individualized program. In the meantime you may use the following emergency program to stop or slow the growth of any tumors. After taking in all the necessary information, you can then add to it, and make changes to suit your specific conditions. You may also add this basic program to whatever else you are already doing, if that does not seem to be successful.

An effective way of slowing or stopping tumor growth is by alkalizing the body, and preventing the formation of new blood vessels that supply the tumor with nutrients. Here are some suggestions for a starter program. For details see the relevant parts of Overcoming Cancer.

Alkalizing inactivates the enzymes that allow a tumor to expand into surrounding tissue; it also is a good pain reliever. Potassium citrate has the strongest effect. If available take a teaspoon of potassium citrate or of mixed citrates daily in divided doses with food or drink. If citrates are not available, then several times daily stir half a teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate or dolomite powder into lemon juice. In addition start sodium bicarbonate therapy as in Cancer Remedies.

Cod liver oil, shark liver oil, halibut liver oil and other fish oils supply fat-soluble vitamins and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Preferably open capsules and emulsify their content together with a tablespoonful of cod liver oil by shaking in a jar together with a small amount of lecithin in some juice. You may also mix these ingredients directly in the mouth.

Diet: Use predominantly fresh, raw and organic food with plenty of ginger, garlic and purple food (beetroot, dark grapes, blackberries and blueberries). Use mainly unheated or raw fats and oils, e.g. extra virgin olive oil, ground linseed, egg yolk, avocado, and virgin coconut oil. Avoid processed food, chemical additives, sweeteners, gluten grains, cooked meat, seed oils, pasteurized milk products, chlorine or fluoride.

Garlic: Use plenty of raw garlic (provided that this is compatible with your social interactions) followed by probiotics, preferably as acidophilus and lactic acid fermented food. In addition use MMS and a 3-week course of Lugol’s iodine solution, see Cancer Remedies. Continue with these until cured.

L-Lysine is an essential amino acid which inhibits cancer enzymes that dissolve collagen and allow the cancer to expand; take about 2g or half a teaspoon of L-lysine 3x daily before meals. (If the label just says ‘Lysine’ then it probably is the synthetic D, L form and may not be effective).

Pau d’arco (Taheebo), Olive leaf and Wormwood: Alternate these as detailed in Cancer Remedies.

Pollen and Spirulina: Several times daily take 1 teaspoon of spirulina, half a teaspoon of chlorella, 1 teaspoon barley or wheatgrass powder, and 2 or 3 teaspoons each of bee pollen and ground linseed stirred in juice, herb tea or energized water as explained in Cancer Diet.

Probiotics: use cultures of acidophilus, bifido and other lactobacilli, preferably as acidophilus and lactic acid fermented food.

Protein-digesting enzymes help to break down any tumors. Use plenty on an empty stomach half an hour before meals (details in Cancer Nutrients).

Selenium is essential for the immune system: Initially 400 mcg, later 200 mcg daily.

Zinc taken in high doses inhibits the formation of blood vessels in a tumor by depriving it of copper. Take about 30 mg of zinc with all meals or 3 times daily with food. Recently also green tea and turmeric (the main ingredient of curry) have been shown to inhibit the formation of new blood vessels in tumors. Use plenty of both.

Vitamins: If your diet is not high in raw foods and antioxidants, then take up to 1 teaspoon of vitamin C 3 times daily. Vitamin B2 aids cell respiration and slows blood vessel growth; use up to 400 mg daily in divided doses. Niacinamide is important for cellular energy production, try 250 mg with each meal. Folic Acid is helpful with many types of cancer. Take 400 or 500 mg with each meal. For details on vitamins see Cancer Nutrients.

Introduce remedies one by one in small amounts and increase gradually to the indicated full amount. In the meantime read all the cancer information on this site, and start implementing the Basic Cancer Program. After sufficient improvement gradually phase out supplements, remedies and therapies that may no longer be needed.


In this Basic Cancer Program you select key components from each modality of a holistic approach. Implement this program gradually, one component at a time, to see how your body reacts to each new step.


The main aspects of the Basic Cancer Diet are:

•  Maximize food that is fresh, raw, high in enzymes and antioxidants, and free of polluting chemicals.

•  Maximize unheated proteins, fats and oils such as marinated fish, goats’ cottage cheese, sprouted legumes, soaked almonds,
   ground linseed, fish oils, extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, and avocado.

