Be realistic - expect a miracle!

by Walter Last

A wide range of nutrient supplements and remedies are useful in cancer therapy. Some of them have direct tumor destroying or inhibiting properties while others help to normalize the metabolism, destroy microbes or parasites, strengthen the immune system and increase vitality. Often these different roles overlap.

Depending on finances and preferences, you may choose a program with a high or a low level of supplements and remedies. The better the diet, cleansing and mind therapy, and the less advanced the condition, the less supplements and remedies you need. Based on these general rules you may put your individual program together from the information given below and in accordance with the overall principles of holistic cancer therapy.

If there are several powders that you take daily, you may mix them together in the right proportions. In this way you need to take only one tablespoonful from one container instead of having to open several containers for smaller amounts. Similar with tablets and capsules: in the morning you may count out the tablets for each meal in a separate container.

As a general rule, except if it spoils the taste, it is better to crush nutrient tablets, or open capsules and mix their content with a meal rather than swallowing them whole. For example fish oils are not well absorbed if they are not emulsified or properly mixed with some food.

Acidophilus and bifido cultures, also combined with other lactobacteria, are essential to restore a healthy intestinal flora, especially at the start of the program and with and after any antibiotics and chemotherapy. If you cannot use homemade yogurt, take powdered cultures sold in refrigerated brown glass bottles or high-potency capsules with 10 Billion or better 25 Billion live bacteria per gram or capsule. Keep refrigerated.

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a strong antioxidant and helpful to improve immune functions and overcome viral infections. You may take 100 to 200 mg 3 times daily.

Bee-pollen, spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass or barley grass powder and ground linseed are highly recommended as outlined for the Cancer Diet.

Bio-Beet or a similar product of dried beetroot powder may be used if fresh beetroot is not available. Tinned beetroot, on the other hand, is not a suitable substitute for fresh beetroot.

Coenzyme Q10 stimulates the metabolism, increases energy and may regress tumors. Try 3 x 100 mg of Q10. Good-quality Q10 has a deep orange color while less potent varieties are paler and yellow. It is fat-soluble; take it with olive, coconut or fish oil, and with malabsorption rub this into the skin as well.

Freeze-dried liver provides liver enzymes. You may chew a tablet between meals and keep in the mouth for absorption or crush it and add juices. Take 1 - 3 organic tablets daily, in strength equivalent to 10,000 mg of fresh liver per tablet, sometimes also fresh raw organic liver is being used.

Ginger is an excellent anti-inflammatory food and remedy; it also stimulates digestion and helps to prevent nausea. Use fresh ginger in your vegetable juices and with meals.

In laboratory studies ginger caused ovarian cancer cells to die in a more dependable way than with standard chemotherapy treatments. Researchers simply used ginger powder. Ginger induced cell death in all the ovarian cancer cell lines tested ( 6 April 2006). Ginger may be equally effective with many other cancers.

Ginseng improves metabolism and energy. Asian or Korean ginseng appears to be best, but also Siberian and American ginseng are fine.

Grape Seed Extract contains Proanthocyanidins (PACs or OPCs), a group of antioxidants that chemically belong to the class of bioflavonoids. They strengthen connective tissue and reduce or prevent inflammation that surrounds invasive tumors. Commercially it is extracted from maritime pine bark and grape seeds. The extract from pine bark is sold under the trade name 'Pycnogenol'.

PACs are widely distributed in fruits and vegetables. The color of black/purple/red grapes, blackberries, blueberries and red cabbage consists of anthocyanins, the active form of PACs. The pigent of beetroot belongs to a subgroup of anthocyanins, the betacyanins. Try to have plenty of both groups. In addition to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, PACs, anthocyanins and betacyanins help to restore normal metabolism in cancer cells by taking the role of oxygen as electron acceptors. Closely related to PACs are the catechins in green tea, which are also helpful in cancer treatment.

