by Walter Last
Most problem foods are widely used basic foods that lead to health problems in large parts of the population. So-called junk food and heavily processed and chemicalized food belong in this category; many foods treasured by 'natural health' enthusiasts - for instance, honey, dried fruits, yogurt and wholemeal bread - also belong to this list.
What chiefly makes a particular food a problem is the presence of one or several components that may cause metabolic or digestive problems if used indiscriminately. Because we use and have used problem foods in excess, our metabolism has been weakened to such an extent that it cannot safely process even small amounts of certain foods without becoming distressed. This can be demonstrated with food muscle-testing.
However, for individuals with a suitable metabolism, most problem foods may be acceptable and sometimes even beneficial in moderation; this does not apply to heavily chemicalized food. It is advisable, nevertheless, for nearly everyone to minimize the intake of problem foods in general. It is also best to avoid more strictly the problem foods that you can identify from those described in this chapter and from personal experience as being a cause of your health problems.
Some problem foods frequently cause food allergies and may be the primary allergens or causative agents that sensitize us to a range of other allergens. This applies especially to the gluten in wheat and to proteins in cows' milk. When the body is still young or overacid and sensitive it tends to respond strongly to these foods. However, problem foods cause even more serious problems when the body is older, alkaline and insensitive, but then there are no 'alarm reactions' to warn us. This leads to the development of chronic degenerative diseases such as autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
In addition to specific health problems being caused by specific foods, the overall impact on the adrenal glands of habitually consuming problem foods may raise the basic stress level to such a high degree that a relatively small additional stress from emotional or social problems may trigger severe reactions. These may include asthma, epilepsy, migraine, depression, irritability, hyperactivity, phobias, nervous breakdown and mental disease.
The main problem foods in our society are:
• Lactose and cow's milk products
• Gluten and wheat products
• Sugar and sweet foods
• Red meat and fats
• Chemicalized food, stimulants and yeast or moulds
In addition, the fact that we cook too many of our foods and hence have insufficient enzymes in our diet, greatly contributes to the development of chronic degenerative diseases and premature aging.