Be realistic - expect a miracle!

by Walter Last

A wide variety of common and bizarre remedies have been used in cancer therapy, usually backed by either scientific findings or by credible case reports from holistic therapists and cancer victims who cured themselves. Medical and official health experts warn against all of them and try to prevent and restrict their use, the more so, the more successful they appear to be. Select from these a suitable combination of remedies for your individual program, but remember you do so at your own risk and responsibility. Some of these remedies may not be suitable in high doses during pregnancy, in this case consult a health professional.

Anti-Inflammatory Agents

Tumors can only grow by surrounding themselves with an area of inflammation. Therefore, preventing inflammation is one of the most important aspects of cancer therapy. You can do this by using a wide range of anti-inflammatory agents while at the same time minimizing any inflammatory influences.

Suitable anti-inflammatory agents include alkalizers, aloe vera, bee pollen, bioflavonoids, blue light, cartilage (bovine and shark), chlorophyl (grass juice), dormins (soaked fenugreek), glucosamine, grape seed extract, linseed and fish oils, magnesium chloride, magnet (south-pointing pole), mussel extract (Lyprinol), Phenergan, propolis, rubidium or cesium salts, Schweitzer Formula, tea tree oil and vitamin B2. See the separate entries for these modalities. Anti-inflammatory herbs are bromelain, echinacea, ginger, golden seal, licorice, slippery elm and turmeric. A kerosene pack may be used to draw an internal inflammation to the outside to dissipate. Alkalizing the body is an effective anti-inflammatory remedy.

Use a combination of several or most of these agents. In any of these selections, I recommend to include blue light therapy of any cancerous or inflamed areas, best cover these with two layers of blue cellophane and expose to a strong light. This not only reduces inflammation but also any pain and stops cancer cells from dividing. Lyprinol, cartilage and glucosamine have the added advantage that they also strengthen the connective tissue around a tumor, while cartilage reduces its blood supply in addition. Keep this program up until the cancer has disappeared.

In addition to acidity, another nutritional factor with strong inflammatory effects is a high intake of phosphorus. Therefore, use mainly foods low in phosphorus, such as vegetables and fruits. Foods high in phosphorus are meat, yeast, fish and seeds such as legumes, nuts and whole grain products.

Minimize pro-inflammatory influences such as radiation or sunburn, oils high in omega-6 fatty acids (most commercial vegetable oils), sweeteners and sweet foods, cooked food and anything to which you are allergic or sensitive. Infections are strongly inflammatory; keep them under control with all available agents. Have frequent but mild sun exposure (without sun-screen) on the bare skin, and expose yourself to the sun fully clothed as much as you can without overheating.


Many of the mentioned anti-inflammatory agents have also anti-microbial effects. In addition, use a combination of the following measures: MMS, Lugol's solution, electronic zapper and magnetic pulser, garlic, kerosene, neem products, oxygen therapy, colloidal silver, parasite remedies, auto-therapy, and suitable herbs.

Initially or with active cancers and especially fast-growing tumors use MMS and repeated courses of Lugol’s solution, high doses of sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua), pau d’arco and olive leaf extract while possibly also using other remedies mentioned above. For details see the separate entries for these modalities.

In advanced conditions intravenous infusions of vitamin C can be very effective and may be used in addition to the bowel tolerance protocol of vitamin C. For professional information see and search for "vitamin C" +infusion +protocol.


Many herbs are useful in cancer treatment, mostly in a supportive role but sometimes as a main therapy. Frequently used are aloe vera (as juice or gel), chaparral, graviola, pau d'arco, red clover and violet leaves. Wormwood, olive leaf, neem and pau d'arco in sufficiently large amounts are especially beneficial by eliminating the fungal forms of the cancer microbe.

Aloe Vera assists in the treatment of cancers, AIDS, and other infectious diseases. It is excellent for gastro-intestinal irritation, inflammation and ulcers. However, not all commercial brands of aloe on the market are effective. If nothing seems to be happening, try another brand. Take as much as you can tolerate without getting diarrhea. If available, use fresh aloe vera straight from the garden. Avoid yellow leaves and the base of a leaf with its yellow sap, as this is a strong irritant and laxative.

Chilies mixed with a sufficiently large amount of ginger root are a powerful combination to cleanse the gastro-intestinal tract. Blend or crush these in lemon juice and linseed or olive oil, and refrigerate, alternatively use a mix of powders. Use this as salad dressing or for flavoring meals. Gradually increase the intake to just below your tolerance level for several weeks. Then you may continue to use it just in normal amounts for flavoring your food. Chilies and cayenne in high doses also can kill cancer cells.

Ingredients isolated from feverfew kill human leukemia stem cells like no chemotherapy; feverfew may also be useful with other cancers. Also vinca rosea, a periwinkle, has an active ingredient that has been used in chemotherapy against leukemia.