Inositol is a vitamin-like substance. On its own or combined with phytic acid (inositol-hexaphosphate) it has been used to slow the growth of cancer cells and blood vessels in tumors, it also seems to initiate a suicide mechanism in cancer cells. Generally 6 to 15g of inositol has been used in divided doses with meals. It is also available from sprouted seeds; during the sprouting process phytic acid will lose phosphates to form inositol and various inositol phosphates. While I highly recommend using inositol, I would be cautious with the long-term intake of phytic acid as it is a mineral chelator, and may cause mineral deficiencies.

Kelp supplies minerals and especially iodine required to produce thyroid hormones from the amino acid tyrosine. Many cancer sufferers have an under-active thyroid. Iodine also protects the mucous membranes from infections and mucus congestion. Take several grams of kelp each day with meals for a daily iodine intake of 2 to 3 mg.

Lactoferrin, derived from colostrum, stimulates the immune system.

Maca, a Peruvian root powder, assists in normalizing our endocrine glands or hormonal systems. It is especially effective for improving thyroid function and balancing sex hormones. It may also noticeably improve energy. Start with half a teaspoonful daily and gradually increase until you notice any effects or up to about 20g daily in divided doses; an average intake is 2 teaspoons.

Mega-Hydrin is a strong antioxidant containing negative hydrogen. You may add a capsule to a glass of pure water or juice several times a day. Alternatively use a water ionizer to produce 'alkaline microwater’. This helps to alkalize the body and supplies a large amount of ‘free electrons’ with strong antioxidant potential.

Turmeric (main active ingredient curcumin) is the yellow spice in curry. It is anti-inflammatory, a strong antioxidant and also blocks new blood vessels in tumors. Take several grams a day mixed with meals, or in capsules, or a teaspoonful in a drink.

Zell-Oxygen contains special strains of young yeast cells producing enzymes to reactivate the oxidative energy production in cancer cells. Use 1-3 teaspoons three times daily with juices; if the smell puts you off then pinch your nose while drinking.


Avoid racemic D, L (or d,l) amino acids (except D, L phenylalanine for pain relief). Taurine is neither D nor L.

Sulfur amino acids taurine, L-cysteine and L-methionine assist detoxification and oxygen metabolism. Try any of these in addition to MSM (it also strengthens collagen). You may take 500 mg of any or all of the sulfur amino acids twice daily before meals or with juices and 5 -10g of MSM. Alternatively or in addition, use plenty of sulfur-rich foods, such as egg yolk, onions and vegetables of the cabbage family.

DLPA or D,L-phenylalanine may be used for persistent pain. Take 2 tablets of 500 mg 3 x daily, when the pain eases, reduce the intake.

L-glutamine assists in healing the intestinal mucosa, and is useful for gaining weight if one is underweight and weak; take 2-10g before meals.

With lack of energy try L-carnitine, 1 to 3g daily in divided doses. L-carnitine is required to produce energy from fatty acids and can be deficient with vegetarian diets, or liver problems, or if elderly, and especially in vegetarians with type O blood group.

The essential amino acid L-lysine is an important component of collagen but in addition it also inhibits the proteolytic enzymes that allow the cancer to spread. With growing tumors take 2g of L-lysine three times daily before meals. L-proline and L-arginine are additional building blocks of connective tissue. L-arginine and L-ornithine are also useful to reduce reactions from microbial die-back during anti-microbial therapy.


Tumors can only grow by developing new blood vessels. This process is called angiogenesis. To grow, tumors also need to dissolve the surrounding connective tissue or collagen with the help of special enzymes. This same enzyme activity may also allow the formation of metastases. Blocking these two processes, angiogenesis and enzymatic invasion of surrounding tissue, goes a long way to controlling any tumor. Preferably use a combination of several anti-angiogenesis remedies.

Cartilage helps to inhibit the formation of new blood vessels. It also has anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing properties and strengthens the collagen around a tumor so that it is less invasive. Sharks supposedly do not develop cancer. This prompted Dr William Lane to develop a remedy from shark cartilage that has been tested with reportedly good results in patients with advanced cancer. Commonly 60g per day was used in 4 divided doses. In these studies the morning and evening dose of 15g each was given as a retention enema in 100ml of water while the other two doses were taken orally.