•  Avoid linoleic acid as from seed oils, and while a tumor is still growing minimize egg yolk, meat and fowl even as raw foods as
   they contain the related arachidonic acid.

•  Use several spoonfuls of green protein powders (spirulina, chlorella and barley or wheat grass powder) and bee pollen.

•  Use plenty of colored fruit and vegetables, especially berries with red and purple juice, beetroot, pumpkin/squash, carrots,
   sweet potatoes, onions, members of the cabbage family, and green leaf vegetables.

•  Preferably produce and drink fresh vegetable and grass juice made with a slow-turning juicer.

•  Preferably use lactic acid-fermented foods.

•  As sweeteners use only xylitol or stevia.

•  Restrict cooked food to legumes, vegetables and bone-jelly broth (e.g. fish heads or chicken bones).

•  Initially avoid and after improvement minimize grain or cereal products, sweetened food, pasteurized cows milk products,
   cooked meat, and generally processed food.


It is essential to have healthy gut bacteria, and improve the efficiency of all systems of elimination. This includes liver and gallbladder functions, and bowel and kidney activities. The Basic cleanse is the most effective way to improve all of these vital functions in one procedure. If you are too weak or underweight, use the milder method of Underweight Cleansing. If you did not have chemo or radiotherapy, you may also use a Long Cleanse to auto-digest any tumor. In any case, the organs of elimination need to work well otherwise a disintegrating tumor can kill you.

Nutritional Supplements

The most important supplements are digestive enzymes, alkalizing minerals (best potassium citrate), green protein powders (spirulina, chlorella, barley or wheat grass powder) and bee pollen; fish oils: shark liver oil in addition to deep sea fish oil, cod liver oil and halibut liver oil; vitamins A and D are very important and will normally be supplied by fish oils and sunshine.

Continue using the supplements mentioned in the Starter Program: garlic, L-lysine, selenium, zinc and also magnesium. Helpful are cultures of acidophilus, bifido and other lactobacilli, maca powder, MSM, vitamin C, vitamin B2, folic acid and niacinamide. Also recommended are turmeric, ginger, green tea, and kelp powder. To destroy tumors use 3 to 6g of cesium chloride in addition to alkalizing minerals and proteolytic enzymes.

A hydrochloric acid supplement is important with indications of gastric acid deficiency. With lack of energy or inability to gain weight vitamin B12 and L-glutamine are beneficial.


Use Lugol’s solution, wormwood (Artemisia annua), in addition to taheebo (pau d’arco) and olive leaf; also use high amounts of fresh garlic and possibly neem products. Try a counter-irritant over the tumor site, and use small amounts of urine to stimulate the immune system. Experiment with tea tree oil and hydrogen peroxide. If available try pawpaw leaves as boiled extract and fresh juice. Use specific herbs as indicated for specific cancers (e.g. feverfew for leukemia, saw palmetto for prostate cancer). If you are low in weight and energy (cachexia) try hydrazine sulfate.

Physical therapies

Sanitize your teeth and your environment; especially minimize electro-pollution in your bedroom. Do some suitable exercises, use light therapy and sunshine, and experiment with energy therapies. Use packs on the tumor site, such as honey, fresh pulp of vegetables or berries and cabbage leaf. Try blue light and a south-pointing magnet over the tumor, use an electronic blood cleanser and preferably also a magnetic pulser. Definitely use reflexology, although you may need a helper. Press on any tender reflexes and especially on the reflexes for the tumor site and the organs of elimination.

Mind improvement

Your expectations and emotions are the key to overcoming cancer. Do whatever is needed to feel good about yourself and the world. Use the New Medicine of Dr Hamer to discover and heal any emotional conflict shock. Recommended mind tools are EFT, relaxation, meditation and guided imagery.


The basic natural therapies are the same for all cancers, but in addition, some remedies or treatments are beneficial for specific conditions. Most of these remedies are mentioned in Cancer Remedies, such as licorice for estrogen-related cancers, vitamin A for lung cancer and leukemia, saw palmetto and zinc for prostate cancer, molybdenum for cancer of the throat and esophagus, niacinamide for lung cancer, folic acid for uterine and ovarian cancers, and ginkgo biloba for cancer of the ovaries.