Dandelion Root: According to anecdotal reports dandelion root has strong healing powers for many types of cancer, provided that the roots have been dried below 40ºC and powdered by hand, or without an electrical blender or grinder. It did not work for brain tumors and skin cancers or during use of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

The instructions are to dig up a handful of roots, cut the leaves just below the crown, do not wash, and dry in a suitable place, e.g. behind the window in a sunny room or exposed to the warmth of a light bulb. When you break a root and it snaps it is ready to powder. Take one root at a time and place on a wooden board or in an old iron frying pan and start lightly tapping with a clean hammer. Take a little over one half teaspoon once a day at any time mixed with water or juice but not anything hot. Continue taking it until you are well and the cancer has disappeared.

Ginkgo biloba has been found to strongly inhibit various fast-growing tumors in animal studies. It has no effect on cancers that are not invasive.

Graviola (Annoma muricata), commonly known as soursop, a small tropical tree, has ingredients with 10,000 times the potency of a common chemotherapy drug against certain cancer cells. You may use a leaf infusion with about 4 leaves in a cup of water, and drink this 1 to 3 times daily, or use 2 to 5g of the dried and powdered leaves twice daily.

From these mentioned herbs you may select several that are suitable for your condition, and also use locally available herbs. Alternatively or in addition, you may use a commercially available cancer herb mixture. Best known are the Jason Winters mixture, Hoxsey herbs and Ojibwa Indian Tea or Essiac. Essiac consists of sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm and rhubarb root.

Green tea is high in antioxidants (polyphenols) and also inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells and inhibits angiogenesis but milk makes tea ineffective.

The Hoxsey mixture must generally be made up individually but a local herbalist should be able to do it. The exact quantities are kept secret and may vary, but an independent analysis revealed the following quantities in 5 ml of the Hoxsey Tonic:

Berberis root 10 mg, Buckthorn bark 20 mg, Burdock root 10 mg, Cascara amarga 5 mg, Licorice 20 mg, Poke root 10 mg, Potassium iodide 150 mg, Prickly Ash bark 5 mg, Red Clover 20 mg, Stillingia root 10 mg.

Cascara amarga is difficult to obtain and the mixture may be made without it. It belongs to the buckthorn family and is also know as Honduras bark or Picramnia antidesma. The Hoxsey Clinic sells the tonic, while in individual preparations commonly the dried herbs are mixed and used as tea.

The immune system may be strengthened with echinacea, propolis, European mistletoe (viscum album), Easter lily, Reishi and other oriental mushrooms. Echinacea may be added to all other herb combinations. Interrupt its use after a month and then take it again a few weeks later. Mistletoe is especially good for leukemia, but also used as Iscador or Plenosol for injection near tumors and swollen lymph glands.

Licorice root (e.g. 3 x 500 - 1000 mg) is good with estrogen-related cancers as it blocks the growth-stimulating effects of estrogen. It also promotes adrenal anti-inflammatory hormones. However it tends to keep sodium in the body while potassium is expelled. Therefore minimize sodium and maximize potassium intake, and do not use it if your blood pressure is high, or with symptoms of water retention.

Liver herbs: Milk thistle and bitter herbs, such as burdock, greater celandine, centaury, dandelion leaves and root, devil's claw, gentian and wormwood are good to stimulate the liver and release bile. Celandine or Greater Celandine also inhibits division of cancer cells and stimulates the immune system. An extract for injection is available as Ukrain.

With lung cancer you may use horehound, lobelia, mullein and St. John’s Wort (Hypericum). Have a daily steam inhalation (with a towel over the head) of hot chamomile tea; try adding onion and eucalyptus or tea tree oil.

Neem Products include fresh and dried leaves and their extracts as well as oil of the neem tree. They have been traditionally used against cancer in S-E Asia and confirmed by modern research. Injection of neem extract around tumors caused them to shrink. Use 50-60g of fresh leaves or 3 teaspoons of dried leaves as (bitter) tea or extract in divided doses, also use neem products as poultice over the tumor.

Olive leaf is used as tea, powder or extract to kill all kinds of microbes. The active ingredient is oleuropein. If using olive leaf as the main anti-microbial therapy, use at least 500 mg and preferably 1000 mg of oleuropein daily for 2 to 4 weeks. Dried olive leaf has about 30 mg of oleuropein/g, therefore use 20-30g or 3-5 heaped teaspoons per day. As the tea is bitter you may use part of it as powder stirred in juice. Simmer dried leaves in 1 liter of water for 1 -2 hours, top up, strain, refrigerate, and drink 3-5 cups daily.