Liquid bovine (beef) cartilage appears to give similar results with only 9g (corresponding to 15 ml of the liquid) daily, due to better absorption. It is also more pleasant to take than shark cartilage. However, if you can get liquid shark cartilage, that is even better.

Another remedy with similar properties is an extract of Green Lipped Mussel (Perna canaliculus) called Lyprinol and sold as Lyprinex or Seatone. The strong anti-inflammatory action of Lyprinol also inhibits cancer cells.

Other remedies that inhibit the formation of new blood vessels and the spread of cancer are zinc, vitamin B2, green tea, turmeric and alkalizing the body. These have been mentioned in other parts of this book.

Caution: Do not try to prevent blood vessels from forming if you are pregnant.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are important basic building blocks in the formation of cartilage and other connective tissue. They strengthen the connective tissue around a tumor to make it less invasive, and they also have anti-inflammatory properties. In animal experiments glucosamine also has shown direct tumor inhibiting properties. My preferred form is a combination or mixture of N-Acetyl Glucosamine and Glucosamine Sulfate or Glucosamine Hydrochloride, about 5-10g daily.


Supplementation with digestive enzymes is highly recommended, whenever there are any tumors present. Protein-digesting enzymes or proteases, possibly in addition to lipase, the fat-digesting enzyme, not only digest food, but also tumors.

If the digestion is weak, in advanced conditions, and with any cooked meals, use digestive enzymes during each meal. However, as a tumor-destroying agent digestive enzymes should be taken in high doses well before meals and at bedtime. Best use a combination of pancreatin, bromelain, papain, as well as fungal proteases.

Pancreatin is mainly used as animal pancreatin, which tends to be destroyed in the stomach. Therefore, it is commonly used as enteric-coated tablets that are acid resistant and dissolve only in the intestines. I do not recommend enteric-coated tablets as these may not dissolve in time to be absorbed and then can damage the large intestine.

Vegetable, bacterial or fungal enzymes on the other hand, can work in a wide range of pH conditions. Even if temporarily inactivated in the stomach, they are re-activated in the intestines. Therefore, they work best if mixed as powders with the meal (after sufficient cooling if cooked) or taken with juice or water at other times.

All proteases may be taken together in high doses. However, lipase is a protein and may be destroyed if mixed with a large amount of proteases. Therefore, take it mixed with food or drink away from proteases. Lipase is important to improve the immune system, increase energy, and regenerate body structures. You may get it naturally from avocados, raw egg yolk, unheated cream or butter, fresh coconut milk, raw meat of fish, as well as from unheated nut milk or seed cheese (see Recipes). Because lipase is water-soluble, even good oils, such as cod liver oil or extra virgin olive oil do not contain lipase. If you do not have enough foods high in lipase, then I recommend using additional lipase supplements (see Lipase and the Fat Metabolism).

Most retailers sell only enzymes in tablets or small amounts of powders. For the large amounts that are effective in cancer therapy it is preferable to search on the Internet for Enzyme Manufacturers, ask for a distributor near you, and buy enzyme powders in kilogram lots. You may have to do this through a natural therapist as distributors may not sell to end-users. Preferably store opened enzymes refrigerated in tightly closed containers.

To destroy tumors take generous amounts of protease powders and pancreatin with juice four times daily before meals and at bedtime. If any of the powders taste too bitter then put them into gelatin capsules or quickly wash down with a drink.

Enzyme powders can have a wide range of potencies. American Laboratories, for instance lists an activity range for its fungal proteases from 1,000 HUT/g to 500,000 HUT/g. Therefore, you need to use much more of a low-potency product than a high-potency one. High-potency enzymes are generally more cost-efficient. With a medium-potency product generally think in term of taking about 1 to 2 teaspoons per day. Also pay attention to the pH range of activity of proteases. To digest tumors they should be active in a wide range, at least from pH 5 to 8, or better from pH 3 to 8.

Start all enzymes in very low doses and increase gradually to the full amount. If the enzyme therapy is effective, this leads to a breakdown of tumors, and you will feel rather ill and with lack of energy. In this case temporarily stop taking enzymes, except for a few with meals, use coffee enemas and other cleansing measures, see Cleansing.