Urea helps with liver cancer, and is good to prevent metastases with all cancers. The omega-3 fatty acids of fish oils (DHA and EPA) inhibit the growth of liver tumor cells in a dose-dependent way, the more fish oil the more tumor cells die. DHA and EPA also are effective with other cancers.

In addition bowel cancer benefits from intensive intestinal sanitation, including retention enemas of fresh grass juice, cabbage juice, hydrogen peroxide and other anti-microbials. Cancers of the kidneys and bladder benefit from urine therapy, and drinking lots of strongly reduced ionized water, or water with added Mega-Hydrin; pancreatic cancer from adopting a diet of fresh organic juices (mainly grasses and vegetables), lung cancer from inhaling negatively ionized air, and breast cancer from avoiding milk products, and stimulating lymph circulation in the area. With leukemia and lymph cancers a raw food diet with plenty of grass and beet juice is most helpful, in addition to high levels of zinc, vitamins A and C, feverfew and fish oil.

Brain tumors require strong anti-inflammatory and diuretic measures to reduce swellings. A large dose of urea can be successful as show in Urine & Urea Therapy. Also vitamin C at more than 10g and preferably close to bowel tolerance levels is strongly diuretic while also destroying the tumor directly, especially if combined with proteolytic enzyme therapy. Even more effective would be twice-weekly vitamin C infusions. Other success stories were with pau d’arco extract, and with aloe vera juice combined with grape seed extract. Best use all of these.

Asbestosis and mesothelioma are feared as the consequences of inhaling asbestos fibers. However, the rate of mesothelioma even after heavy exposure is quite low. In combination with the long lead-time of 20 to 50 years this shows that it can easily be prevented by using high amounts of vitamin D to encapsulate any asbestos fibers, using protective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients, and generally keeping the lungs healthy. Treatment uses the same principles.

Hormone-sensitive cancers, such as breast and prostate cancer, are strongly affected by monomers leaching out of plastics, especially bisphenol A and phthalates from plastic bags, plastic wrappings, linings of cans or tins, and polycarbonate bottles. Leaching is strongest with fatty or oily foods but not much of a problem with dry ingredients.

With cancer of the cervix or abnormal Pap smears use L. acidophilus intra-vaginally, high-dose B-6, magnesium and folic acid orally, and B-12 under the tongue (also get off the Pill).

For skin cancers use escharotics (see Remedies) or just high amounts of antioxidants and fish oils, and dab halibut liver oil on the skin cancer until it disappears. To be successful and prevent further skin cancers you may also need to eliminate sources of chronic inflammation, such as from highly heated or browned food, allergies, overacidity and dead teeth. This is, of course, the same as for other cancers.


Tumors often shrink on their own as a result of proper cleansing, diet, anti-microbial and mind therapy. In addition, some measures specifically target tumors. These include preventing formation of new blood vessels in tumors (anti-angiogenesis), high-dose protein-digesting enzymes to digest the tumor, cesium chloride in combination with potassium to make the tumor too alkaline, escharotics or cancer salves, and a long cleanse to auto-digest the tumor. Use guided imagery as support. For details see the corresponding entries in the following chapters.

Cachexia is an unintended progressive weight-loss with weakness and muscle-wasting that is common in the final stages of cancer and AIDS. Commonly hydrazine sulfate is used to improve this situation. Also helpful are digestive enzymes with meals, high-quality proteins (spirulina, chlorella, bee-pollen, barley or wheat grass juice or powder), the amino acid glutamine, L-carnitine and plenty of fish oils mixed with lecithin. Because of fat malabsorption fish oils (possibly odorless varieties) and other fat-soluble nutrients (e.g. Coenzyme Q10) should be mixed and also rubbed into sensitive areas of the skin. In addition retention enemas or implants with wheat or barley grass juice or extracts of protein powders may be used.

At this point it does not matter if there are tumors present or not because the cause of cachexia is due to microbial overgrowth. The immune system is devastated by the fungal forms of the cancer microbe that are now polluting the whole body. This can only be reversed with a concentrated anti-microbial program such as repeated courses of Lugol’s solution, alternating very high doses of wormwood, olive leaf and pau d’arco, in addition to other remedies such as raw garlic, oxygen therapy, electronic blood purifier and magnetic pulser.