It is now more common to use olive leaf extract. Preferably use extracts in powder form and stir half a teaspoon in water or other non-protein liquid two or three times daily and take before meals. The normal retail form is as 500 mg capsules. In this case you may use 10 capsules daily with a suitable liquid.

Commercial liquid extracts contain only 4 mg of oleuropein per ml, powdered extract has more than 200 mg/ml, therefore always watch the potency.

Pau d’arco (also called taheebo or lapacho) is beneficial for all types of cancer. It has the advantage of tasting reasonably pleasant. Use it in high amounts for several months or alternate every 1 to 4 weeks with olive leaf. Either use extract or make tea: 1 heaped tablespoon in a large cup of water. Bring to boil and let simmer or steep for 5 to 15 minutes; drink 3 cups a day. Powdered pau d’arco in capsules or cold water does not work.

Pawpaw leaf tea or extract has a reputation as a tumor-destroying agent. The usual instruction is to cram as many pawpaw leaves into a saucepan as possible and cover with water. Simmer for 2 - 3 hours, drain and refrigerate the liquid. Drink one large glassful three times a day. Continue until recovery. Concentrated commercial pawpaw leaf juice is available but I cannot comment its effectiveness.

However, I believe that the fresh juice of green pawpaw, leaves and stems is even more effective than boiled reparations. This is a concentrated solution of the protein-digesting enzyme papain; you may freeze it in ice-cube trays. Take with or after meals. It is, of course, rather bitter, therefore wash it down quickly. This also applies to mature green pawpaw fruit which may be blended with other ingredients as a smoothie, see Recipes. If available use pawpaw leaf tea as well as raw green pawpaw juice.

Peppermint tea is especially good with nausea, to stimulate the digestion and uplift the spirit while slippery elm powder soothes the digestive tract.

Propolis is a natural antibiotic. Best suck tablets between meals or chew and keep in the mouth.

Prostate cancer: saw palmetto, pygeum, pumpkin seed, nettle, and/or willow herb (Epilobium, mainly parviflorum), in addition to bee pollen, pumpkin seeds, zinc, selenium, lycopene, fish oil, and vitamins D, E, B6 and niacinamide. Instead or in addition you may use up to 150 mg beta sitosterol, the main sterol in the above herbs.

Sage is highly esteemed. An ancient saying is: 'Why die (of a disease) when sage grows in your garden?' It may be combined with other herbs and is prepared by adding 2 teaspoons of dried sage to ½ liter of boiling water; after 3 minutes take off the heat and let draw for another 10 minutes. Other fragrant or leaf herbs such as peppermint or St John’s Wort (anti-depressant) may be added while drawing.

Root herbs, such as the bitter liver herbs, on the other hand, are simmered for quite a long time. For the after effects of radiation, wild crane's bill (Geranium Robertianum) is helpful. Pimpernel is used partly to gargle and partly to drink in spoonful amounts for cancer of the mouth, throat and neck glands.

Tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil can be used as a body rub or pack over inflamed areas and tumors. Someone with lung cancer will benefit from deeply inhaling the fumes from an opened bottle of tea tree or eucalyptus oil frequently during the day. With cancer of the mouth or throat also gargle with it, and with stomach cancer frequently add several drops of tea tree oil to drinks.

Wormwood is effective against most microbes including bacteria, viruses fungi, the cancer microbe and parasites. The two most commonly used forms of wormwood are Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia annua or Sweet Annie. Both herbs have different active ingredients, and it may be good to use a mixture of both. A. absinthium is more commonly used in Candida treatment, while Sweet Annie has been shown to kill cancer cells. They should not be used during pregnancy, and preferably not taken in high doses for more than one month at a time, although this may not apply in advanced conditions.

The active ingredient in Sweet Annie (A. annua), artemisinin, is attracted to the high iron stores in fast-dividing cancer cells and efficiently kills these cells. Preferably combine this treatment with 10-20g of spirulina a day and periodically, for 4 weeks at a time, use high amounts of A. annua. During the time when not taking wormwood take pau d’arco or olive leaf instead

While A. absinthium is bitter, A. annua is not bitter, and easy to take. You may just stir a rounded teaspoon of the powder in some warm water or juice or drink as a tea. Use a teaspoon 3 x daily before, during or after meals.

The bitter A. absinthium tea is excellent for stimulating the digestive system, stomach, pancreas, liver and gall bladder. It has been used as a folk remedy to cure jaundice. You may sweeten the tea with xylitol or stevia, and add some peppermint. Generally, it is easiest to take by drinking it down quickly and, before breathing again, drink something pleasant afterwards.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver has a long history in medicine as a natural antibiotic. It is very effective in killing bacteria, fungi, parasites and apparently also the cancer microbe. However, viruses appear to be killed only when the size of the colloids is very small. No serious side effects from overdosing have been reported.