Increase enzyme intake again after the crisis is over. If nothing seems to happen experiment with increasing the amount and range of your daily enzymes. If available you may also use mature, green pawpaw or pawpaw powder or chopped pawpaw leaves or frozen pawpaw leaf juice suitably diluted; the more the better. If enough of this is used then you may not need any other proteases.

If elderly or in advanced conditions use also hydrochloric acid-pepsin or betaine-hydrochloride tablets with meals or the cheaper diluted hydrochloric acid. Up to 1 (plastic) teaspoon of 2-3% hydrochloric acid may be mixed with the protein part of a meal, used as part of the salad dressing or taken in herb tea after the meal. Diluted hydrochloric acid from the chemist is usually 20% and concentrated hydrochloric acid, as from a hardware shop, 35%. The former may be diluted one to ten with water and the latter one part to 15 parts.

Hydrochloric acid is especially lacking in the advanced stages of cancer. However, to avoid becoming too acid, take half a teaspoonful of potassium bicarbonate or citrate 2-3 hours after meals whenever you took hydrochloric acid with meals. As an alternative to hydrochloric acid you may take lemon juice in addition to magnesium chloride with protein meals. In this case you may not need the alkalizer afterwards, except if other signs show that you are too acid.


Specific vitamins and minerals can often be helpful and sometimes harmful. Multivitamins, and especially the full spectrum of the B-group, have sometimes been observed to accelerate tumor growth. The recommended raw-food diet will supply sufficient vitamins and minerals for the metabolic needs of most individuals, except with malabsorption.

However, in cancer therapy vitamins and minerals are commonly used as pharmacological agents, rather than nutrients. Vitamin C, for instance, can be used to kill microbes and cancer cells, rather than just prevent scurvy, while zinc may be used to prevent the formation of new blood vessels in tumors, rather than just activate enzymes. It is part of your strategy to decide in consultation with your therapist which of these nutrients you may want to use in pharmacological amounts.

If you decide taking high-dose supplements, start with low doses and only gradually increase to the recommended full dose. In a similar way decrease high amounts gradually. This is especially important with vitamin C and other water-soluble nutrients. Using the maximum levels as recommended may not be the optimal dose for you and you may need to experiment, especially if your weight is much higher or lower than normal.

If your program involves taking a great number of different tablets and capsules, you may divide them up before breakfast into separate small containers, such as eggcups, one for each meal or between meals. Preferably crush tablets and mix with food or juice for easier absorption, except with pancreatin enzyme tablets or when it tastes too bad. During strong reactions greatly reduce the intake of most supplements and remedies. With kidney disease use any vitamin and mineral supplements in small, only gradually increasing amounts, but reduce these if edema (fluid retention) occurs.

Vitamin A is beneficial with all cancers but especially with lung cancer and leukemia. It stimulates the immune system and helps cells to differentiate and become more normal. It is best used as shark liver oil and halibut liver oil. Temporarily it has been used with good results in very high doses, 100,000 IU or more. Vitamin A and zinc in high doses have given good results with leukemia.

Cod liver oil supplies the vitamins A and D as well as omega-3 fish oils, all of which are very beneficial with cancer. Use a tablespoonful of cod liver oil once a day (shake in a jar with lecithin and juice), in addition to several shark liver oil capsules and other fish oil capsules. If you suspect fat malabsorption, have frequent skin or body rubs with these fish oils. An average vitamin A intake during cancer treatment is 25 to 50,000 IU. Caution: some cod liver oils have their vitamin A removed.

Vitamin D has now been shown to be one of the most important vitamins in cancer therapy. Preferably obtain it by frequent mild to moderate exposure of the unprotected skin to sunlight, up to 20 minutes daily. Strictly avoid any burning, and minimize tanning (tanned skin produces less vitamin D). If sunbathing is not possible then obtain vitamin D from fish oils, especially shark liver and halibut liver oil. Vitamin D3 is the natural form, D2 is synthetic and not safe in high doses.