Anti-microbial therapy should be increased only gradually as there may be strong initial reactions with nausea and weakness from microbial die-back. A high fluid intake helps, and also the amino acids arginine (2-10g) and ornithine (1-3g). Both reduce ammonia generated by the destruction of microbes. Take arginine in the morning and ornithine near bedtime to improve sleep.


If you want to minimize supplements and remedies, at least initially, or if it is all too confusing, you may use the following simple program. If required, you may add various remedies or therapies at a later time, as indicated in other pages of Overcoming Cancer.

•  Use a diet that is predominantly fresh, raw and organic
•  Minimize chemical and electromagnetic pollution, and maximize outdoors activities (without chemical sunscreens and sunglasses)
•  Do the Basic Cleanse
•  Use anti-microbial therapy
•  Search for and remove any emotional trigger of your cancer, forgive and develop a positive attitude
•  Forget that you supposedly have cancer, and find ways to enjoy living.


In the course of therapy you can expect repeated short but sharp healing reactions. You may develop vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, weakness, fever, indigestion, strong pain, swellings and skin reactions. These reactions are a favorable sign and show that the body is finally strong enough to attack the cancer. The symptoms are caused when a shrinking tumor generates more toxins then can be eliminated. To ease the reaction, temporarily stop using digestive enzymes, cesium or other therapies in a way that accelerates tumor destruction.

The first reaction may come after days or after months on the program. The stronger the body to start with, and the stricter the program, the sooner it will be. Often a reaction lasts only for a few days but can be so severe you may fear that you are dying. Unfortunately, that can happen in advanced conditions if cleansing efforts are not sufficient, and especially if all cleansing stops when the patient is admitted to a hospital.

Recovery from reactions may be slow, especially if a tumor continues to disintegrate rapidly. Reactions are generally less severe on the Long Cleanse or when fasting as much of the disintegrating tumor is being digested rather than decomposed.

You may have bouts of high fever during reactions. This is an efficient method of killing microbes and cancer cells. Generally keep the temperature up, with cancer it does not go too high. The body has its own wisdom and knows what it is doing. Drink hot herb tea, put a hot castor oil pack on the abdomen, and remain wrapped in sheets and blankets, especially in the evening.

With fever, vomiting or diarrhea increase your fluid intake to at least three liters daily, including plenty of warm peppermint tea, which is soothing to the digestive system. Vomiting and diarrhea are attempts by the body to rapidly expel poisons. If much fluid is lost from diarrhea, vomiting or sweating, you may need to add same salt and other minerals to the drinking water, especially if there are signs of dehydration and low blood pressure.

Reactions can be eased with frequent coffee enemas. These stimulate the liver to release its overload of toxins with the bile. In crisis situations sometimes patients survived by having a coffee enema every 2 hours. Generally, take a coffee enema whenever you feel that the benefit received from the previous enema is wearing off.

In case of vomiting, or difficulty in handling any kind of food, try a broth made of 1 tablespoon of cooked slippery elm powder and the strained liquid from brown rice well cooked in plenty of water. Ginger helps with nausea, and also pressing a point on the underside of each wrist 2 – 3 cm below the hand.

Take liquids in small sips several minutes apart; keep in the mouth for some time. If necessary, nutrients may be introduced as a retention enema of fresh juices. Also press on the foot reflexes of the stomach and liver, and use warm castor oil packs on the upper abdomen. Take digestive enzymes with meals. Diarrhea can be made more bearable by taking psyllium hulls with a minimum of liquid, but not stopping it altogether.

Pain Relief

Most effective for general pain relief are a raw-food diet, fasting, or at least avoiding all food that has been browned or heated above boiling point. For pain relief try blue light on the liver and abdomen and also on any area of pain. Use DLPA (d, l phenylalanine) 2 tablets of 500 mg 3 x daily for persistent pain, when it eases, reduce intake. For short-term or occasional pain try homeopathic Hypericum 30 C. Put several drops in a glass of water, and take a sip every 5-30 minutes, keep in the mouth. Also try Hypericum cream rubbed onto the painful area.

Making the body alkaline reduces or eliminates pain, most effective is cesium therapy, see Cancer Nutrients. Also make sure that the lymph fluid is not stagnating around the tumor, because that keeps it acid and painful. Attempt to move lymph fluid in the tumor area towards the middle of the collarbones. For all tumors below the neck you may do this by using an inverted position several times a day.