Colloidal silver is most effective if it comes in direct contact with the microbes or the tumor. You may gargle with it for a throat or mouth infection, use it directly on skin infections, use it as a douche or in an enema or colonic, or spray-inhale it for lung infections. You may also soak a cloth in colloidal silver and keep it over any tumor that is close to the skin, such as breast tumors. But most colloidal silver, except if made with special high-voltage equipment, is actually ionic silver and forms insoluble and ineffective silver chloride in the stomach. Therefore it is not suitable for treating infections in the blood or internal organs. For information on how to make your own colloidal silver see

Flower Remedies

Commonly, cancer sufferers need to overcome feelings of fear, shock, guilt, resentment, hopelessness and depression. In addition to working with other methods, Flower Remedies can be very helpful. In the following, some suitable Bach Flower Remedies are listed.

•  Agrimony - for those suffering with a smiling face
•  Centaury - to strengthen the will and self-assertiveness
•  Crab apple - for shame, self-dislike, feeling unclean, cleanser
•  Gentian - negativity, discouragement, self-doubt, depression
•  Gorse - despair, hopelessness, utter despondency
•  Larch - feeling inferior, lack of self-confidence, expecting failure
•  Mimulus - shyness, timidity and fear of known things
•  Pine - self-blame, feel should have done better, guilt
•  Rock water - self-denial, mental rigidity, inflexibility, idealist
•  Sweet chestnut - anguish, loss of faith, limit of endurance
•  White chestnut - persistent unwanted thoughts, mental arguments, worry
•  Willow - resentment, bitterness, 'not fair' attitude
•  Rescue remedy - shock of cancer diagnosis, surgery, radiotherapy

In addition you may explore Californian Flower Remedies and Australian Bush Flower Remedies.

Homeopathic Remedies

Commonly homeopathic remedies are selected according to the individual condition and symptoms of the patient. However, some are also listed as useful for general conditions, so for instance, Kali. phos, Arsen. album, Hydrastis, Antimon. chlor and Carcinosin.

For specific tumor locations the following are mentioned: Bladder - Taraxac; Breast - Asterias rubens, Conium; Bowels - Carcinoma, Ruta; Glands - Hoang nan; Liver - Celandine, Conium, Hydrastis; Lung - Carcinoma squamous; Stomach - Carcinoma adeno; Uterus - Aurum mur; Pain - Euphorb.

A successful folk healer urged me to try Ammon. carb. 30 with all conditions. The most useful remedy is one made from any liquid that may drain from your own tumor or its surroundings. For instructions on how to potentize your own body fluids see Urine Therapy. If you have or had mercury amalgam fillings, then ultrahigh-potency mercury (1M or higher) will aid in the release of tissue stores of mercury.

Hydrazine sulfate

Large tumors produce much lactic acid that is reconverted in the liver into glucose in a process that consumes much energy. It is of positive benefit to block this conversion by taking hydrazine sulfate or chloride. The main benefits are weight gain and increased energy that are especially important in the last stage of cancer, called cachexia. In addition, tumor growth may be inhibited, in some instances tumors gradually disappeared.

It is taken in an amount of 60 mg 3 times daily with meals. Start with one 60 mg capsule at breakfast for 3 days, and then add a second capsule with lunch for another 3 days, and finally an additional capsule with dinner. If the body weight is less than about 55 kg then only 2 capsules per day may be taken, and below about 43 kg 3 times 30 mg may be used. If you feel good on this schedule, then this program may be maintained for several months, but more commonly it is interrupted by a 2-week rest period after about 6 weeks.

Hydrazine sulfate is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor and the following should not be used during hydrazine therapy: tranquillisers or sedatives in doses greater than 100 mg per day, avoid alcohol, vitamin B6, benzodiazepines, phenothiazines, antihistamines, and other agents that depress the central nervous system such as morphine. Also avoid foods high in tyramine, these are aged and fermented products such as most cheeses, cured meats or fish, sour cream and yogurt, tofu and tempeh, bouillon cubes, sauerkraut, pickles and yeast extracts. Restrict broad beans, avocados, bananas, raisins, figs, dates, dried fruit and overripe fruit.

You can buy hydrazine sulfate from a chemical company and may dissolve 2 level teaspoons of hydrazine (or hydrazinium) sulfate in a liter of water, and each time take one teaspoonful of this. Increasingly you can now obtain it from various alternative outlets.

For further information see the separate Hydrazine article. Also see Internet articles on hydrazine.