Vitamin E is controversial in cancer therapy. Conventional advice is not to use it as it may protect tumors from responding to radiation or chemotherapy. However, recent studies show that antioxidants, including vitamin E, enhance the tumor-destroying effect of such therapies, while at the same time minimizing side effects. Furthermore vitamin E (as alpha tocopheryl succinate) has now been shown to induce programmed cell death (apoptosis) in cancer cells. An average intake is 250 mg with one or two meals. Use only vitamin E from natural sources, and preferably the more easily absorbed tablet form, especially if there is any sign of fat malabsorption.

Also look for gamma tocopherol, mixed tocopherols or vitamin E complex instead of just the more common d-alpha tocopherol. This complex contains both tocopherols and tocotrienols. Tocotrienols are up to 60 times stronger antioxidants than tocopherols, and inhibit the spread of cancer cells. The vitamin E complex is high in green, leafy vegetables, raw nuts and seeds.

Vitamin B2 aids cell oxidation and slows blood vessel growth in tumors - use 100 to 400 mg in divided doses.

Vitamin B12 is not well absorbed and often deficient. This causes lack of energy and possibly anemia and nerve problems. In advanced conditions weekly injections under the skin with 1000 mcg may be used. More commonly a crushed vitamin B12 tablet may be kept under the tongue for oral absorption. However, it has now been found that B12 is better absorbed through the nasal mucosa, with an absorption rate almost as good as by injection. You may obtain B12 in liquid form from veterinary supplies or open ampoules from a chemist, and each day rub a few drops into each nostril. Cover an opened ampoule with tape and refrigerate. Alternatively, crush a B12 tablet, mix with a small amount of water and rub some of this paste into the nostrils.

Folic acid is helpful with most cancers, but especially with cervical, uterine and ovarian cancer; use 5 mg in divided doses, but this may not be necessary if plenty of green juice or leaf vegetables are used; experiment with it in case of leukemia.

Niacinamide, also called nicotinamide, is essential for the generation of energy and is especially beneficial with lung cancer, where 500 mg 3 - 5 times daily have been used with excellent results. It may also help with other cancers. Niacin is the acid, flushing form; 50 to 250 mg may be taken on an empty stomach to flush the skin for rejuvenation and clean out capillaries. This is good with skin cancer and tumors close to the skin. Sensitive individuals may start with 50 mg. After taking it for a while you need to increase the dose or interrupt using it for a week or two to continue flushing.

Vitamin C improves immune functions, connective tissue, and can directly disable microbes or cancer cells. With raised blood pressure or protein meals vitamin C may be taken as ascorbic acid. With high intakes you may also use potassium and magnesium ascorbate in addition. If these are not available you may mix 3 to 4 parts of ascorbic acid with 1 part each of potassium bicarbonate and magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate. You may order these from a chemist. Mix only small amounts as used each day. Start taking ½-1 teaspoon of this combination with each meal, or use this amount as a maintenance dose. With low blood pressure you may also use sodium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate.

Try the following bowel tolerance protocol for several weeks or months: Start with half a teaspoonful of vitamin C and each following day increase by another half teaspoonful until you take half a teaspoonful every waking hour, or until you develop ‘loose’ bowels or signs of water retention. Then cut back to a maintenance dose that does not cause any problems. Do not suddenly stop a high vitamin C intake, but always reduce gradually. Even more effective and recommended in advanced cases is intravenous vitamin C infusion, for detailed instructions see vitamin C articles at


Selenium supplementation is essential except in areas with known high soil levels, it is especially important in New Zealand and Australia. With a growing tumor take 400 mcg in divided doses, after improvement reduce this to 100-200 mcg daily. Selenium is commonly available as selenium methionine in selenium yeast or as tablets. Alternatively, Brazil nuts are high in selenium. Take 2 unshelled or several shelled nuts daily in divided amounts. A fresh, unshelled Brazil nut contains about 80 mcg of selenium, while the amount of available selenium supposedly declines to about 20 mcg in shelled nuts. Keep all nuts refrigerated, be they shelled or unshelled. It is easier to remove the nuts from their shells after being frozen.