Try a position like a shoulder stand by leaning the raised hips against a wall or propped up with some large pillows. The longer you keep the inverted position the better. For a breast or lung tumor you may also lie on the bed with the head to the floor. In addition you may squeeze the lymph fluid along limbs and the chest with gentle squeezing in the direction of the nearest collarbone.

A strong magnetic pulser may relieve pain, a faster pulse is better. Use the south-pointing pole with up to 10 pulses per second. Also helpful is the south-pointing pole of a strong magnet towards the skin over the painful area. Leave in place as long as required to control pain.

Try hot packs of castor oil or of Epsom salts over tight and painful muscles or packs of raw honey or fresh outer cabbage leaves over the pain area. Even warm soft bread, possibly soaked in yogurt can relieve pain. Press the foot reflexes related to the painful area, press rather hard. Visualize the pain as a red-hot fireball that is gradually washed away with each breath of cool blue energy until completely gone.

Gentle touch is pain relieving, a gentle massage or lightly stroking the skin, or moving it in a circle and then moving to a neighboring spot, laying-on of hands, or just touching the hair or holding hands.

Commonly, persistent pain and other problems disappear after about 3 days of fasting. Take morphine only as a last resort (in addition to DLPA and others). It depresses breathing as well as the central nervous system, and improvement may not be possible while using it.


You can do it! You can overcome cancer. To be successful you need a positive attitude and sufficient energy to follow a holistic program. The diagnosis of cancer is a call to mobilize all your inner and outer resources and channel them into this one goal. You achieve this by greatly improving your spirituality and lifestyle. This is a great adventure and should become the most exciting and uplifting time of your life.

The medical system spreads doom in an attempt not to give false hope. That may be warranted with their methods, but not with holistic therapies. Here we have no false hope. Without hope you are as good as dead, with hope you have made the first important step towards healing yourself.

Find an experienced natural therapist to help you in selecting and implementing your individualized holistic program. Join a cancer support group or a meditation circle or any other natural health group in your area. Find out from health food shops or natural therapists if and where such groups exist. If there is none, try to form your own. Place notices in health food shops and with natural therapists inviting interested individuals. However, beware of cancer groups that follow just the official negative medical line.

Meet once or several times a week to relax, meditate, pray, visualize, and experiment together. Try regression, reflexology, meridian therapy, exchange recipes, techniques and experiences. Study helpful books together, invite therapists and those who cured themselves of cancer to lecture. Have outings and fun together, laugh a lot, and surround yourself with positive, supportive people. Read success stories of former cancer victims. Develop and listen to your intuition, trust your inner and higher guidance. Look at the bright side of everything that happens. Discover your real Self. Do all you can to improve your health, and make your life interesting, and forget that you supposedly have cancer.

My Personal Cancer Option

Personally, I would prefer to ignore any suggestion or appearance of cancer. I read somewhere that during autopsies most accident victims, unknown to them, were found to have tumors that never caused a problem. If they had known about it, fear and medical intervention would probably have caused many of them to die of cancer. Therefore, my first rule is to avoid the medical system and with this a diagnosis of cancer.

Furthermore, fighting against a cancer would only give it power over me by acknowledging it as an equal or superior opponent. Therefore, if there were a reason to suspect cancer, I would choose to ignore it. That is my second rule.

As a third rule, I would live as healthily as possible at all levels of my being, not because I believe to have cancer, but because I believe in healthy living as a way of life. This may include anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory therapy, or whatever else is needed to be as healthy as possible. Adopting a healthy lifestyle basically means living as naturally as possible, eating fresh organic raw food, highest quality water and air, a healthy house and natural surroundings.

My fourth rule is to bring as much joy, love and fulfillment into my life as possible. If I would know of the presence of any tumor or cancer, I would open my heart center (see 'The Love Cure') and shower the diseased parts of my body with love, joy and compassion. This is the same treatment that one would give to a beloved child to make it well again.

Finally, if I would realize that soon I may have to leave my body, I would welcome and celebrate it as the reward of a good life well lived.

Caution: The information in this program has been provided in good faith according to my experience and understanding. I am not aware of any harmful effects with the described methods if used sensibly. However, I cannot guarantee results or accept responsibility for any side effects.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

© Copyright Walter Last & Austpac Productions. All Rights Reserved. | Web Design by Austpac.