Calcium D-glucarate (CDG) assists the natural detoxification process in the liver where chemicals, toxins, drugs, and excess hormones are combined with glucuronic acid and passed into the bile and then exit with the stool. CDG is a precursor (raw-material) for glucuronic acid. It is non-toxic and free of side effects. It can help with most cancers, especially during the initial detoxification process. With breast cancer it works by metabolizing and removing excess estrogen. The normal dose is 1,000 mg three times daily.


Kerosene is a popular and apparently successful cancer remedy widely used in poorer countries. Its general effectiveness with cancer and infectious diseases seems to be due to the anti-microbial properties of kerosene.

The usual prescription is to take one teaspoonful of refined kerosene on an empty stomach for six weeks. No food or drink should be taken for two hours afterwards. Then the intake is interrupted for eight weeks and finally repeated for a further four weeks. As far as I know, no serious side effects have been reported.

Because retail kerosene is now commonly adulterated, and also for legal reasons, I do not recommend the internal use of kerosene in cancer therapy, although it is still effective externally as a pack to draw blisters.


Laetrile apparently is not the same as amygdalin, the bitter ingredient in apricot and other bitter fruit kernels. Both contain cyanide, benzaldehyde and glucose. In laetrile the complex contains one molecule of glucose and in amygdalin there are two. This requires different enzymes for activation. Cancer cells supposedly have a specific enzyme that is missing in normal cells for activating laetrile but not amygdalin. With this, genuine laetrile appears to be very effective in dissolving tumors, but presently it is practically unavailable.

Commonly amygdalin has been sold as laetrile; it is also called vitamin B17. Amygdalin reportedly resulted in relief of pain, increased wellbeing with better appetite and weight gain as well as an absence of the nauseating odor of advanced cancer.

Food sources of amygdalin, besides bitter kernels of fruit, are almonds, best bitter varieties, macadamia nuts, sprouted lentils and mung beans, also some other beans, linseed and sesame seeds, wheat grass, brown rice, buckwheat, millet and most wild berries.

In some clinics amygdalin is given by injection, 2 x 3g per day for four weeks or longer. Orally it is to be taken after meals, gradually increasing from 1/2 tablet per day to 3 x 2 tablets daily. If gastro-intestinal problems occur reduce the intake. However, in most Western countries Laetrile is not legally available. Interestingly, a pharmaceutical company is now working on a patented anti-cancer drug that releases cyanide.

In self-therapy apricot kernels are used, from 10 to 15 per day, or 1 kernel for about 5 kg in body weight. They may be used in divided doses but never fermented, or left standing blended or mixed with enzymes, as this may liberate cyanide and cause poisoning. It has been recommended using foods high in amygdalin in combination with cesium and rubidium supplementation.

Lugol's Solution

This is an internal iodine solution designed to eliminate Candida and other microbes, viruses and the cancer microbe from the blood and tissues. It may also be called Aqueous Iodine Oral Solution BP, and is commonly available from a compounding chemist or the Internet. Increase gradually to take 4 x 6 to 8 drops daily in liquid other than just water or mixed with food, but not together with antioxidants. Continue for 3 weeks, but interrupt if you develop a serious reaction. After 3 weeks of the full dose you may continue with 1 to 3 drops daily. Repeat this 3-week course every 6 months until cured, or more often in very advanced conditions.

Lugol's solution contains about 6.5 mg of iodine/iodide per drop. In some countries also iodine tablets are available, called Iodoral. One tablet contains 12.5 mg iodine/iodide. Based on demographic studies, the mainland Japanese consumed an average of 13.8 mg daily and they are one of the healthiest people.

MMS – Sodium Chlorite

Sodium chlorite is being used in many countries, including Australia, as an antimicrobial treatment in the food industry and for water purification. As a 3 to 4 % solution it is known in natural therapies as Stabilized Electrolytes of Oxygen, and as a 28% solution it is now being used as Miracle Mineral Supplement or MMS.

In solution sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is very alkaline and stable but when acidified it forms the gas chlorine dioxide (ClO2) which is one of the strongest all-round antimicrobials and parasite remedies. The only residue left in the body after treatment with MMS is a small amount of table salt or sodium chloride.

I now recommend using MMS as the main remedy of the antimicrobial therapy. In addition have a 3-week course of Lugol’s solution (iodine) while having a break from MMS, and use some of the other antimicrobials as support while being on a maintenance dose of MMS or during serious conditions.

Start with 1 or 2 drops of MMS and gradually increase up to 15 drops three times a day. Mix with five times the number of drops of lemon or lime juice or a 10% solution of citric acid in water which you may make yourself by dissolving 1 spoonful of citric acid crystals in 9 parts of water. Less recommended is white vinegar (but not cider vinegar which may aggravate fungal problems). Three minutes after adding the acids dilute with half a glass of water, herb tea, or juice without added vitamin C, e.g. apple or grape juice but not orange juice. Do not take any antioxidant supplements close to MMS.