Unfortunately, Brazil nuts are very oily and may cause digestive problems if you eat more than 1 or 2 per meal. They cause fewer problems if you chew or grind them very finely and add some lecithin. Inside the nuts should be white and have no bitter aftertaste. If they are yellowish or have a bitter aftertaste they are rancid and should not be eaten. Also do not eat any nuts in shells that have a moldy smell after cracking.

Zinc is important for the immune system, and generally 5-10 mg with most meals is recommended. It is especially important with prostate cancer, leukemia and lymphomas. In high amounts zinc can cause a relative deficiency of copper and with this prevent the formation of new blood vessels. This can stop tumor growth, especially if combined with other measures explained under the heading of Anti-Angiogenesis. Therefore, if growing tumors are present, increase zinc to 3 x 30 mg (30 mg with each meal), and avoid any copper supplements, or food and water high in copper. See for a collection of articles on the use of zinc in cancer treatment.

Copper is a part of many oxidizing enzymes and can help to normalize the energy metabolism. It also strengthens the immune system and, especially as copper salicylate, is strongly anti-inflammatory. However, copper also increases angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels in tumors and so stimulates their growth. Therefore, if you have tumors, avoid all copper supplementation, and use copper salicylate only externally for treating skin cancers. The most important use of copper is in cancer prevention, while with established and especially fast-growing cancers, it is important to deny copper to cancer cells through a high intake of zinc. Tumors store copper and it can take several months before copper depletion shows a beneficial effect. Therefore, tetrathiomolybdate, or TM, has been experimentally used to leech copper out of the body.

Additional molybdenum is advisable with cancer of the throat and esophagus.

Calcium EAP helps protecting cells from degenerating by keeping toxins and unwanted chemicals from entering, and assists in transporting essential minerals through the cell wall into the cell. In addition, it helps maintaining and restoring a normal electric cell potential between both sides of the membrane. After evaluating the treatment of several thousand multiple sclerosis patients over many years Dr Nieper found that hardly anyone of these patients had developed cancer. Also in a 6-year study of 8 patients with repeated surgery for colon cancer there were no further recurrences with calcium EAP therapy.

Another report states that by elevating the intracellular calcium level even fast dividing metastatic cancer cells could be made to undergo programmed cell death. Orotate is another carrier that is able to transport calcium into cells. Commonly 1 to 3 tablets of calcium EAP are taken before meals three times daily (swallow whole). For a source of supply see the Internet.

Magnesium is an important mineral in cancer therapy, and magnesium chloride is my preferred form. It strengthens the immune system as well as all digestive functions. Magnesium and chloride ions are needed with food to activate digestive enzymes.

Furthermore, in combination with lemon juice, or limejuice, or cider vinegar, magnesium chloride forms hydrochloric acid and magnesium citrate or acetate in the stomach. This is especially helpful for individuals with low gastric acid production. Continued use of this combination does not cause overacidity as do prolonged use of hydrochloric acid supplements.

Take up to half a teaspoon 3 times daily, mixed with food or drink; it tastes bitter-salty. Some individuals are very sensitive to its taste and need to start with tiny amounts mixed with larger volumes of liquid or food, and increase amounts very gradually. Alternatively just wash it down quickly during a meal and take something pleasant immediately afterwards.

For convenience I recommend filling a jar half with (hydrated) magnesium chloride, and then to the top with water. Sprinkle up to one teaspoon of this solution over food. However, to neutralize overacid condition I recommend magnesium, calcium and potassium as citrates or acetates, see Alkalizing The Body.

Half a teaspoon of hydrated magnesium chloride or about 2g provide 240 mg of magnesium. It is available in 25 kg bags from companies that sell pool chemicals, industrial or farm chemicals (see Keep it airtight as it attracts water although it does not spoil. For further information see Magnesium Chloride.

Cesium and Rubidium are heavier relatives of potassium with a stronger alkalizing potential. They kill cancer cells by making them too alkaline. Cesium is the strongest alkalizing mineral, and is very effective for destroying tumors. You may take 3 to 6g of a cesium salt daily in divided doses with meals or about one rounded teaspoon daily. You may order 100 or 500g of the cheapest grade (technical) of cesium chloride from a supplier of laboratory or fine chemicals; see the Internet or Yellow Pages. Cesium is only effective with an alkaline diet high in potassium (e.g. from fruits and vegetables) and low in sodium. Also take potassium citrate (1 tsp in divided doses) as a strongly alkalizing potassium supplement. Apricot kernels or other bitter kernels increase the effectiveness of cesium.

Lithium is a lighter relative of sodium. Lithium carbonate has reportedly some benefits in the treatment of leukemia.

Alkalizing the Body

Tumors grow and expand into surrounding tissue only if it is too acid. A tumor releases protein-digesting enzymes (proteases) to dissolve the tissue, but these enzymes are only activated in an acid environment. Therefore, if the lymph fluid surrounding the tumor is neutral or slightly alkaline, the tumor cannot grow. This will also help to reduce or eliminate any pain.

The main cause of overacidity is overproduction of lactic acid due to inefficient metabolism, food allergies, Candida overgrowth, and sweet and acid food, including fruit and fruit juices. With cancer overacidity is mainly due to lactic acid production of the tumor itself. You can reduce lactic acid production by keeping the blood sugar level and the insulin level low. Sensitive individuals are too acid all over, and this leads to rapid tumor growth.

However with advanced cancer, urine and lymph fluids may sometimes also become too alkaline with a rather insensitive body, except for possible pain in the tumor area. This is due to a depressed energy metabolism, which causes deficiency of metabolic acids and massive losses of potassium from body cells, which is then replaced by less alkaline sodium. The best course in this case is to have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetable juices until conditions are greatly improved.

In most cases, especially if body and skin are sensitive, you can assume that you are too acid and alkalizing will be beneficial. The simplest way to check your acidity is with litmus paper or pH paper from a chemist, preferably with a range of about pH 5 - 8. The first morning urine may be slightly acid, but during the day the urine should be slightly alkaline.

Testing the saliva shows the acidity of the lymph fluid. Clean the mouth, fill it twice with saliva and swallow it. Then check the pH in the third saliva accumulation before a meal either with a pH meter or with test paper. The pH should be close to neutral. With advanced cancer it may be a rather acid 4.5.

The best alkalizer is potassium citrate. If available you may also add magnesium and calcium citrate. Alternatively, you may make your own by neutralizing potassium bicarbonate and dolomite powder with lemon juice or vinegar.

Keep a teaspoonful of dolomite powder in a jar with lemon juice or vinegar (white or cider), shake occasionally and use a tablespoonful (15 ml) of the decanted liquid before meals in juice or herb tea three times daily. Just before drinking add a pinch of potassium bicarbonate to fully neutralize the solution. The next morning use a fresh teaspoon of dolomite.

In addition you may use alkaline water from a water ionizer or from dissolving Mega-Hydrin in water. You may also use a combination of these with potassium citrate or bicarbonate to soak the skin over the tumor. To remove acids from the tumor area improve the lymph circulation with exercise, inverted position or pressure massage towards the collarbones. A diet high in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables is alkalizing. For more information on alkalizing see The Acid-Alkaline Balance.

Also over-breathing, breathing faster and deeper than necessary, makes the body more alkaline by releasing excess carbon dioxide with the breath. To remove acids from the tumor area improve the lymph circulation with exercise, inverted position or pressure massage towards the collarbones (see Lymph Drainage Massage). Eventually a diet high in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables will balance the body.

Caution: The information in this article has been provided in good faith according to my experience and understanding. I am not aware of any harmful effects with the described methods if sensibly used. However, I cannot guarantee results or accept responsibility for any side effects. If in doubt consult a qualified health practitioner.

Disclaimer: The aim of this web site is to provide information on using natural healing methods to aid in the treatment of illness and health improvement.
The author cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting with these methods. For any serious disease,
or if you are unsure about a particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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