Drink the diluted MMS in sips, possibly spaced out over an hour or two to minimize nausea. It acts best on an empty stomach but that also easily causes nausea. If that happens temporarily reduce the dose or have some food in the stomach. Commonly nausea, vomiting and diarrhea will occur sooner or later and are beneficial for cleaning out. Sometimes also other reactions, such as inflammations may temporarily occur. The original recommendation is to stay on the maximum dose of 3 x 15 drops of MMS for one week and then reduce to a maintenance dose of 6 drops once a day or twice a week until cured. If you cannot reach 3 x 15 drops then just remain somewhat longer at the highest dose that you can use.

Inform yourself by visiting Available in the US from and in Australia from

Oxygen Therapies

Professional ozone therapy is effective in cancer and AIDS therapy, usually ozonising about 200 ml of blood withdrawn from the patient and then re-infusing it. This method is widely used in Germany and Mexican cancer clinics but illegal in most other western countries. The same applies to hydrogen peroxide infusions.

In self-help therapy hydrogen peroxide or ozone may be used. An ozone generator for medical or internal quality ozone can be rather expensive, while common ozone generators just ozonate room air, and also produce potentially toxic nitrogen oxides. A Beck-type water ozonator is available for internal use at a reasonable price. If ozone comes into contact with water then it forms hydrogen peroxide. As it takes some time, about 20 minutes for all the ozone dissolved in water to be converted to hydrogen peroxide, you get a mixture of both if you drink it immediately after finishing the process. Ozone supposedly has the advantage of releasing active oxygen without requiring enzymes in biological systems, although I am not sure that this really is an advantage.

Both, ozone and hydrogen peroxide have unstable single oxygen that tends to attach to and oxidize or peroxidize any suitable molecule. The beneficial effect in cancer therapy appears to be mainly the peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, which then may destroy microbes and malignant cells. A healthy immune system routinely produces hydrogen peroxide to kill microbes.

Preferably use 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide available from some natural therapists and health shops, otherwise any other 35% product or the 3% (10 Volume) or 6% (20 Volume) peroxide from a supermarket or chemist. Stabilizers present in some of these products are usually harmless.

Best dilute peroxide for daily use to about 3% by adding 1 part of 35% peroxide to 10 parts of water. Start taking just a few drops in a glass of water. Gradually increase to 1 teaspoon or more four times daily before meals and at bedtime. If you develop an aversion against it, just decrease again to a more comfortable level. Swallow quickly instead of slowly sipping. To disguise the strong aftertaste, add aloe vera gel and fruit flavours, or herb tea, or water flavored with cinnamon.

You may continue this for a month or two months and then reduce the intake to only once before breakfast. In addition, use hydrogen peroxide to rinse your mouth, and gargle morning and evening. It helps to prevent colds and other infections, and also tooth decay, and is better than toothpaste. One teaspoon of 3% peroxide is equivalent to about 12 drops of 35% peroxide. Be careful handling 35% hydrogen peroxide, flush any accidental spills on clothes or skin immediately with water or immerse in water.

It is also helpful to bathe the tumor site daily in 3% hydrogen peroxide or better, cover it with a cloth soaked in it, especially for tumors close to the skin, preferably combined with a honey pack. Renew the pack several times daily. A pack may be on the tumor site for most of the time, or until the skin becomes red or sore and blisters. This will be good as it draw out toxins. When this happens cover with cabbage leaf instead, and wash only with peroxide. Keep the pack in place with plastic attached to the skin with tape. Have a daily body rub with 3% hydrogen peroxide, best after a bath or shower. With cervical cancer or bowel cancer, douche twice daily with suitably diluted hydrogen peroxide, keeping it inside for some time.

Of further benefit are peroxide retention enemas. After a normal enema to clean the bowels, insert half a liter of water, or diluted vegetable or grass juice containing one tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Try to hold it inside for 10 minutes or longer. The next day add 2 tablespoons; continue increasing the amount of peroxide on subsequent days until you find the highest concentration that you can hold for several minutes. You may also try to increase the volume of water or juice. Healthy body cells as well as acidophilus bacteria are not normally harmed by oxygen therapy. In fact, acidophilus bacteria produce hydrogen peroxide themselves to destroy Candida and other fungi.

If you have an ozone maker, you can use it in a similar way as hydrogen peroxide. With a tube you may lead it into water, insert a tube into the rectum (with another shorter tube as outlet to prevent pressure building up inside), irradiate the skin over diseased areas with a funnel or put the body (but not the head) into o a bag into which you lead ozone. However, never breathe or inhale ozone, it damages the lungs.

Parasite Elimination Program

In her book, 'The Cure for all Cancers' Hulda Clark claims that the human intestinal fluke causes cancer when it lodges in the liver. The stages of the life cycle of this fluke, as she describes it, look rather like that described for the cancer microbe by other researchers. Also various other parasites and microbes contribute. Many individuals claim that eliminating parasites with the 3 recommended remedies, tincture of green hulls of black walnut, wormwood and ground cloves, has greatly helped them. In addition, one should avoid propyl alcohol, propanol or isopropanol as in cold cereals, cosmetics, shampoo, lotions, sprays and shaving supplies, as well as a range of other unbiological chemicals and heavy metals.

Order 200 g of freshly ground cloves and 100g of ground wormwood. You may put these powders into empty gelatine capsules, or take them with a spoon and wash them down quickly with plenty of liquid; one heaped teaspoon is equivalent to about 7 capsules.

During the first seven days take 2 tsp of green black walnut tincture extra strength, 9 capsules of cloves (500 mg each) and 9 capsules of wormwood (200 - 300 mg each). Take this with juice, water or herb tea before breakfast; some food may be needed to get all the capsules down. For the rest of the 3-week period take 10 tsp of black walnut tincture but continue with 9 capsules each of cloves and wormwood.

You may repeat this or a similar program twice a year to prevent re-infection. There are now tinctures available which contain all three ingredients in one convenient preparation. The recommended dose is written on the bottle. However, this preparation is weaker and may not be sufficient for cancer treatment. Most important in cancer treatment appears to be the wormwood, which also appears to be effective against the cancer microbe. You may continue this for a longer period. For details of other supplements and remedies recommended by Hulda Clark see her book 'The Cure for all Advanced Cancers'.


Promethazine or Phenergan is an anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory drug. It is freely available from a chemist, relatively harmless and appears to inhibit tumor growth. Phenergan supposedly interferes with the energy production of cancer cells. However, if treatment is prematurely interrupted, tumor cells appear to become immune and Phenergan becomes ineffective when resuming treatment. However, it may still have some benefit as an anti-inflammatory agent. The earlier Phenergan treatment is started the better is the outcome.

The original instruction is to take 50 mg at bedtime of the first day and then continue taking a 25 mg tablet every 8 hours until about 6 months after all tumors have disappeared. For several days, and sometimes even weeks, one may experience drowsiness or extreme sleepiness, lack of energy and a dry mouth. Therefore, do not start until you have a quiet period ahead without important commitments. Temporarily you may try coffee to minimize the initially strongly sedating effect of Phenergan. If extreme drowsiness continues after two weeks, reduce the dose to a 25 mg tablet, or two 10 mg tablets, at bedtime and a 10 mg tablet twice during the day.

It is necessary to avoid alcohol, opiates and steroids, and minimize aspirin and other analgesics, sunbathing or UV-light exposure. Also monoamine oxidase inhibitors, including hydrazine sulfate, should be avoided. Serious side effects are rare. These may be jaundice or yellowing of the skin, a decrease in white blood cells (which may be suspected if a sore throat develops after a month or two) and a fall in platelet count which may be recognized from unexplained bruising and prolonged bleeding times of wounds or cuts. In these cases discontinue the treatment.

Dr Robert Jones, the originator of this therapy, published the paper "Successful Cancer Therapy with Promethazine" in Medical Hypothesis 46, 25-29, 1996. He recommends taking a vitamin-mineral supplement with about 2.5 mg of copper, 4 mg of manganese, 15 mg of zinc, 50 mcg of selenium and low doses of vitamins as well as fish oil or linseed oil (or freshly ground linseed). High doses of vitamin C and E are to be avoided. Phenergan crosses the blood-brain barrier and may be used with brain tumors. See also the additional Phenergan article on this site by Dr Jones. However, to inhibit the formation of new blood vessels in tumors I would modify this program by avoiding copper and greatly increasing zinc, and I would also use high doses of vitamin C.

Interestingly, another anti-histamine, the anti-stomach ulcer drug Tagamet or Cimetidine has been successfully used with surgery for colorectal cancer. Even if used just for seven days at the time of surgery at about 1000 mg per day this increased the 3-year survival rate from 59% to 93%.

Sodium Bicarbonate

Tumors tend to shrink if they are frequently exposed to an alkaline environment, such as being bathed in sodium bicarbonate solution. This is easiest with externally accessible tumors such as those in the mouth, esophagus, stomach, colon, prostate, rectum and cervix or uterus. Generally boil 1-3 liters of water, dissolve 2 – 4 big spoonfuls of sodium bicarbonate. Lie so that the affected cavity is the lowest part of the body and insert the solution. Turn around 90 degrees every ten minutes, so that all sides are treated. To fill the uterus the legs should be raised with the pelvis higher than the head. Do these treatments once or twice daily for 7 to 8 days, then you may interrupt for 6 days before starting another treatment cycle. For cancer of the mouth and throat frequently rinse with the solution and also keep it in the mouth. For skin cancers and breast cancer or other tumors close to the skin keep them covered with a cotton pack soaked in sodium bicarbonate. This treatment was pioneered by the oncologist Dr Tullio Simoncini, see


Only recently has it been discovered that the concentration of urea in the blood has a key role in regulating at least 7 major pathways. Urea levels are low with cancer and many other diseases. The frequency of cancer and especially of multiple tumors and metastases increases greatly if urea levels are low.

E. V. Danopoulos, a former Professor of Internal Medicine in Athens, pioneered the use of urea in cancer treatment. Urea was notably effective with liver cancer, and in preventing the development of metastases or secondary tumors. He used 45g of urea daily in 6 divided doses for 40 days, and then 20g in 3 doses for 2 years. 45g correspond to 6 rounded teaspoons, while 20g are about 3 teaspoonfuls. You may dissolve the daily amount in half a liter of water and drink it in portions during the day. However, urea appears to be ineffective after chemotherapy. You may order pure urea from a chemist. For further details see the article on Urine &Urea Therapy.

Vaccines and Auto-therapy

In some clinics vaccines are used to stimulate the immune system of cancer patients. General vaccines are made from tuberculosis-related microbes, and individualized ones from the patient's own body fluids. Both can be helpful as long as the immune system is strong enough to respond.

Individualized or auto-vaccines are generally more effective, but also much more expensive, and because of health and customs regulations, very difficult to obtain as they are manufactured only in a few overseas laboratories.

However, you can make your own vaccine in a process called auto-therapy. There are two basic methods. The easier one uses homeopathic principles as described in Homeopathy. The most effective remedy is made from any fluid draining from or extracted from a tumor.

The Universal Remedy was developed by Martin Lara ( He claims that it helps with cancer, strong viral infections, and other serious diseases. In a small (dropper) bottle mix 2 drops of urine and 1 tablespoon of water by vigorously shaking for ten seconds. Whenever you feel sick, or from time to time for general cancer therapy, put 4 drops under the tongue every 2 waking hours. Make a new remedy every week.

Even better, according to Lara, is to inject 1 ml of fresh urine (possibly diluted) once or several times into a muscle, e.g. thigh or buttock, although I prefer the less painful injections under the skin.

Possibly more effective, but also more difficult is the injection of hemolyzed blood. This method is called auto-hemotherapy, and has been used with remarkable success for a wide range of serious conditions. You may need a nurse to assist you with this method.

Draw 1ml of sterilized water into a 2ml syringe. Fill up with venous blood, and mix for a full minute by slowly turning the syringe over its long axis. Inject slowly under the skin, commonly at the outer upper quadrant of a buttock. Do this initially once a week, later less frequently. However, if a reaction occurs, such as fever or inflammation, wait with the next injection until the reaction has subsided. Injecting under the skin is generally harmless, and free of the dangers associated with injecting into a vein.

As a variation of this method, you may add a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the water drawn into the syringe. This has a stronger effect. You may gradually increase the peroxide drop by drop until the injection or any local reaction becomes uncomfortable.

Other Remedies

D, L-phenylalanine or short DLPA is the synthetic form of an amino acid used for long-term pain relief. Take 3 tablets daily until the pain subsides and then continue with a lower maintenance dose. You may also use it for its anti-depressive effect.

Tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil can be used as a body rub or pack over inflamed areas and tumors. Someone with lung cancer will benefit from deeply inhaling the fumes from an opened bottle of tea tree or eucalyptus oil frequently during the day. In addition, use steam inhalation by adding a small amount of these oils to a pot of very hot camomile tea with your head over the pot covered with a towel. With cancer of the mouth or throat you may also gargle with it, and with stomach cancer frequently add several drops of tea tree oil to drinks.

Other helpful remedies are Carnivora, an extract of the meat-eating Venus flytrap plant; melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland; Germanium, a rare metal; Chinese and Japanese medicinal mushrooms, which all strongly enhance immune functions; and the Gaston Naessens preparation 714-X, which is injected into lymph glands. Most of these latter are expensive or difficult to obtain.

Digitalis, especially as the natural digitoxin from the ground leaves of foxglove, appears to be effective with breast cancer. The synthetic drug digoxin is less effective. It has been estimated that with continued digitoxin therapy death from breast cancer could be reduced by 80%. Unfortunately, a drug prescription is required which is nearly impossible to get.

Caution: The information in this article has been provided in good faith according to my experience and understanding. I am not aware of any harmful effects with the described methods if sensibly used. However, I cannot guarantee results or accept responsibility for any side effects. If in doubt consult a qualified health practitioner.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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